Woods give up a surprise.


Sr. Member
Dec 29, 2008
Nashville, TN
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Vaquero, Tesoro Silver uMax
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Well today I hit my recently found area. Seems to be an old house site or a place people were dumping stuff in the 40s or so.
Found an old toy gun, a few .22 shells, a toy soldier made out of lead, a copper? lip stick tube with logo dated to the 30s, a hideous silver horse head ring that says Sterling inside and a few clad.
Oh...i almost forgot the most important find. A snake. Yes a real snake. I got a good target and kicked back the leaves to begin to pinpoint it and I uncover a freaking snake and he was pissed off. Not that big but about 14" long maybe?
He froze, i jumped and acted like a girl for about 30 seconds. Really scared the crap out of me as its been real cold recently and that was the last thing I expected to see.
I decided there was only room for one of us in the hunting area and I didnt want to meet him again while on my knees digging a hole. Pinned him with my coil and introduced him to Mr. Lesche. :-\

Sorry, no pics but I sure wish I had my camera this time.

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Wait, let me get this straight. You have the Unibomber avatar, and yet you had to dispatch a 14" long snake with your "Mr. Lesche"? Man, he was over a foot long! Oh, will the Detecting Gods be pissed with you this hunting season. Last time a crazed crack head scared the s*** out of me while detecting, I let him go. Great Hunting!

curbdiggercarl57 said:
Wait, let me get this straight. You have the Unibomber avatar, and yet you had to dispatch a 14" long snake with your "Mr. Lesche"? Man, he was over a foot long! Oh, will the Detecting Gods be pissed with you this hunting season. Last time a crazed crack head scared the s*** out of me while detecting, I let him go. Great Hunting!


LOL, funny how they have a way of making us do that. Then we look around to
see if anyone saw us being ' a little startled ' . It would almost be worth it to get
scared, just to get out to hunt . Nothing but snow, rain, snow, sleet & ice up here.
It's finally warmed up to lows of 18 & highs of 26 or so. I probably couldn't find a snake now with a backhoe. Oh well, another month or so, maybe. Good hunting.

...introduced him to Mr. Lesche...


::) :wink: :D ;D

I don't use Leshe on the ones I come across....but they definately get the point.....of my entrenching tool.....not all, but most; and, for sure if they act aggressive.
Saw one I let go.....or did he let me go? About 1 1/3 meter - yes, meter - long, and head as big as my fist. Beautiful, beyond words.
He acted like he owned the mt. I was on, and I let him act that way.
Seems Korea does have a variety of cobras, and I saw him/he saw me. OF COURSE, DIDN'T HAVE THE CAMERA. Boy, do I hate my instincts.

Great finds and sounds like a great place. Cannot say much about the snake though! LOL

Yup, let's just keep killing everything we aren't used to seeing in our own backyards and soon we'll have nothing but house sparrows, cats, and dogs left on the planet. :protest:

I would have given him a lethal dose of .45 ACP shot. Had a hunting buddy that nearly stepped on a rattle snake in the path to our hunting blind. He got so shook he emptied a full clip of 14, .40 ACP and didn't hit anything but the world. One of the other guys picked up a stick and knocked it's head off in one swipe without breaking stride. He said, "That's how you do it", and just kept walking. The rest of us just LOAO, except Mike who had to reload. Monty

Think I would have let it leave,
or better yet, leave the area myself.

The only good snake, is a live snake.

have a good un..........

Another one bites the dust. I hope that made you feel like a man. Dispatching an animal who clearly was much more afraid of you than you were of it. Yeah, really heroic.

I hope the next snake you find is the fake rubber variety.


Not a snake lover either, but ya gotta let it go. Unless the thing is longer than I am tall and approaching me with a hungry look in his eye...

Sorry dude... that snake deserved a better fate.

Good Finds :thumbsup:

Not happy about the snake though :tongue3:

You were in his house, should of wished him a good day and went about your detecting business.

A 14" rattler is just as deadly as a 4 ft. one. Same goes for Copperhead. I say shoot first, ask questions later. :icon_pirat:

No, really I would have taken him back to camp nestled close to my breast in a loving manner. Then I would have fixed us some nice little sweet rolls and tea and we could have had a long dicsussion about evil men who would harm a poisonus reptile. Then of coures we could have played a few hands of gin rummy and had a brandy before he slithered back to his loved ones under a rock somewhere. Then I would puff out my chest and yell to the world, "I'm a real man"! And P.S., it wasn't me who killed the frickin' snake in the first place. I would have , but now I'm a changed man! Monty

Everything has its place on this planet.Fear is the same as respect and when some people are forced to respect something,they do not like it. Some of you sound like you would like nothing better than eradicating the poisonous snakes.Ah, but lets not forget how hunting parties decimated the wolf populations and what result did that have? Now, we are reintroducing wolves to many areas and protecting them. Why? Because in spite of being forced to respect them we realized that the wolf plays a vital function in the ebb and flo of Ma Nature.There used to be hunting parties that would go out and round up rattlesnakes also. I am not sure if they are a protected species yet or not , I will check on that. I would hope that they are not for a couple of reasons 1) They play a very important role in keeping mice/rat populations from becoming pandemic. So kill all the snakes and then get eaten alive by rats.....lol and rats may be less afraid of you than a rattlesnake is. 2) and this one is much less important to me but if they are threatened and you are on an open forum bragging of dispatching one,MMM...MMMM...MMM as Sherrif Andy Taylor would say.

Monty said:
No, really I would have taken him back to camp nestled close to my breast in a loving manner. Then I would have fixed us some nice little sweet rolls and tea and we could have had a long dicsussion about evil men who would harm a poisonus reptile. Then of coures we could have played a few hands of gin rummy and had a brandy before he slithered back to his loved ones under a rock somewhere. Then I would puff out my chest and yell to the world, "I'm a real man"! And P.S., it wasn't me who killed the frickin' snake in the first place. I would have , but now I'm a changed man! Monty
Funny! But would you feel the same if the snake wasn't poisonous? I didn't see the word "poisonous" ever being used in the original post.

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