Woods give up a surprise.


Sr. Member
Dec 29, 2008
Nashville, TN
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Vaquero, Tesoro Silver uMax
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Well today I hit my recently found area. Seems to be an old house site or a place people were dumping stuff in the 40s or so.
Found an old toy gun, a few .22 shells, a toy soldier made out of lead, a copper? lip stick tube with logo dated to the 30s, a hideous silver horse head ring that says Sterling inside and a few clad.
Oh...i almost forgot the most important find. A snake. Yes a real snake. I got a good target and kicked back the leaves to begin to pinpoint it and I uncover a freaking snake and he was pissed off. Not that big but about 14" long maybe?
He froze, i jumped and acted like a girl for about 30 seconds. Really scared the crap out of me as its been real cold recently and that was the last thing I expected to see.
I decided there was only room for one of us in the hunting area and I didnt want to meet him again while on my knees digging a hole. Pinned him with my coil and introduced him to Mr. Lesche. :-\

Sorry, no pics but I sure wish I had my camera this time.

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Being a creature of the woods myself I would have known at a glance if it was a posionous snake. I have met many non-posionous snakes and haven't ever killed a one. Let me tell a story as I am want to do. Myself and 5 other guys leased a hunting area for 14 years. It was a beautiful spot where we chose to build camp with a live stream running along side of our camp ground. We kept the area mowed year around and often took our families down for weekend camp outs and nature study hikes for the children and grandkids. One summer we had a terrible drought and the creek nearly ran dry. We began finding copper head snakes running all over camp and it became very hazardous to walk around at night expecially. We were afraid to bring the kids down it got so bad. During the day we found out the copper heads were amassing at the few water holes left on the creek and then would go out at night to hunt, a lot of times in our camp area. So, we decided to erradicate them. In 2 months time we killed well over a hundred copper head snakes within a half mile stretch of the creek. In one water hole where the kids use to wade and play , we killed 16 of them in about an hour. Soon we quit seeing posionous snakes in camp. Oh we still saw a few now and then like one would expect but no more masses of snakes to threaten us or the kids. That was about six years ago and to this day there is no shortage of copper heads along the creek or woods, but it is relatively safe now.
Every year there are two major rattle snake roundups here in the state and several hundred rattle snakes are caught and eaten, made into hat bands, etc, and milked for antivenom. Still there is no shortage of rattle snakes in the wild. I don't participate but I wouldn't feel guilty if I did. And I don't ordinarily make fun or talk down to folks that hold different views than my own. I find that many are misguided and misinformed about animals in the wild going extinct. Some are I agree but others exist in greater numbers than they did when this country was founded. I am a conservationsist at heart and I keep an ear out for such things. Some innocent folks repeat what they have heard from extremists and if it isn't accurate, I will call you on it, but hopefully in a way not to cause bad feelings. That's all! Monty.

curbdiggercarl57 said:
Wait, let me get this straight. You have the Unibomber avatar, and yet you had to dispatch a 14" long snake with your "Mr. Lesche"? Man, he was over a foot long! Oh, will the Detecting Gods be pissed with you this hunting season. Last time a crazed crack head scared the s*** out of me while detecting, I let him go. Great Hunting!

That is funny!

Snakes a Snake. No way to win this one pal.

I guess you don't understand the benifits of snakes in nature, you were in its living room, to kill a snake is a no-no, bad karma to you..........fred

The snake is your animal spirit guide to treasure. Doh!
Get used to Lincoln memorial cents from now on.

ziphius said:
Yup, let's just keep killing everything we aren't used to seeing in our own backyards and soon we'll have nothing but house sparrows, cats, and dogs left on the planet. :protest:

My sentiments exactly.

Probably wasn't very old anyway.

Fred (S.Indiana) said:
I guess you don't understand the benifits of snakes in nature, you were in its living room, to kill a snake is a no-no, bad karma to you..........fred

Is it also bad karma to the snake if it bites you? After all, this world is ours too, including the great outdoors.


ziphius said:
Yup, let's just keep killing everything we aren't used to seeing in our own backyards and soon we'll have nothing but house sparrows, cats, and dogs left on the planet. :protest:


Sounds like you got some nice finds!

(note to self...."if I ever go treasure hunting and kill a snake, keep it to myself")
We're stewards of God's creations, but we've all done it. You never stomped a roach even when it wasn't in the house? Never sprayed a wasp nest even though they weren't stinging you? He killed a snake out of the natural fight or flight rush of adrenaline that is commonly induced by the mere sight of a snake, no matter the size. I don't think he's going out on animal killing sprees to rid the world of all the cute fuzzies out there. There are folks out there who do kill for nothing other than personal amusement. That would be different, and that is appalling.

Well said Cheese! You took the words right out of my mouth. We've been trying to kill skeeters here in Louisiana and just can't seem to do it, not to mention fire ants. It all balances out mostly and besides right now we have a lot more issues that are more important. Like where is our country heading? Makes a 14 inch snake killing seem kinda lame. Gosh, lets get excited about really big stuff and just let the big end bump on the little stuff. My 2 cents...

Steve ;D

as a steward in life, I firmly believe it is the true honor of a man to not kill anything and boast of his action, it is the bold individual who can overcome this foolish primal instinct, I do not kill roaches, spiders, snakes, unless absolutley threatened, I did kill a brown recluse in my basement, but never a wolf spider because they irradecate the recluses, black snakes eat copperheads and rattlers..............fred

nice finds Rambo... :icon_jokercolor:

sorry folks snakes are onlygoodfor 5 things belts boots bilfolds hat bands and eating grandad always said if you kill it use it to the fullest

Fred (S.Indiana) said:
as a steward in life, I firmly believe it is the true honor of a man to not kill anything and boast of his action, it is the bold individual who can overcome this foolish primal instinct, I do not kill roaches, spiders, snakes, unless absolutley threatened, I did kill a brown recluse in my basement, but never a wolf spider because they irradecate the recluses, black snakes eat copperheads and rattlers..............fred


Juanmoretime said:
Snakes taste like chicken!!! Lol!


Snake tastes like snake...

Chicken even tastes like snake ;D

Had both and prefer the Ole Kentucky Col


Apparentely, you haven't eaten my snake. The bald eagle, and spotted snow leopard I cook in the same grease as my chicken so naturally the snake goes in the same grease, hence my snake taste like chickin'. Lol!!!! ::)

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