wife beater arrested

No assumption - don't get your little undies in a bundle, just havin some fun!!!! Now get out there and twerk squiggy!!

Lol! I really don't think any of us are trying to look tough! What an assumption! !!!!

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Back when I was tough I would go bust ice for the livestock and horses in -0 temps with a down vest. Remember the reversible tan, blaze orange ones?

But now! I just, want to be, WARM, man!!!:unhappysmiley: Sniff sniff.

Warm is GOOD!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk

No assumption - don't get your little undies in a bundle, just havin some fun!!!! Now get out there and twerk squiggy!!

That's a weird post!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk

I have really expanded my warmth arsenal now.. Thermals, Check. 100 grain thinsulate and 3 pairs of socks, check.. Tshirt, second tshirt, thermal shirt, outer flannel shirt. Check.... Hoodie, check..... arctic carhardt overalls with hood, checkity check check.. And I don't even live in the real cold any more. If I went home I wouldn't go outside till the hummingbirds came back!

I have really expanded my warmth arsenal now.. Thermals, Check. 100 grain thinsulate and 3 pairs of socks, check.. Tshirt, second tshirt, thermal shirt, outer flannel shirt. Check.... Hoodie, check..... arctic carhardt overalls with hood, checkity check check.. And I don't even live in the real cold any more. If I went home I wouldn't go outside till the hummingbirds came back!

How do you move?To get you walking does somebody have to give you a little shove?:sign10:

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How do you move?To get you walking does somebody have to give you a little shove?:sign10:

Well it is a whole lot easier when I can get someone to push me around on my dolly! lol:laughing7: But when detecting those nasty briars don't get to you! Plow right through em!

Well it is a whole lot easier when I can get someone to push me around on my dolly! lol But when detecting those nasty briars don't get to you! Plow right through em!

Ahhh ok ,your hunting outfit,I thought you meant your everyday wear:laughing9:

What scares me about him (zimmerman) is I think his true colors are coming out now that he is in the spotlight and that is, he's a coward. If you give a coward a gun they will shoot or pull gun any time they feel threatened just so they feel in control. A gun carries a lot of responsibility to own you can't pull it every few minutes and expect it to be called justified from what I have seen with his run ins with the law is he thinks a gun solves all his problems. In my opinion having a spine would solve his issues.

What scares me about him (zimmerman) is I think his true colors are coming out now that he is in the spotlight and that is, he's a coward. If you give a coward a gun they will shoot or pull gun any time they feel threatened just so they feel in control. A gun carries a lot of responsibility to own you can't pull it every few minutes and expect it to be called justified from what I have seen with his run ins with the law is he thinks a gun solves all his problems. In my opinion having a spine would solve his issues.

When he used pistol in self defense is the only time there is proof he has pulled a firearm.

There was no evidence of firearm use against wife and only his girlfriend's word now....

Current case is based strictly on what his girlfriend said happen, there are no witnesses.....

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

Time will tell!!

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk

.We will NOT go quietly into the night not quitely. And like I said that is my opinion and experience I have had with people.I have worked the so called bad side of town and never had to carry a gun nor will, even though I own and am quite familiar with their use. If you pull one, you only pull if you are going to use it, you do not threaten with it. Also in this latest case the judge pulled his guns from him so maybe we wont have to hear about him anymore and he will SLINK quietly into the night.

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Regardless of what your feelings are on his guilt or innocence in the Trayvon Martin case might be this guy is a kook. If you look up "stupid" in the dictionary it shows his picture. I don't know if being aquitted gave him some weird sense that he was above the law or what but his behavior since is just plain nutty. Kind of like OJ thinking he could get away with pistol whipping some guy in a Vegas hotel.. We all know how well that worked out for him...

I always like considering people innocent "unless" proven guilty in my own mind.

I can't say this has happened 100% yet, but either he has a pretty bad effect on women,
to get them to lie like that,
or he has a mental problem & is using the system.

in which case teflon eventually wears down.

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.We will NOT go quietly into the night not quitely. And like I said that is my opinion and experience I have had with people.I have worked the so called bad side of town and never had to carry a gun nor will, even though I own and am quite familiar with their use. If you pull one, you only pull if you are going to use it, you do not threaten with it. Also in this latest case the judge pulled his guns from him so maybe we wont have to hear about him anymore and he will SLINK quietly into the night.

Under Fl law if he is found guility of any type of domestic abuse his Concealed Weapon License will be revoked and can not posses any firearms.

The problem is you could be charged with domestic violence if you pushed your partner aside who was blocking the door to leave the house durring an argument or if your spouse is angry and tries to leave the house angry and you try to stop or restrain them from leaving even if no violence was involved or intended, all they have to do is say "they would not let me leave or they shoved me".

I am against any violence against a partner, but Fl law on domestic violence is really screwy as no violence actually has to take place, an heated argument under some circumstances can get you charged or a vindictive party just claiming something happen can get you charged.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

IMHO....he's a serial idiot! He was lucky that the FLA. law saw him innocent.....right now he is a loose cannon, and someone is going to cap him in the same way he did Trayvon......Itcan go either way, but my opinion is that he is so over-confident right now that he thinks he can do no wrong, and is bullet-proof, send him to VT. we can prove that wrong.......Gary

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