yamashita steel boxes found at 300 feet under the mountain- LOST GOLD SERIES -HISTORY

maybe you are right sir.

but from what i understand, their horizontally drilling is not for coring exploration but for deepwell. they drill into the side of the mountain and place a steel casing there in order to get water and prevent collapse in the long run since water will come out in big volume and in greater pressure from the aquifer. its not only to get a core sample but to provide deepwell water to low yield water areas. if it is for deepwell, they need to place a bigger steel casing there like 4 inches up to 24 inches or more. that's maybe the reason why they only drill up to 400 feet.

if it is for coring soil samples with no idea of reaming to a bigger hole and placing a bigger steel casing later for the big volume of water to come out from the aquifer coming from the side of the mountain, then you only drill a very small pilot hole and no reaming.

but we dont know. maybe you are correct sir. i agree with you that there is a chance lost gold series may have drilled 100 feet only. its a possibility if they are not concerned of the truth.

The real treasure in the Philippines was the jungle, which Ferdinand and Imelda Marco's clear cut for it's lumber and sold abroad, amassing a multi-billion dollar fortune they kept for themselves, leaving nothing for the people.

yes. the lumber in the forest are billions. they have amassed million dollars in picop in surigao involving thousands of hectares.

An American named Dan drilled and lowered a camera at 49ft in Luzon.


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Snake pipe cam worth 500usd was used, and not a an HD borehole camera

After reading this thread and having a good laugh about drilling sites ...Let me point out something to the tourists there are over 3 thousand recorded caves in the Philippines and countless thermal shafts under ground ....And there countless hand dug tunnels made by people looking for natural gold over the last 500 years ....And deep sites made by the Japanese in W.W. 2 amount to what a good joke ... If this show the real thing they know what in those WOODEN BOXES i need glasses to .....Does anyone know what Island this site on i need another good laugh ...

I just looked at the video i guess this is the first site central luzon where there mines from the colonial period ....Next season i guess they be at a new coastal site on a different island they probably realize they will have to spend millions to see if they found tons of gold or tons of brass and copper ...I hope they realize how many laws they keep braking to make these shows ...I hope they find some treasure and realize how to remove it off camera in a fast boat .

Renantagan30 ....It sounds like you have spent lots of time and money on total nonsense ...Just for your information the crew of lost gold was in Negros looking over a site on the southern tip ...well i know of this site and know what the water table is in the area and how many troops could of been there and even what 4 ships the treasure could of came from they have a map of a well and a large tree and probably a marker that they didn't find ...Many treasure hunters have searched in this area ...One thing i will say is the marker and the water table in this area and the amount of troops and the size of the small ship sunk near by all add up to its not deep ---The big problem is The top dog of the island lives near to the site ...Yes its on private property and its not up in the mountains ...So i want to wish u Luck in your search but if you don't have a real map or real markers your just wasting your time and money my method is to look after other treasure hunters have given up wasting there money looking

Starting with China in the 1930s the Japanese Imperial Army systematically targeted banks and safety deposit boxes. Looting was one of their standard operating procedures. Do not doubt that there would have been caches around Southeast Asia. But wooden crates and ammo cans are proof of nothing other than they were there.

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The facts:
- The camera they use can only look straight in the pipe, so have all those good angles on what is in the vault... that is more than lucky day.
- Use a semi rigide humbilical to push the camera 300 meters in a dirty pipe like this, maybe.... but the weigh of the camera plus the weight of 300 meters of umbilical i am not too sure.
- At 4:03 the camrea is moving closer, square to the piece of wood, @ 4:16 the camera is moving in a linear motion parralele to the same piece of wood. All that from 300 meters away...
- How the heck japanese put it there as they say it is 300 feet below a water fall?
- According to Bob Curtis, the deepest tresure remaining was at 50 meters depth. One of the official ones.

Anyway, we all know a TH permit is requiered to extract anything. Plus they are filming a show in the Philippines, so they need a license for that, which they certainly have so of course the government know what they are doing. On top of that they all have safety gear on certainly for insurance purpose. The same insurance that wouldn't cover them in case of illegal doing.
Parts of my job are also cover in some TV shows, and belive me it is nowhere close to reality.
We all know there is nothing exiting in TH apart when you open the vault(or at least you shouldn't if you want to remain alive), so a TV show about moving cubic and cubic of dirt wouldn't interest anyone.

Well for me..... it's just another TV show.

yeah, just another show with no closure. i want to believe but, you know how it is.

- According to Bob Curtis, the deepest tresure remaining was at 50 meters depth. One of the official ones.

BOB curtis is not infallible. he only speaks on what he saw and heard. but deposits are categorized as small, medium, big, very big deposits. as a driller, i have come across deep caves with steel support as deep as 200 feet, 300 feet, 400 feet up to 600 feet. do not underestimate the japanese. these are natural caves which have already existed a very long time ago. the japanese just used them , reinforced and made heavy works on natural caves so they can utilize it. to say that the japanese cannot bury gold as deep as more than 50 feet is an insult to their intelligence and skill as professional diggers and skilled tunnelers.

ALTHOUGH you will say its another tv show, but i will say based on my experience as a former treasure hunter on the ground using drilling, the lost gold series really saw (through a camera) the item at 300 feet (as i have said, caves with deposits are usually 200-300 feet , some as deep as 400-600 feet). HOwever, the government owns the proprietary rights of all the camera footage, all the intellectual properties obtained from treasure hunting under the National Heritage Act of 2009 (Republic Act 10066), as implemented by PAWIN 1-001. in fact, there is an inventory of all items recovered to be overseen by the oversight committee (National Museum and its authorized representation), and after audit, that is the only time the shares will be given to the parties involved in the following manner (50% goes to the government if the land where the gold was obtained was a public land, and 50% goes to everybody like the permit holder, financier, other people. if it is a private land, 30% goes to the government, 70% goes to everybody from permit holder, landowner, treasure diggers, etc). if the government decides not to let the lost gold series show the actual recovery, the lost gold series cannot do anything about it. there is too much at stake if the yamashita treasure is proven to be true and not a myth. so it was best not to show the recovery.

Yamashita Treasure is not for me. Good hunting and good luck.

Hi am new here ...am using my dads account ...Am not sure if this is the right site for what am going to say ..My dad has been digging for almost a year at his #2 site ..I can't post pictures because i be feed to the fire ants he said ..my dad 60 yrs old and i think hes lost it ..he told me to research about getting a permit for his #2 site which he said was in a minefield ..i have a question do i go to the mayor for this or where?

be sure its not near a cave , or your application for treasure hunting permit will be disapproved.

THANK YOU renantagum 30 ...its not near a cave

Renantagum 30 once again thanks for the web site .. after looking it over ...I seen ship wreck ..if its near , or off a ship wreck one could be disapproved ??? ...my dad said the treasure came from a boat ..could this include a life boat ??? I guess one might need a lawyer ...i thought a person could search with a metal detector on or near the beach ?? That site said inland permit and mentioned No permits for ship wrecks .. Am ready to quit ..more info would be helpful

you have to make a further research because it is covered by another law. there is a law protecting cave sites and shipwreck sites. another law is applicable. so you need to research. please do hunting one at a time.

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