yamashita steel boxes found at 300 feet under the mountain- LOST GOLD SERIES -HISTORY

Quick google search shows they used Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) scanning. Not sure what the resolution is with this technology. I suspect it is intended to be used to find large ore bodies.

wow. they call that nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). i forgot it when i watched it.

i said in another post that they should pump smoke in that opening ,there has to be a tunnel opening somewhere.even if its fulled in.it should be easier to clean out,than to open up that little hole. right??

i said in another post that they should pump smoke in that opening ,there has to be a tunnel opening somewhere.even if its fulled in.it should be easier to clean out,than to open up that little hole. right??

You are dead on. There is a tunnel leading to those boxes. But here's the problem, it's a reality show and nowadays, reality shows are often scripted and don't have any loyalty to the facts. It is completely within the realm of possibility that the room they drilled into, was only drilled into for the effect , suspense and drama and that you can get to that room through an unblocked tunnel elsewhere on that hill. In all likelihood, they were in that room even prior to drilling into it.

It's also implied at the end of the video they are drilling illegally or the gov't is after them. That is scripted drama and completely false. Need i remind people, the Philippines leader is Rodrigo Duterte, a notoriously brutal head of state. Doing so without the gov't's permission, could very well land you in front of a firing squad for attempted theft of "National Treasures", literally.

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i agree with go deep. they are not doing it illegally. they have a permit for that area for sure.

i agree with 1637, there must be a tunnel there somewhere.

nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful tool. they are lucky they were able to get hold or get access to that kind of technology.

i believe that there are so many mother loads like that. we accidentally hit that humungous caves everywhere in our water drilling. and since we dont have a borehole camera we really do not know what's in there. deepest was 550 feet but with a hollow of 140 feet (410-550 feet). shallowest is 72 feet but with a metal inside the cave. again, we dont have a borehole camera. and almost always, we were always kicked out of the property if we tell the landowners about that. greed supersedes research on what lies inside the cave

two steps in treasure hunting ..find treasure...shut up

why will you make me shut up? you shut up also

oh im sorry. sorry sir mope. i thought he was telling me to shut up when i did nothing to offend him.

The History Channel is a reality show today.
(Facts or truth need not apply.)

actually, what history channel -lost gold did was the right thing to do. its like they find the treasure and they shut up behind the scene. i agree with go deep. the must have found the treasure beforehand (or maybe not) but the drill on the side of the mountain was exciting and appealing to viewers.

if however they found the treasure, let me point out that under our existing laws, whatever video or intellectual property they have obtained from treasure hunting, the government automatically becomes the owner of them by default. so showing the treasure (if indeed gold was found on that boxes) on national tv needs the approval of the owner by virtue of default (government). if the government says "no" , you are not allowed to show the gold on television, then history channel has no say on that. its just a theory based on the prevailing law (national heritage act of 2009 and its implementing rules).

There is no found treasure. I can say that just as easily as someone else can say they did find treasure.

It’s just a really inexpensive remote filming set.
Whatever will generate the most views is what gets scripted.

Sorry to tell the folks that believe.

actually, what history channel -lost gold did was the right thing to do. its like they find the treasure and they shut up behind the scene. i agree with go deep. the must have found the treasure beforehand (or maybe not) but the drill on the side of the mountain was exciting and appealing to viewers.

if however they found the treasure, let me point out that under our existing laws, whatever video or intellectual property they have obtained from treasure hunting, the government automatically becomes the owner of them by default. so showing the treasure (if indeed gold was found on that boxes) on national tv needs the approval of the owner by virtue of default (government). if the government says "no" , you are not allowed to show the gold on television, then history channel has no say on that. its just a theory based on the prevailing law (national heritage act of 2009 and its implementing rules).

As long as no corruption is involved , a treasure may be announced.
As many people died and were tortured , it's unlikely anything of large value remains in former military tunnels.

But until Yamashita provenance is proven , it remains chasing ghosts and legends with continued lack of evidence.

Does wealth remain hidden in the Philippines? What documented amount existed ,or exists , and how much has been recovered?
Perhaps some scrap of Yamashita's exists somewhere. But how to prove it?

3m pesos or 3million tons for box 1

as a driller, i must continue to shut up

as a driller, i must continue to shut up

As a driller, you probably caught that they claimed to horizontal drill to almost 1000 ft with the small rig they are using, is that possible? I was looking online at a company that does horizontal drilling and they had a bigger Case 6030 and they say right on their site they can only horizontal drill to around 500ft max. Obviously, bigger machines can horizontal drill thousands of feet, but i'm just curious your take?

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they should drill vertically like in deepwells.

that machine use din lost gold history channel could probably drill up to 300meters. its in their equipment specification that it can drill up to 300m or 984 feet. i have almost the same machine but their machine is a little advanced in terms of computer guide for coring horizontally. mine is a crawler machine but it can do drilling from top to bottom up to 300m if i use a small pilot hole.

if you have a small bit like pq (4 7/8) , it could probably reach its maximum reach potential to 300meters horizontal drilling as long as the layer to drill horizontally is a hard layer with no chance of collapse and you use a very small pilot hole like 4 7/8inches. however, godeeps theory about 100 feet drilling may happen also. we could never discount such possibility.

i always hit caves and tunnels accidentally. but as a driller, and based on experience, we never tell the owner. we will just tell them its a dry hole and we need to offset our drilling to another site. if we tell them its a cave or a treasure site, we will be kicked out instantaneously with little chance of being paid in full for our work. we are a small company and we have to periodically pay loans as a result of purchasing drilling machines on loans. if however we had a borehole camera before, it would be a wonder to see if there are golds in such caves or tunnels. but it would probably make the landowners all the more greedy with such visual images from the camera.

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Here's a link to a company that does horizontal well drilling. If you scroll about halfway down to the picture of the Case 6030 drilling rig, it says they can drill to about 400ft horizontally. That machine looks bigger and more modern then what they dragged up into the hills on the show.


Stop pissing around with this and get to the point:

You want to tell everyone something like you have the correct/another/a similar Yamashita map. Or your great Uncle Penapinguay showed you the correct spot.

The crew on the show cannot recover the treasure because Philippine Government Agents are watching/the Japanese are watching/there is a trap they don't know about but you know how to.

So if people on Treasurenet contact you, you'll let them each invest ten thousand USD with you and you'll use your real map or Uncle Penapinguay's directions or pay off the Government Agent (whatever) and dig up the treasure making everyone rich.

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3m pesos or 3million tons for box 1

Caption only says millions. (Marcos’s scribbled sums counting his stolen millions.)

The same article describes millions (in the Marcose's escape mention) , and Pesos separately. Where Peso's are mentioned , there is no $ sign. Suggesting $= non-Peso. Including later mentions of foreign (vs Philippine) banks.

[The Marcoses had seen the crisis coming and been able to prepare their escape, so when they landed that morning at the Hickham USAF base in Hawaii, they brought plenty of possessions with them.

The official US customs record runs to 23 pages. In the two C-141 transport planes that carried them, they had packed: 23 wooden crates; 12 suitcases and bags, and various boxes, whose contents included enough clothes to fill 67 racks; 413 pieces of jewellery, including 70 pairs of jewel-studded cufflinks; an ivory statue of the infant Jesus with a silver mantle and a diamond necklace; 24 gold bricks, inscribed “To my husband on our 24th anniversary”; and more than 27m Philippine pesos in freshly-printed notes. The total value was $15m.]


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