wife beater arrested


this country was founded for FREEDOM. for everyone, not some right wing fanatics opinion of freedom...but freedom.


: the quality or state of being free: as

a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence

c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care>

d : ease, facility <spoke the language with freedom>

e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom>

f : improper familiarity

g : boldness of conception or execution

h : unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>


a : a political right

b : franchise, privilege

Seems this witch hunt by the media and our president is in overdrive...

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this country was founded for FREEDOM. for everyone, not some right wing fanatics opinion of freedom...but freedom.


: the quality or state of being free: as

a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action

b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence

c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care>

d : ease, facility <spoke the language with freedom>

e : the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken <answered with freedom>

f : improper familiarity

g : boldness of conception or execution

h : unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>


a : a political right

b : franchise, privilege

The lefts freedom ends when it wants to intrude on our rights.

Liberals do not have the right to take money from us to support people too lazy to support their selves, they do not have the right to restrict our rights guaranteed under the constitution, you keep the change promised by your leader, we will keep or rights, our money, our God and our guns.

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that story ended up bad for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it really that hard, to tell the wannabee's, from the real deal? :icon_scratch:
Remember: Time wounds all heels! :laughing7:


this country was founded for FREEDOM. for everyone, not some right wing fanatics opinion of freedom...but freedom.

This country was founded upon freedom from one thing, and one thing only...freedom from an oppressive government! Period. An attempt to add anything else to the reasoning behind America's founding is historical and intellectual folly...Seriously folks, read the Declaration of Independence, and if that doesn't enlighten you, then read the Declaration of Independence real slow. Freedom from oppressive government, no more no less. Period. End of discussion.

This country was founded upon freedom from one thing, and one thing only...freedom from an oppressive government! Period. An attempt to add anything else to the reasoning behind America's founding is historical and intellectual folly...Seriously folks, read the Declaration of Independence, and if that doesn't enlighten you, then read the Declaration of Independence real slow. Freedom from oppressive government, no more no less. Period. End of discussion.

Agree 100%:thumbup:

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Receive a speeding ticket going 65 in a 45 zone ?

Must have been rushing to rescue someone from a car accident (Photo-Op) :laughing7:

As for his wife, Sounds to me like she feels he has all these bills now,
& all this donation money,

& she wants to get her half of the Donations, before he pays the Bills :laughing7:
(advice from a Lawyer Who wasn't involved in the Trial,
But wants his share too)

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All I can say is "Damn all those creepy ass crackers"! < - Hey, but that's a OK with the looney left!!!!!:dontknow:

Is it really that hard, to tell the wannabee's, from the real deal? :icon_scratch:
Remember: Time wounds all heels! :laughing7:

View attachment 861519

I once was retrieving my old deaf dog from the forest, it had been closed fire danger extreme...so I follow this red streak, talking to the dog the whole time...stupid dog, yer old, the forest is closed, we get the ticket, to old an slow to catch a thing...bla bla ...shaking my finger in her face, around 6 inches....when I realize it is NOT MY DOG....nice kittie...
here I am...feeling pretty sad....mountain lion, just caught a squirrel that was stealing dog food...I see the kitty leaving the area, think it is my sheltie dog...follow it up to the ridge and ooops..
here is the immature mountain lion, a squirrel, one half to the left, one half to the right, the mountain lion in the middle...
giving me this..."what you want white boy" look...
I guess I survived the encounter...without a fire arm.

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lucky you, that it already had a squirrel in its mouth.

I would have gone to the ophthalmologist straightaway!

This is all hype and hyperbole by the soon to be ex wife. Hyper-inflated by the media as usual.
No gun was ever recovered. I wonder why?
Her nor her father pursued charges. I wonder why?
The state didn't pick up the charges (commonwealth ALWAYS does in cases involving domestic battery). I wonder why?
Obviously the father in law had no evidence of being beat or hit in the face as claimed or an arrest would have been swift & immediate. I wonder why?

I'll tell you why... "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". Especially when there is a few hundred grand at stake.

If there were physical signs of abuse they would have charged him, don't need the wife to file the charges...

Most divorces are not friendly...

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On a side note his lawyer said he would not be representing him, asked if he had any advice , he said PAY ME , folks dont be cheap on your doctors or lawyers !

Spot on treasure hunter. No law will change the fact that I have an inherent right to be armed to protect myself, my family, and my freedom. Our Constitution was devised for the primary purpose of limiting the power of our government yet we repeatedly allow them to interpret it as they see fit. Shall not be infringed does not allow the laws they have passed period. They are invalid and should never be obeyed. The only reason our Government wants our guns is they fear they will be used in opposition against them and their desire to form a tyranny.

NOW THAT THE TRAIL IS OVER AND HE WAS FOUND "NOT GUILTY" * EVERY SINGLE THING HE DOES IN "IN THE SPOT LIGHT" --he got a "speeding" ticket oh my no one has ever gotten one of those before --he had a fight with a soon to be ex wife and her dad , when he came home and found her ""alone" at tHe house --clearing out their joint "belongings" from the home , oh my no one would ever get in a fight over that now would they ?--- the media is like a "stalker" watching and following him non stop , jumping on any and every chance to try a label him as a "monster"

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