If something pops and cracks, you shouldnt have to dig it! That was my problem, if its popping and cracking, I assume its a trash target. The 505 hits a solid tone with almost no popping, or cracking. Try placing a large nail next to a dime, and discing out the iron. My Vaq would mask the dime out everytime. A quarter would pick up at about 4-5" then it would be masked by the nail. The 505 will hit a dime tone, then bounce to an iron tone, so you KNOW the dime is there next to the iron. The ID#s correspond with each of the 19 tones, so the display is nearly as accurate as the tones are. The technology is quite amazing. I really believe digital software is a huge advancement in detector electronics. I was just not happy with guessing everytime I get a solid tone on the Vaq. I thumb the disc, cool it's a quarter! Not. Just a rusty bolt. To each his own, let us know how the Vaq works out for ya! HH