THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Whew! We made it to 11,000? Beeps and Sanman, not sure what you two were up to, but I am glad you got the captain back to bed. Sooooo...

Yo ho go and a bottle of rum


Hope your day/week wasn't to hectic at the office.

I'm ticked off at the collecting field in general.

I was seriously considering purchasing a relic grade Wehrmacht helmet, but as I am usually cautious, I gave it the once over. It was so hard to spot, but where the rust had pitted, I noticed paint in the pits. Faked.


Better to be cautious....I know on the older stamps I bid on these days that are worth some serious money I tend to lowball my bid.

That way I can always sell at a fire sale price and still not loose any money.

Some people just don't like Italians, or Southerners,...... I'm both

And I live in California,..... a lot of people can't stand people from California.

They assume I'm like one of these pieces of shmit.

Where would someone with my attitude and views fit in?

I'm not sure really,.......... maybe Colombia?

I have no idea,..... I sure don't fit in here with all these a-hole unicorn and rainbow types.

I fit in here in the 70's and 80's,................but everything changed.

I met a guy from Columbia last summer. I was headed down the river to fish the lake and a guy renting a house on the point at the mouth of the river flagged me down. He told me he was worried about his nephew and aunt who were out on the lake in kayaks. I told him I'd zip around as fast as I could with my 1.2hp Evinrude Mate an see if I could locate them. When I came back from looking on the other side of the lake maybe 1/2 an hour later the guy flagged me down again, told me his aunt and nephew had returned safe, thanked me for looking, and gave me a bottle of wine which might have been of his own vintage. Nice guy.

Yep, some of those Colombians are alright.

Some people just don't like Italians, or Southerners,...... I'm both

May I ask what part of Italy Sanman ?
My wife is Italian and so is Bill's.
Bill's wife is nice. My wife............I tried to give her to Tom and even Peyton Manning turned me down because she won't carry his beer.

Good morning folks.

Goin to be another nice day today. But storms headed this way. Booo.

Good morning rook, Simon and anyone else who's up and about.

Good morning peeps!!

The fishing has sucked for me....I couldn't catch my own arse with a pocketful of treble hooks....aaarrrrggghhh !!

Broke an 80 pound class rod on a 10 foot dusky shark yesterday !!

Guess I shouldn't complain !!

Sorry about the fishing, but you're right, you can't complain about that water!

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