Quote : "It seems built into the mindset of people in NM that you can do whatever the hell you want, as long as you feel like you won't get caught. "
simple term for a complex character disorder .
now a Story :::::::::::::::::::::
Relative to the above mentioned Disorder
Relative as well to just how stupid and gullible some people can be about
Treasure Stories .
~~~ Oro Grande 500lb Silver Bar find ~~~~~
Two locals of the Tula Rosa Basin ,
Bob and Don , worked odd jobs and subsisted
on impoverished income allowance .
Bob , being afflicted with MPD , Multiple personallity Disorder , was prescribed
Psych Medication .
One night , during a Drunk rampage , he was escorted
out to a friends car , for a ride home .
They traveled South toward El Paso Texas .
At Oro Grande , where Bob's Father had once had a mining Claim ,
Bob screamed for the driver to pull over and let him out of the car .
Bob raised so much hades , that the driver , thinking Bob had to relieve
himself , pulled over , miles from the small village of Oro Grande , and
opposite the Hills where mines were located about a mile off the highway .
Bob simply strode to the Barbed Wire fence that runs along the road for 100's of miles .
Bent and passed through the wires .
The driver yelling : " BOB ! come back , where you goin' "
Bob , deaf to anything but the invisible " Little Man " that sat on his shoulder ,
maintained his stride ,headed directly for the old mines .
As Bob faded into the dark of night out in the Desert , the driver returned to his car .
Driving off and leaving Bob to wander in the Desert alone , without water ,
sans food , Drunk as well as delusional .
Nice friend ,,, was he not ?
Bob wandered around out there , seeking his dad's old claim .
PATWEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee ,,,,,,,
Down a 25 ft. vertical shaft , Bob found himself sitting with a Ball of
Rattlesnakes .
The old shaft had been covered over with corrugated Tin and dirt .
Bobs weight had caused it to cave in .
Two days later ,
Bob showed up atr a house that Don had a job helping remodel .
Bob's eyes are round as silver dollars ,, exasperated ,,, out of breath , agitated ,
and yelling : " I found it !!!! The Treasure of Oro Grande' ! "
He coerced Don into leaving his job ( Don Losing the Job as result ) and driving
back out to Oro Grande to the mines .
They searched the rest of the day until dark , then gave up .
They slept out there , and continued the search the entire next day .
Don turned his bleak tired over worked eyes to Bob ,,,
" Buddy , who we need is Harvey Snow , that Man's famous for finding Treasure , let's go see
him "
I am no less sure than ever , that Dad's diminished Id , was responsible for his constant
seeking of attention through media .
That more then anything , caused the bulk of the problems we experienced
with intrusive actions by every dreamer who read or heard of Dad's exploits .
Bob and Don , being a pair of such dreaming fools .
Sitting in the recliner , hearing a vehicle pull through the gate , and up the 100yd long drive
to the house , I cringed ,,, The little man on my shoulder this time spoke in reply to my question : " Now What ? "
" Tis the Loonies for sure me Lad " was all the little Shoulder squatter would spill .
Standing up and Glancing out the door , dang it ,,,, my head actually experienced a spell of vertigo
for a second or two .
Not happy to see these two Knick Knacks at any distance , I was certainly distraught that they
were here ,,,, showing up at my only safe site away from the Loonies that populate the area in abundance .
They rushed in , as Don and Bob told the story and asked for Dad's help out there ,,,
I kept rolling my eyes at Dad every time he looked my way ,,
as to say : " Tell them we have a Funeral to attend please ,,, anything , just get them GONE ! "
Nope , Pop's is enthralled with treasure stories , and this may be a true find , we should investigate it .
I walked outside , A ride in the wind can sometimes , if not cure , at least alleviate symptoms of the anxiety
that I become over whelmed with when around the Loonies .
Cranking up and riding off on the street bike , dread growing , I thought to just keep going
and return home to Calif .
Sure as hades is hot , Dad wants to go investigate the find, He relates that Bob has found a 500lb
silver bar in a shaft , replete with bags of old Spanish coins and gold nuggets .
I ask Bob , did you bring anything out to prove your find ?
Bob replied , NO, there were snakes , I had to get out quick , but I covered it up ,
no one will find it , it's still there for us to take .. "
Off we go , my hand itching to take out my pistol and put a stop to the Idiots psycho Babble .
I was trapped between the both of them , laser beam from my eyes burning into my Dads head for this
travesty he has me committed to .
On site we all spread out
Bob of course , walks over into a small Draw , and I think : " He said it was away from the hills
out in the flat "
This idiot ,,, MAAAANNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnn ,,,
I watch him for about 1/2 an hour ,,,,,,
he is sitting on a boulder at the edge of the wash ,,, staring into it .
I approach him ,,,,
" Bob ,,, are we here to find that shaft you fell in ? "
" Yep " ,,, was all he would reply .
again ,,, " Bob ,,, You are aware that the shaft is not in the bottom of that wash ,,, right ? "
again the reply from him : " Yep ? "
I look out to the ridge where I see Don and Dad staring down at us .
I think : " out in the flat , and I , the only one searching the flat "
I turn and jump in the wash in front of Bob , sternly and direct : " BOB , there is no shaft with a 500lb bar ,
you lied , get up , we're leaving "
Bob looked at my chest and no higher ,,, he grinned that demented grin , only the insane
can manage ,,,
and walked to the truck , got in , sat down and waited .
Dad and Don come down the ridge ,, Dad asked : " What's with Bob , is he sick ? "
In reply and with great anger " Yeah , like a loon is sick , and that's too obvious for you to need to ask me "
Returning home , I take dad aside , " Look , you knew he was on Psyche Meds , and didn't tell me ,,,,
You know he drinks and is child like ,,, WHAT WAS YOUR IDEA IN DRAGGING ME ALONG ? "
Thus it is in New Mexico ,,,,
Loonies with Treasure Stories , those at times get into print ,,, and become believed by other
loonies who waste their lives chasing the wind .
I am at this point in life ,,, a retired Hippie , sour at treasure seekers ,,, drug addicted lost minds ,,,
and T.V. Watching droning ,,, doped down , over eating people who populate this Country .
Illustrated above , a life event of mine , just one where contact with some of the people
who were bitten by the treasure bug , and became so delusional ,,, as to not only believe
every treasure story ever told ,,,
but to begin their own treasure story built on delusional lies .
Believe as you wish , own the lies you wish to pay for , understand as little as possible ,,
Become one of the many who invested emotional , psychological , and time in the Wil-O-Wisp legends .
I for one , have seen it all from Peter to Paul , with a few books of Luke and Mark
Thrown in ,,,,
It is best for a person to first complete a stable concrete reality .
for ,,,
if a person ventures off into the Treasure hunting Venue ,,, with a little less of
the pragmatic common sense required to function on a somewhat sane scale ,,,,
LOST will be that person , and better they seek themselves , then anything else .