Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Hey BDD something happened yesterday. My buddy Jeff went to the site and metal detected it. He got a big hit. Nobody was around protecting the site. He dug down 18" and found a large copper wire in a 6' diameter coil. Now, you know what a coil of copper wire will do to a metal detector? Just ask Tesla. It registers like a large non-ferrous hit. Jeff pulled the copper wire out and checked it again with his metal detector. Nothing! I suggest you get your butt down there and core drill it to confirm there is silver.
I want to save this post.

My buddy Jeff is a professional treasure hunter. He worked on Spanish shipwrecks in the Bahamas. The metal detector he was using is a Minelab Excalibur. If he says there is nothing there, there is nothing there.
A pulse induction metal detector sends out a pulse of electromagnetic energy. A six foot diameter coil of copper wire would drive it crazy. Jeff said after removing the copper wire he got no hits. Well BDD, I guess its all over.
I also want to save this post.

What is this place, a business park? I thought it was under a bridge owned by FDOT. Now we got stores, restaurants, parking lots.
This yarn is going south too quickly to keep up with.
What are the chances that the restaurant was a LONG JOHN SILVERS? :blackbeard: :skullflag:

Ecs- That's actually funny. I am glad to see that you have a sense of humor. No it's not a Long John Silver's. I do think there is treasure on it's property. When I become rich I plan on buying it and naming it something like Booty's or some other treasure based theme.

I don't have time at the moment to make the post that I want to. When I am done working today I may put on my longest post yet. Stay tuned, it's only going to get better/worse.

I have again waited for my temper to cool off. I have found it is not a good idea to come on here spouting off when I am angry about what was said by others. I am not setting out to do a long post. Actually I never plan on how long I will type. I am going to put some random thoughts and observations in this post.

Am I misunderstanding Fisheyes post? Is he implying that I am some sort of criminal, perpetrating a hoax, attempting fraud?

Tn rule-Don't attack, provoke, insult or deliberately offend anyone.

Tn rule-Sniping, name calling, denigration, and other generally negative or abusive actions are grounds for Moderation, in extreme cases grounds for banning.

Seems like this would apply to fisheye. I unintentionally hurt BCH feelings on here and the moderator came down hard. I guess the rules may only apply to newbies like me and not the old timers on here. By the way, I PM'd BCH with a personal apology about the posts. He was already over it.

TN rule-You may not...provide instructional information about illegal activities.

I started this thread to get advice on how to get the state to give me a permit to legally attempt to dig up what I hope is pirate silver on state land.

The overwhelming majority of the advice was to attempt to steal it at night when no one was looking, perpetrate a scheme to obtain it illegally and a few other questionable suggestions. Where were the Moderators at on this obvious breach of the rules?

Are there probably hundreds if not thousands of young readers of this site. Is that the lesson TN members want to give these impressionable kid's? If you want something bad enough, just steal it. This site seems to be overrun with modern day pirates.

Now to address the events of the last day or two. I have done my own investigation into what really happened.

Another TN member with intimate knowledge of the TN site gave this Jeff "the professional" directions on how to locate the silver site. He snuck in and dug. He claims to have dug down 18 inches. My crime scene investigation CSI revealed that he had dug down much less than a foot. Why do guys always exaggerate when it come to exact inches? He found a piece of indoor home phone wire 3 feet long in a fist-sized ball. He left it lying next to the hole. (your supposed to take the trash you dig up, with you) and I found it the next day. I kept it as a souvenir. He also found a beer can.

He then ran his $1200 metal detector over the area and got no more hits. This and the fact that the pirates did not drink beer out of cans and bury them convinced him that there is no treasure to be found.

I watched two professional diggers trying to locate some cables in this area. They were having an extremely hard time digging. They were there two full days to locate two cables. This was after they had used electronics to pinpoint the exact location to dig. The whole area is made up of limestone and clay. Rocky Bluff, get it -rocky.

Here is what happened to Jeff the pro. He thought he was going to sneak in and dig up the treasure. Once he started digging he found that it would be virtually impossible to dig a deep hole on his own with hand tools. He may have also realized that anybody driving by could see him and in a moment of smartness decided to give up. He left the trash and did not quite fill up the hole dug in his sorry attempt at stealing the treasure.

No six foot diameter of wire. No "tesla" effect. I guess no real need for me to "get my butt down there and core drill".

I do want to thank "Jeff the two armed bandit". I also want to thank "The Backho Boyz". Both of these activities are a crime. This is state land. This is part of the Federal Highway System. This spot has now officially become a crime scene. I will now use my connections to have a thorough CSI event here. CSI investigators don't need a permit from the state archeologists. CSI investigators don't need a permit from the FDOT. There is possibly "stolen goods" buried at this spot. The local authorities need to dig it up to see where it came from.

I have some really great connections with the law enforcement department here in our county. I am sure they would love to help investigate this crime scene. They will probably need to use GPR. They probably have access to some really good detection equipment. I contacted them today.

What are the chances that this was all part of my "Master Plan"? All I had to do was come on TN and start blabbing. What do you think now old man? Yes I know as you have told me over, and over, and over, and over KEEP YOUR BIG MOUTH SHUT!

BTW-Tn rule- Don't use bold print to try to emphasize your point, my bad, and you too old man.

When I said in an earlier post that is is over, here is what is what is over. Letting people attack me and not saying anything. Letting the state ignore this. Letting people try to steal it. Listening to negativity.

There may be nothing there but a huge pile of old phone line.

I am going to bring in an expert. It won't be over till the fat guy digs. I am bringing in my hero Rick Savage. He won't care about some old bridge, Boom Baby!!!

You will know when it's over, I will say "Stick a shovel in me. I'm done".

I bet a lot of you thought I was going to quit.

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So now this is a CSI event? Most of us dont have such "connections". Im sure they will use all of their know-how to see who didnt fill their holes and left a beer can laying about.

I can already see that I need to make all this a little clearer. Please read the following points.

I have stated on a public forum that there could be a fortune in silver buried on state land and intimated as to where it was located.

I have repeatedly stated that I plan to get permission to dig it up legally.

I warned anybody that might think about trying to steal it that they are risking getting into trouble for it.

The law looks at what your intentions were.

The intentions of the Boyz and JeffPro were to try to illegally dig up the silver.

Just because they failed does not mean no crime was committed.

If you try to rob a store and fail it is still a crime.

If you try to steal a car and fail it is still a crime.

Attempting it is a crime.

Attempting to steal the silver was a crime.

I really don't care personally about getting any of these perps in trouble.

My intention all along has been to try to find out what is there.

I am changing tactics. It was a mistake to refer to what may be at this site as treasure.

The Division of Historical Resources does not seem to want to issue me a permit to try to recover treasure.

The FDOT does not seem to want to allow me to work with them to try to recover any possible treasure.

Neither of these departments seems to care about safeguarding whatever may be buried at this site.

Our law enforcement department is responsible for enforcing existing laws. I have reported a crime.

There is evidence of people illegally digging on state land.

I contend that there is stolen goods buried at this site.

It does not matter who stole them, where they came from or when they were stolen.

I am not expecting them to make a big deal out of this, but it is their duty to take me seriously.

The law enforcement officials do not need a permit to try to recover stolen property on public land.

I do know of some officials that would be very curious to see if there are stolen goods buried at this site, and what they are.

The only way for them to ascertain whether they exist as I have alleged is to try to locate them electronically and then recover what is there, if anything.

I came up with this plan on my own.

I put out the bait.

All the events have happened exactly as I have stated on this thread.

This thread is a record of everything I have said and done.

Does anyone think I am BS'ing about all of this?

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This thread has taken on so many avenues. It is ridiculous. The last thing a state/country wants is a video tape of digging up treasure. That will just entice every person to go digging every treasure lead no matter the location. "Digging up treasure" is not for the feint of heart. The areas of mention are littered with stories of buried treasure. Anyone with any sense would not come onto a website stating "they have the spots" that the treasure is located. Whomever is doing this needs to keep their mouth shut and first prove that the loot is even there. Once you find the loot and you feel for whatever reason to share to the world, then so be it. Only stupidity would take this avenue.

Liquidasset-In my quest for treasure I was traveling down the avenue. I came to a fork in the road. I decided to take the road less traveled by. I followed it a long ways. The road ended and now there were four directions to go. The problem. I did not have a map or any instructions. This being new territory, I had to make a choice. I went down one avenue marked The Government Way.

I came upon a sign. It said Capitol City ahead. I came to a large door. I knocked. An evil looking man opened it and asked me what I wanted. I said I was looking to get a permit to dig up buried treasure. He asked me what university I was from. I said I was just an average Joe and was trying to do the right thing. He said we do not give permits to no low life treasure hunters. Didn't you know there's a war going on. I was perplexed by it all.

Since he felt I was stupid he explained. The archeologists were in charge of all things treasure in the Land of Floriduh. The archeologists aka: archies were the only ones that could dig for the treasures. The catch was that the archies had banded together and agreed to never dig for treasure themselves. That way no one could get it. I told them if I were allowed to dig I would share any riches found with everyone throughout Treasureland and beyond. They laughed and told me to get lost. I did not want to hear anymore and went back the way I came. I realized I would have to take sides and vowed to fight the "archie enemy".

I went back to the intersection. There was a sign that said Pirate's Plank Road. I followed it a ways. Along the sides of the avenue were the skeleton's of many dead people. Not one to be afraid when in uncharted waters, I traveled on. I came to a dead end. There were three skeletons hanging from a tree. They had been hung up to die. Over next to a pirate chest there was a winsome wench sitting on her ample liquid assets.

She asked me what I was doing there. When I explained she said "you must be Stupidity himself". She told me to not tell anyone of any treasure I may think I know about or she would cast an evil spell on me. I gave her a special salute I had learned and headed back the way I came. There sure were not very many friendly people in Treasureland.

One of the other choices was Treasurenet Forum Dr. I thought this would be perfect. With a name like Treasurenet I would be sure to be able to find my treasure. I traveled along and met many colorful characters. They had really cool sounding names. I would tell some of the names but would not want to put them on here for fear of the risk of bruising their delicate sensibilities. Let's just say by the names they went by they were a fearsome lot. One thing they all seemed to have in common was that they seemed to be experts on giving me advice on how to find the treasures that I was searching for.

When I asked them about their own treasures, they clammed up. None of them appeared very successful. They did seem very interested in My Treasure Story. After I told them some of it they seemed to get very indignant and would exclaim to me that such a tall tale could only be a made up yarn used to get attention. When I would tell them that I was only trying to tell what happened and was only looking for guidance, it just seems to upset them more.

I finally got to the end of this Drive. There was a memorial garden. It seemed to be full of treasures. They were all locked behind glass cases. These were some of the treasures found by the treasure heroes of the past. There were stories and pictures. It was all very inspiring but was of no help. These were all treasures that were found at the bottom of the ocean. Almost all the treasures that I was after were on solid land. I would have to turn around and go all the way back. All the treasure seeking/finding? experts that I had encountered shouted at me in bold letters and speech. They told me I should have listened to them and kept my big mouth shut and told no one of my story. When I told them that Treasurenet Forum Dr. would not exist without stories they got all indignant and retreated to their lairs.

I again arrived back at the intersection. There were other people milling about not knowing which way to go. Being a good guy I told them what I had encountered down each of the directions I had tried. There was only two choices left for me. I could turn around and go back with my Tale between my legs and go home. I could try the one last road. I went over to the beginning of it. Vegetation had covered the street sign. This road looked like it had not been traveled in many years if at all. I pulled back a branch. The name on the sign was MY WAY or THE HIGHWAY. What a strange name. I did like the sound of it!

So off I went with my new found friends tagging along. The first person I encountered was a nice gentlemen in a dashing business suit. He had a briefcase full of cash. He asked me where I was headed. I said that I had been shown the location of many treasures by a wonderful little elf of a man. I had been young, dumb and full of.....bravado when I had met him many, many years earlier. I was now much older and I think I am wiser (juries still out). The Rich Man asked if he could join me in my quest. I said sure as long as he did not ask too many questions and stayed behind me.

So I traveled on. I came to an interesting looking man with a bizarre contraption at his feet. I asked him what this device was for. He said it was used to lead you to riches. He said there was no other like it to be found anywhere in all of Treasureland. I thought to myself, WOW! COOL! I asked him where I could get one. He said he would share it with me just for the adventure as I seemed quite the adventuress looking type. When I tried to ask him how it worked he said you don't look a treasure finding machine in the mouth. At first I did not know what that meant. It then dawnwd on me. If he was willing to use it to show me the way to the riches I was seeking and asking nothing in return but the thrill of the adventure, why should I care how it works. So off down the road we all went.

I soon came to a couple of guys. They were dressed in outfits that made me think they were a part of some sort of native tribe. They looked friendly enough. We chatted and when told them I thought I knew of great wealth to be found, they said they could get me onto sacred grounds as long as I kept MY BIG MOUTH SHUT. I said no problem when it came to them, but I wanted to share my treasure story.com with everyone in treasureland and all parts known and unknown throughout the entire planet, the solar system and galaxies far and wide. They said you are one strange white dude, but so be it, let's go. So off we all went.

A little farther along I came to a young hip looking dude. I asked him his name and what he did for a living. He said his name was Newspaperman. I could call him Newby for short. I told him I was seeking treasure. He seemed like a trustworthy sort. I confided in him that it was not great wealth I sought, but POWER and INFLUENCE. I told him I felt the need to spread my story as a means to aquire what I sought.

Newby said just open your big mouth, start talking and he would spread mytreasurestory.com all over treasureland, Floriduh and the WORLD WIDE WEB. So you know me, I started talking and talking and talking and talking, well you get the idea. I am afraid that I may have talked so much that he could not remember it all and keep the facts straight. He'd had a listening device that had started to smoke from the overload of information and he had to resort to writing on a note pad. I knew it was a chance that one must take when seeking such lofty goals as I had. So off the road we went with my new pal Newby to chronicle all the events that were to happen.

I now came to an intersection. One sign said Bill the Collector Ltd. The other said Home of the Mortgage Giant. I looked at the Rich Man standing behind me. I said Rich, how about a little help here. He looked at me and said............... to be continued.......

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An attempt to return stolen property must be made. The fight over ownership would be proportional to the value of the treasure. In the event that an owner is not determined and you have made enough on your book deal, you may purchase your treasure at auction! Winner...:occasion14:

I can already see that I need to make all this a little clearer. Please read the following points.

I have stated on a public forum that there could be a fortune in silver buried on state land and intimated as to where it was located.

I have repeatedly stated that I plan to get permission to dig it up legally.

I warned anybody that might think about trying to steal it that they are risking getting into trouble for it.

The law looks at what your intentions were.

The intentions of the Boyz and JeffPro were to try to illegally dig up the silver.

Just because they failed does not mean no crime was committed.

If you try to rob a store and fail it is still a crime.

If you try to steal a car and fail it is still a crime.

Attempting it is a crime.

Attempting to steal the silver was a crime.

I really don't care personally about getting any of these perps in trouble.

My intention all along has been to try to find out what is there.

I am changing tatics. It was a mistake to refer to what may be at this site as treasure.

The Division of Historical Resources does not seem to want to issue me a permit to try to recover treasure.

The FDOT does not seem to want to allow me to work with them to try to recover any possible treasure.

Neither of these departments seems to care about safeguarding whatever may be buried at this site.

Our law enforcement department is responsible for enforcing existing laws. I have reported a crime.

There is evidence of people illegally digging on state land.

I contend that there is stolen goods buried at this site.

It does not matter who stole them, where they came from or when they were stolen.

I am not expecting them to make a big deal out of this, but it is their duty to take me seriously.

The law enforcement officials do not need a permit to try to recover stolen property on public land.

I do know of some officials that would be very curious to see if there are stolen goods buried at this site, and what they are.

The only way for them to ascertain whether they exist as I have alleged is to try to locate them electronically and then recover what is there, if anything.

I came up with this plan on my own.

I put out the bait.

All the events have happened exactly as I have stated on this thread.

This thread is a record of everything I have said and done.

Does anyone think I am BS'ing about all of this?

Big Dog. I'll give you another piece of advice. Cut your loses and move on. There apparently was no silver there to steal in the first place. You apparently did not sign any non disclosure statements with anyone you told about this adventure . You were not present when anyone dug a hole, so there is no direct evidence of who did the digging. All you have is a statement from someone of what happened. All of those written statements are not evidence, it is considered Hearsay or Storytelling or BS. If he/she is ever questioned by the authorities, they can take the 5th amendment and law-enforcement has nothing.

Go write a book and put all of this behind you. Life is too short to worry about silver that was never there in the first place. :occasion14:

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So old man do you have factual evidence that there is no silver there? Are you a part of the gang that couldn't dig straight or do you have paranormal abilities? Read my post again. I am not trying to see that someone gets in trouble for a past dig/theft attempt. I am trying to warn others not to try it. There is evidence and pictures to show that someone did try to dig. When I alerted the police they had already seen the dig attempt and the backhoe's aftermath.

Old Man- Why do you seem so concerned that I give up on this? Are you keeping your little mouth shut as you may know something more than you are saying?

No, I did not have any non-disclosure agreement that day at the bridge. Do you really think that would have made any difference?

So old man do you have factual evidence that there is no silver there? Are you a part of the gang that couldn't dig straight or do you have paranormal abilities? Read my post again. I am not trying to see that someone gets in trouble for a past dig/theft attempt. I am trying to warn others not to try it. There is evidence and pictures to show that someone did try to dig. When I alerted the police they had already seen the dig attempt and the backhoe's aftermath.

Old Man- Why do you seem so concerned that I give up on this? Are you keeping your little mouth shut as you may know something more than you are saying?

No, I did not have any non-disclosure agreement that day at the bridge. Do you really think that would have made any difference?

Big Dog, First of all I resent your slander. I find it extremely hard after having an operation in Nov, and not leaving the State of Pennsylvania to even get to Florida. So you are as Far off on your slander as you are on Silver being under that Bridge in Florida.

My post meant exactly what it said. Apparently from all your posts ( after you state someone dug your site and found copper, not silver ) there is no silver under the bridge. It's time to move onto another adventure. There is no proof of anything. Silver or who dug the site. You wanted to write a book go write it. If you keep on with your nonsense, you aren't going to get any where and you are not going to look very smart.

My advise is cut your loses and move on. I gave you advice before about keeping quiet about the site until you either got a permit or gave up. You didn't take that advice and I don't expect you to take my advice to move on. I wish you luck in future adventures, but knock off your crap about slandering me. :occasion14:

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Just how does one slander an alias?

'The gang that couldn't dig straight?" Gotta admit, that's a good one. Sorry Old Man.


Scene opens as the CSI team is gathered around a hole in the ground next to I-75.
The petite female investigator slowly retrieves a coil of copper from the ground.As all the team studies the find,the lead detective quips-"Looks like a pirate made a booty call".
Cue THE WHO theme music over credits:
"Out here in the field.......
.....we won't get fooled again,oh no".
Cut to LONG JOHN SILVERS commercial.

Just how does one slander an alias?

Finally,someone made me laugh on this thread. You may be right about the alias on Tnet, but what you don't know is that many people on the shipwreck section of TNET, have met me and know who I am. I don't need some two bit septic tank and copper wire finder saying on TNET that I was digging on State Land without a permit.
I will be leaving Pa. on Monday to head to the Keys for a survey. Hopefully one that will result in an Admiralty Claim. If it doesn't ? No big deal. I look at my treasure searchs as Adventures. I have fun no matter the out come. I just don't need someone that doesn't know me, accusing me of digging on land for copper wire, when I haven't been further from Pa in Months, then NJ to go Striper Fishing. Before you laugh, I didn't say stripper fishing, even if that would be more fun. :occasion14:

Big Dog, This is what a cannon from a real Pirate Wreck looks like.

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Why not kick it down a notch and try to get permission to take 10-20, 2" cores instead of trying to get permission to tear things up with a back hoe. You can confirm if there is anything there and the state bureaucrats aren't left staring at a big empty hole that they gave permission to dig. The cores would let them make a consession without the risk of embarassment.

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Why not kick it down a notch and try to get permission to take 10-20, 2" cores instead of trying to get permission to tear things up with a back hoe. You can confirm if there is anything there and the state bureaucrats aren't left staring at a big empty hole that they gave permission to dig. The cores would let them make a consession without the risk of embarassment.

Denniss, That sounds like a good idea. Maybe he'll get lucky and find one of these. But I doubt it. The site has already been dug up and copper wire was the only thing there according to the guy that has CSI coming to investigate.

Why not kick it down a notch and try to get permission to take 10-20, 2" cores instead of trying to get permission to tear things up with a back hoe. You can confirm if there is anything there and the state bureaucrats aren't left staring at a big empty hole that they gave permission to dig. The cores would let them make a consession without the risk of embarassment.

What would he be taking core samples for? There's nothing there.

Have you read this whole thread? This guy's been jerking everyone's chain from the get go. I posted early on that he was making grandiose claims, without having any credibility or credible evidence to back it up...yet some of you guys just kept getting sucked in. The thought of treasure has a way of making smart people look like babbling fools at times.

This whole yarn was spun based on trips taken over the course of several years with a dowser who never physically showed BDD anything he'd ever found. They rode around the country targeting the exact location of many cases of immense hidden wealth, then drove away. A spot was "confirmed" with a mysterious box made out of scrapped microwave ovens, radios, EZ bake ovens, and any other kind of handy scrap that could be cobbled and duct taped together. Of course, every time it comes to proof, something always happens. A boat sinks. A beaver dam floods one spot. The two developers of the magic box split up, and the main guy is so rich he doesn't care to build another box. A septic system gets dug up.

See a trend here?

Now, in this spot, the location of a former pirate camp, BDD truly believed there were, in his own words, possibly "tons" of silver buried under limestone. The police were watching it, security cameras everywhere, friends watching it...and someone not only supposedly takes a bulldozer out there, but then walks in, detects the site, and digs up a coil of copper and a beer can.

And BDD wants to call it a "crime scene".

The whole time, this is all about building himself up...a website, a book, pay for view film rights, blah, blah, blah....and you guys fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

It's no wonder the state turned him down...he had nothing to go on, and showed up at a meeting with pictures of his race car, his dogs, and the fire blowing guitars his "band" play. Stop massaging his ego with the attention, it's pretty clear that's all he wants.

I imagine we'll be treated to more tall tales, because BDD said he knows the locations of the following...again, not based on proof, just the musings of a lonely old guy...

The treasure from the German U-boat U-853. The "exact" two spots where the diamonds are.

A cave full of long lead covered bars north of Atlanta near Ringgold.

The so-called "Beale Treasure".

Pots of gold buried along a railroad track in North Carolina.

1000 pounds of gold buried in the Everglades.

A wagon load of gold buried outside of Dalonega Georgia.

12 saddlebags full of gold coins next to a creek southeast of Atlanta.

Pirate chests in Englewood Florida.

Sunken gold off the west coast of Florida.

Gold along the Peace River in Ft. Meade Florida.

Diamonds buried at a house in New Jersey.

There's probably more he claims he knows about...those are the ones I found in a quick search.

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