WOW, What a finish to a great year of Pit Diggin!!!


Silver Member
Apr 23, 2008
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
DFX, Pro 6000XL, SunRay Probe, Centech Pinpointer
All I can say is WOW what a finish!
Don(Donerizer) and I got out and did a couple of properties that I had my eye on for quite awhile. After securing permission to dig we thought that maybe we should have tried these next season when the weather would be more favorable. But you know how long that thought lasted :tongue3: About 20 seconds I think. So we decided to give the places a last "ditch" effort and we started to probe. I must say Don does not like to probe too much but I don't mind. I think it's fun to actually locate a privy let alone dig it. ;D

So we found a couple of pits to start off with. Mind you this area we were at was a corner lot area with 3 houses. One of which was a store and home back around 1870 or so the story goes. So we had to prove that by the finds. We started off with some typical blank medicines and some broken pottery and plates. Not much to show until I was able to pull out a very nice amber blob beer from the 1880's early 1890's. Then we pulled out a decent Mason with the german cross. Not too bad of a start but we knew there was more :thumbsup:
So we continued to probe after that pit in hopes of older and more significant finds. I was focusing on any kind of variation with the ground strata, any slight change that would signify soil that was disturbed over the years. I told Don that maybe we should just do some test holes, maybe 3 feet down so that our 6 foot probe might reach a deeper use layer. Well our first try was a bust but then the second one we hit "Paydirt." :headbang:

We tried the 3 foot starter hole and then probed it again. At around 8 feet we brought up wood ash on the probe tip. That tells us this pit is older, at least older than the usual coal ash. :thumbsup: So let the games begin!! We dug down and hit the gray wood ash and immediately found some old leather shoe soles. Good sign :) Then some broken glass and a couple of nice medicines. Dr. Prices and a Hoods sarsaparilla. Don got a bit aggravated by not pulling up anything really great so he let me jump in to try and change the luck!!! So I started and pulled out an absolutely fantastic Staffords Master Ink :o It was a beautiful green color. So I was out of the pit and I let Don go back in.....Frustration mounted and he again got the feeling of getting skunked :( Not much to show so he let me back in. And would'nt ya know the first thing I pulled out was another Staffords Master Ink. Unfreakin believable!!! We had never dug one of these and now we had two. :thumbsup: Don told me to stay put and dig another one, so I continued on and low and behold I pulled out a clear Sanfords ground lip Master Ink. This was just crazy now. I then topped it off with a small Staffords barrel ink and a cone ink. ;D

Then it was Don's shot at Glory!!! We were down around the 9 foot level and found the base so it was time to circle around the bottom and search for the possible fabled "Late Throw". Don was digging at one of the corners and yelled up to me that he see's a flask, not sure what kind but its way back in the corner. So after a couple minutes of very careful digging and obvious shaky hands, he jumps up with the prize. :thumbsup: A Violin or Scroll Flask in perfect condition :thumbsup: Can you say WOW, we did and it even got better when he looked at the base and saw a great Pontil Scar!!! Wow, a Scroll Flask that easily outdated anything in the pit by 20 to 30 years. A Fabled Late Throw come true. What a day and What a possible end to a great year.( we may get out again :tongue3:) All in all we found a pile of glass, a nice jug from New York, multiple keepers and the thirst to get back out next season and do it again. I told Don that "that makes ya wanna dig again huh?" He said maybe we shall dig in the snow! :icon_sunny: Hope ya all enjoy the pics and the season to come. Goodluck out there and be safe everyone. Now Go Eat Some Turkey!!!! :tongue3: jgas


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awesome dig!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy: MR TUFF

I think those old bottles are amazing and you guys always do a great job on the recovery but I have a question. Can you go into a little more detail about the probing process? What do you use for a probe? How do you know where to probe?

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