Call me a Plumber
Jr. Member
Obediah, dude is that a samari sword and a powder pistol your holding on too? I think just like you do, we give to much to those who do not contribute a thing towards the whole. Our society is dependent upon the Government so badly that no one is willing to speak out against the corruption and blatent malficeincence that is ongoing and rife in our society. I live in Utah and it is getting worse all the time, even from those who claim to be "Godly" and without sin(living dipsh--s stupid people). I too think that we as a people need to heed Sara Palins words and reload the entire system. We all need to be equal under the sun as we are under the ground. Look to Thomas Jefferson he warned us not to be dependent upon the banks and not to live one upon the other as they do in Europe, to maintain our firearms to keep a repressive government at bay and that a little revolution once in a while is a healthy thing, end quote. The Elitetists have taken us over its time to take it back and water the tree of liberty and I mean water it good. Lets tell Queen Pelosi to buy her own ticket and quit costing the tax payers 5 plus million a year for her own personal 737 the Congressional buget office has let her have for her own personal use because she doesnt like stopping for gas between D.C. and San Francisco. Lets tell our Congressman and Senators that they need to be on Social Security and the same P.O.S. health system that they so generously have commanded that we be on and that to has got to be undone as it was written by those who would benefit from it. It has to start from the top down and the Elitetists have got to go end quote.Plumber