Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

It has promise I think, it could be chalcopyrite there on the last picture or gold. In my experience chalcopyrite is almost always a good sign. You have some carbonates in that rock too I believe. I would get it assayed if you have that on your claim/land. In very generic sense, where did you find that in the world? It may give hints as to what type of gold mineralization you can expect in your corner of the world and thus if this rock is favorable to host it. If you found this as a one off, I would find the source of where that came from if you can. In the case you dont have a lot of this type of rock for whatever reason, you can just crush and pan this and see what you get.

Good Luck!

View attachment 1197137View attachment 1197138
\i also found these lil rocks if someone can identify these i thought they were gold if yuou could point me in the right direction to identify these rocks

This is not gold. This is likely some type of micro-crystalline quartz that has some staining from iron oxides. If I had to guess, I would call it Jasper. Jasper does come in yellow hues but it is not very common. Most of the time Jasper is red or brown.

Thank You, There is more [emoji4]

Nice! I hope it runs with some good amounts of gold. The thing about gold is that you may have some decent values locked into the matrix of that rock that are not able to be seen by the naked eye. This is where an assay comes in or crushing and panning to get an idea of what you can't see. The other thing you can do with a small amount of risk is see if that little flake bends or if it just disintegrates when you push on it with a pin or knife edge. Anytime it shatters into gray dust it is a sulfide of some sort like pyrite/chalcopyrite/etc.

I can't seem to attached my pictures for the rocks I'm trying to identify. Could you please send me an email address to send the pictures to?


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Help with unknown mineral in vein

I have a vein with a brown, yellow mineral running through it . Any ideas?


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I have a vein with a brown, yellow mineral running through it . Any ideas?

those are sulfides contains iron and copper. gold and silver will be found in varying amounts from trace to pro dominant.

quartz piece ID?

hi to all - i am looking to ID the quartz piece in the photos... looks similar to the pics from 605dano a few posts earlier? all information appreciated (noob). thx for the help. cheers.



First step for me would be to crush a couple, then pan it out and see if they
contain any gold.

green slate ID?

hi - seeking ID for a greenish 'slate' with rusty-looking inclusions. the piece was collected ~100 kms from the white quartz piece in the previous post. the rust-like inclusions found in both pieces seem identical in colour and texture (loop 10x). cheers.

green slate A.webpgreen slate F.webpgreen slate E.webpgreen slate D.webpgreen slate C.webpgreen slate B.webp

I would like to say ,Thank you for a great thread, Dusted, EU Citizen, most of my ID questions were answered just by looking at the existing posts, with that said, I think it's safe to assume that many of us are hoping for gold.. I'm of the thinking unless its a really cool specimen, crush it and pan it, see what you get.. the one thing I would like to learn more about is testing via muratic acid etc.. and about the scratch test with porcelain tile??? sounds simple.. if anyone can point me in that direction it would be much appreciated.. thanks again for the awesome thread

First step for me would be to crush a couple, then pan it out and see if they
contain any gold.

hi dizzy - was that @ me? if so, i only have the one (currently unidentified) quartz sample. any observations on the sample and the green slate (one post later) would be appreciated. i also have a third sample of quartz (photo only) in need of ID. i will post shortly. cheers.

quartz chunk ID?

hi - looking for ID or any useful information on the large quartz piece in the photo. this piece was observed adjacent to an old exploration trench and was too large to collect. the smaller quartz + mica pieces were also found next to the trench. cheers.

trench quartz.webptrench quartz mica B.webptrench quartz mica A.webp

hi - looking for ID or any useful information on the large quartz piece in the photo. this piece was observed adjacent to an old exploration trench and was too large to collect. the smaller quartz + mica pieces were also found next to the trench. cheers.

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Looks like some muscovite and some minor iron oxide(pyrite decomposition) staining in the first. I can't tell what is in the last two pictures but that could be some massive mica flakes. The signs are there of a hydrothermal system which has the potential for Au of course. I would grab a cold chisel, eye protection and a 3lb drilling hammer and take a few wacks at that quartz to bust it open and see if you have anything more interesting inside. You may be able to forego the the chisel and just hit it with the hammer. It is hard to tell much about a rock until you get a clean broken face of it. The lichen, moss, dirt can cover up some really interesting stuff when you are out there.

hi - seeking ID for a greenish 'slate' with rusty-looking inclusions. the piece was collected ~100 kms from the white quartz piece in the previous post. the rust-like inclusions found in both pieces seem identical in colour and texture (loop 10x). cheers.

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This is a greenschist and one I would classify as a chlorite schist. It is a metamorphic rock that is likely very old and can have gold mineralization nearby or even within the matrix. Usually rock like this has gone through multiple deformations and can be a good sign for an environment favorable for gold or other valuable mineralization.

Hi! I recently found some interesting rocks while searching for a silver vein. They gave solid hits on the metal detector and do not appear to be hot rocks. I'm wondering if I could get some info on what they might contain. The area I was searching has been known to contain silver, gold, iron, and copper. These were found near where I believe the silver vein is located. I found them in/near a small creek. IMG_20150824_202142262_HDR.webpIMG_20150824_202231410.webpIMG_20150824_202301946.webpIMG_20150824_202443124.webpIMG_20150824_202544392.webpIMG_20150824_202845428.webpIMG_20150824_203010534_HDR.webpIMG_20150824_203700653.webpIMG_20150824_203710227.webpIMG_20150824_203901016.webpIMG_20150824_203927239.webpIMG_20150824_203949285.webpIMG_20150823_163130582_HDR.webpIMG_20150823_163440176_HDR.webpIMG_20150823_163448423_HDR.webpIMG_20150823_163500035.webpIMG_20150823_163509686.webpIMG_20150823_163514236.webpIMG_20150823_163524306.webpIMG_20150823_163535262.webpIMG_20150823_163545844.webpIMG_20150823_163600724.webpIMG_20150823_163651668.webpIMG_20150823_163658428.webpIMG_20150823_163716131.webpIMG_20150823_163724801.webpIMG_20150823_163755957.webpIMG_20150823_163801408.webpIMG_20150823_163806360.webpIMG_20150823_163812432.webpIMG_20150823_163817986.webpIMG_20150823_163830436_HDR.webp

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Okie dokie! Sifting through the stuff I was dry banking and threw it in a tumbler on Saturday. Some pieces are coming out really pretty. Those aren't pictured, yet. :)
I just have a few weird pieces I cant ID.

Pretty sure but not 100% that this is Basalt. It scratches black. I did NOT tumble this piece. I kind of thought it was prettier raw. It'd make a pretty costume jewlery ring, pendant or or something. How do I clean to bring out the crystals?

Most predominantly the rock with the pock marks? Lava rock? I think the other two are shale or granite.

The weird duck shaped piece though and the piece next to it? It's not heavy. Could be red clay, iron oxide... Easy to scratch.. Scratches brown. I didn't check the tumbler for the past 2 days so I think most of my grit I think collected into this hard duck shaped thingy. I didn't put a piece in there that looked like this. Very malleable.

It reminds me red clay with that yellow buttery sand stuff I was telling everybody about. I threw some of it in the tumbler to see what would happen...
Any body have any clue what is the yellow buttery sand in the pockets of the clay? Or what the quartz part of the rock is? The one next to the duck shaped thingy is really heavy.
That yellow butter sand stuff... It forms loose pockets in the red clay. It is buttery yellow like gold but it's... Poofy and it's not shiny. What is this shtuff? ???


The one with the little veins in it looks like oceanic rock... kind of reminds me of ocean rock with fossilized coral.

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