Silver Member
... This may be an entertaining exercise for some. Calculating the value of $1 in 1988 that is now worth $2.08 in 2018 and a quick multpication will give some indication of what our net worth would be in todays dollars. I think most of us would believe we were doing alright financially.
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Well, do you believe anything the government tells you, or do you trust your own lyin' eyes? A brief recollection of the cost of real estate, vehicles, insurance, food, clothing and nearly everything else vital to everyday life tells me that the cost of living - paid for with our Ponzi bucks then and now - has risen much more than 100% in the past 30 years - I'd say that 400-500% is more realistic.
Be that as it may, it's apparent that Foreman was quite well off in 1988. As Uncle Matt has interjected, the source of his wealth is not as apparent. While I don't personally believe in coincidences. Willie's allegations of finding gold and his later documented wealth might likely indicate the wealth came from the gold, but it's also plausible that his wife came into the marriage with the brains and the dough. After all, Willie was a hubris-ridden braggart who worked at relatively menial jobs in CA for one who allegedly was well-heeled with access to lots of gold. His stories are the cornerstones of most of the Caballo legends, but he may have been merely a hanger-on with the Noss crowd, got in over his head with heavyweights and was frightened off to CA. Lots of stories from Willie, lots of hearsay through the years, lots of supporters who believe what they read in the papers, a boatload of jackals and scammers in T or C, but where's the beef?