Hmmm, so if a person was working as a hospital kitchen helper to make ends meet, how exactly would they be able to afford to "self publish" a book in 1970? Back then it took money to publish a book, there was no internet or cheap ways to publish books. So if you were dead broke and working as a menial laborer, how would you afford that?
I did want to offer some thoughts on Laurence’s “Passport to Eternity” book.
My thoughts echo those of Matt about the effort of publishing a book in 1970. It was not a typical undertaking for your average Joe. The book is certainly not professionally written and it reads like something most of us would write but when I look at his various takes on the multiple topics, it’s not something I believe that he could have written off the top of his head. In the book he frequently refers to going to the library to research various subjects. I believe he probably did a lot of research in putting the final product together.
What I can’t tell from the cover picture is whether it was a hard back with a dust cover or a simpler spiral bound creation. If it is a hardback I’m even more impressed.
He apparently worked on the book for several years?
He seems to have an obsession with food?
He tries to portray himself as being cute?
He does offer several technical theories that sound partially plausible?
I doubt the book was a financial success and he recovered the money that he invested in publishing it but there may be a legion of potential customers out there who don’t dismiss the possibility of alien visitors.
If Laurence was trying to write a science fiction book, I don’t think he did too bad a job for an amateur author. It’s a creative story.
If he was writing the book to convince people that he actual experienced the events, he may have been partially successful. The individual associated with the web page seems to offer the possibility that he believed it could have happened the way Laurence told it. I’m sure there are others of the same ilk.
Heck, he could have been writing a tongue in cheek, humorous book? If so, he didn’t have my sides splitting with laughter but then I have a different sense of humor.
Surmising that the writing and publication of this book is an indication of significant wealth would be questionable in my eyes.
I do believe the book adds another small piece of the puzzle that helps us to know Willie a bit better.