Why Trust the Gov’t With Insurance When It Can’t Even Create a Freaking Website That

Aug 20, 2009
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Why Trust the Gov’t With Insurance When It Can’t Even Create a Freaking Website That Works?

October 24th, 2013

It’s a simple question, really.

(TruthStreamMedia) - Healthcare.gov and its astounding 500 million lines of codehas had a few, how shall we say, glitches. People can’t even log on. When they do, they find the wrong information about the healthcare they’re supposed to be buying. The whole site is dedicated to one thing, and the information about that one thing isn’t even factually correct.

But that’s not all. The site also times out. It gives confusing error messages. People have been duplicate enrolled (when they actually get enrolled that is, which apparently takes an amount of time somewhere between ‘hours and hours’ and ‘never’). Some data fields are completely missing. The system reports spouses as children. Some of the calculators on the site don’t even work. A calculator. Something that has been around in electronic form since the 1960s…

Yet, millions of dollars went into the new healthcare exchange site. MillionS with an “S”. As in plural. More than one. Actually, more than a hundred of them.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the whole shebang may have cost the American taxpayers$600 million dollars to implement:

If users found a few bugs in their iPads, [Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services] argued, most wouldn’t consider them a complete disaster. Instead, they would recognize that technology is complicated, that errors are common, and they would wait for an update. Apple Inc., she added, has “a few more resources” than her department, so “hopefully [citizens will] give us the same slack they give Apple.”

That argument is as clueless as it is misleading. While it’s true that Apple is fantastically wealthy, its product-development costs aren’t necessarily greater than those of the federal government. As Fred Vogelstein reports in his coming book, Apple spent about $150 million developing the iPhone. The health-insurance exchange—which, let’s remember, is merely a website meant to connect citizens to insurance companies, something quite a bit less complex than Apple’s groundbreaking miniature computer—so far has cost at least $360 million, and possibly as much as$600 million.

So the government took more money than most people will ever see in their entire lifetimes and handed it over to a whole team of techies and, somehow, they can’t even make a simple website function at even the most basic level?

Now, let’s go ahead and add that to the fact that they didn’t even spend that money to write all of their own code, but instead, they reportedly “borrowed” some of the code (read: pirated) from a UK company:

The computer code that was stolen is called DataTables, and it is exclusively provided under a GPL v2 license which requires anyone who uses the software code to keep the copyright notice visible in the code itself. This allows the original author of the code to receive attribution for creating it.

An analysis of the code running Healthcare.gov reveals that the Obamacare development team maliciously removed the copyright notice and credit attributions from the code while copying and using the rest of the code. In the field of journalism, this would be called “plagiarism.” In the field of computer software, it’s called “piracy” according to the U.S. government. (source w/ screen capture of code comparisons)

Let’s be honest here. When is the last time the government even did something that was generally recognized as a smashing success anyway? Can you remember a time?

So the question, again, becomes:


I mean, at this point, most Americans wouldn’t pay the government $5 to make a noodle salad.

More importantly, after millions of dollars and several years of development, is it even possible to screw up something as potentially simple as a website this horribly bad and do it completely on accident?

Not believably.

So what is the ultimate goal of Obamacare, anyway?

Well, according to Senator Harry Reid, Obamacare is a stepping stone to pushing America into a socialist single-payer system where the government controls the one and only funding mechanism for all healthcare, something that’s been on the agenda for decades but has never received much Congressional support (and definitely not enough to get it passed).

When recently asked directly if Obamacare was secretly a step to moving America to that system, Reid’s reply was “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.” So not just one ‘yes’ there. Several yesses. And an ‘absolutely’.

You might say that’s not such a big deal. America’s healthcare would simply be like that of Canada or the UK. Taxes might go up, sure, but at least everyone would be covered, no questions asked, right?

Well then answer these questions: Do you like being able to make your own choices about your healthcare? What tests you get? What treatments you take?

Good luck with any of that under an American single-payer system. Don’t forget, controlling the funding mechanism means so called cost-saving preventative health care will definitely be part of the bargain. Factor in the fact that America is home to a $359 billion-dollar pharmaceutical industry thatspends over $100 million lobbying Congress every year. Don’t forget, the U.S. also has the most aggressive vaccine schedule in the entire world.

Consider recent news reports of the government literally forcing people to take their “cures” — the most recent example involves a 10-year-old Amish girl whose parents turned to homeopathic medicine for their daughter’s leukemia but an appeals court has usurped the parent’s rights and forced the little girl to take chemotherapy treatments instead.

It was founding father Thomas Jefferson who said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”

But, perhaps a more appropriate quote in this instance would be one from Fabian Socialist playwright George Bernard Shaw:

Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.

Obama has been accused of being a Fabian Socialist. Here’s what Forbes Contributor Jerry Bowyer wrote in November 2008, nearly a year before Obamacare was first introduced:

So here is the playbook: The left will identify, freeze, personalize and polarize an industry, probably health care. It will attempt to nationalize one-fifth of the U.S. economy through legislative action. They will focus, as Lenin did, on the “commanding heights” of the economy, not the little guy.

As Obama said, “the smallest” businesses will be exempt from fines for not “doing the right thing” in offering employer-based health care coverage. Health will not be nationalized in one fell swoop; they have been studying the failures of Hillary Care. Instead, a parallel system will be created, funded by surcharges on business payroll, which will be superior to many private plans.

The old system will be forced to subsidize the new system and there will be a gradual shift from the former to the latter. The only coercion will be the fines, not the participation.

Does any of this sound even the tiniest bit familiar?

The failures of this catastrophic dip into government-mediated healthcare exchanges through private companies is but a stepping stone to a completely government-run socialist healthcare system.

By the way, if you think the government is about to stop with simply nationalizing healthcare — that it won’t move on to energy, banking, education, agriculture, housing, etc. etc. etc. et al. — then healthcare.gov has some health insurance to sell you…

Once the website works, that is.

To be somewhat fair to the website, I just happen to know that since it went online that it has been being whacked near constantly with DDoS attacks, please do not ask me how I know this, for I will never reveal my sources, not even under torture, other than to say its not me, but I know of people who are.


Yes, BC1969

But the bigger question is, regardless of the program politics,...

Has anyone ever created a simple website, that was prepared for a 100 million visitors instantaneously, and created a website that was bug free, and yet on a scedule and spec changing constraint that the gove has provided,...

.... that worked out of the box on first try??

Simple answer,... no.

Nobody has. This is no different than creating an 'ebay' or 'amazon' from scratch,... and then releasing to the internet public on day one.

The ddos is only one facet. But the fact is, nobody has made a website like this on day one.

Let them work the bugs out at least. And then whine.

Insurance for pre existing medical conditions for people is a good idea. The roll out is not smooth but the idea is fabulous. Sick children can not be denied coverage plus health care for all instead of everybody running to the emergency room.A good idea that needs a few wrinkles ironed out.

To be fair (guess that already identified me as not being a Democrat) - chances are the website was created by a non-government contractor who was the lowest bidder...

To be fair (guess that already identified me as not being a Democrat) - chances are the website was created by a non-government contractor who was the lowest bidder...
It was reported last night, that one or more of these companies owe millions, correction, make that 100's of millions in taxes, that have never been paid. It was said by the person speaking, in their state and local contracts, if you had back taxes that were not paid, you were not even allowed to bid on gov contracts. He also noted, that there was one company, been doing this with DC contracts for 20 yrs now.

If they don't pay there taxes, they can underbid legitimate businesses, knowing, they are never going to pay the taxes in the future, thus can underbid.

Perhaps if the IRS actually enforced the tax laws and went after these 100's of millions in back taxes, we wouldn't be in some of the financial messes, we seem to be in.

When a person demonstrates that they do not have the ability to handle money, business, guns, driving, we usually take away a privilege/right of that person, and attempt to instruct them in the proper use of said item. A teenager that cannot handle money, you do not keep throwing more money at them..... you instruct them in the proper use, and try again.
My analogies may not be the perfect or best examples, but I think you get my drift.

You wouldn't give a baby a hammer, ask him to build you a house, then when he fails, give him a toolbox and work crew.
DC seems to be rewarded with more money, every time they loss a few trillion, and there NEVER seems to be ANY accountability as to, where did it all go!

It was reported last night, that one or more of these companies owe millions, correction, make that 100's of millions in taxes, that have never been paid...
Wouldn't it be neat to see how much those companies donated to political candidates last election? Sorry - just couldn't resist!

Why Trust the Gov’t With Insurance When It Can’t Even Create a Freaking Website That

I suppose that it would be for the same reason as we can't trust the postings of someone who randomly copy's and paste's from unreliable websites without doing any independent research to verify the data that someone keeps posting as reliable fact creating more problems than we already have.

Does that answer your question?

BTW, I don't subscribe to, believe in, or will purchase into the ACA.

Yes, BC1969

But the bigger question is, regardless of the program politics,...

Has anyone ever created a simple website, that was prepared for a 100 million visitors instantaneously, and created a website that was bug free, and yet on a scedule and spec changing constraint that the gove has provided,...

.... that worked out of the box on first try??

Simple answer,... no.

Nobody has. This is no different than creating an 'ebay' or 'amazon' from scratch,... and then releasing to the internet public on day one.

The ddos is only one facet. But the fact is, nobody has made a website like this on day one.

Let them work the bugs out at least. And then whine.

Perfect Example of the problems plaguing progressive logic!!!!!! Thanks for posting it!

On it's face the post tries to flow chart the apologies to the desired end. In doing so it stops short.

Let's throw the real wrench at the apologists flow chart:
How many times has a website been developed by cronyist flunkies, that is supposed to handle 100s of millions of visits at once, that has been REQUIRED BY LAW? There are penalties for non compliance! Your king doesn't care enough for his subjects to make sure they are not penalized! Wonder if he knew that the companies and politicians he exempted had the power to fight this travesty, so he took them out of the equation?

And this shining example of indifference is going to save the lives of millions, after it bleeds them financially?


To be somewhat fair to the website, I just happen to know that since it went online that it has been being whacked near constantly with DDoS attacks, please do not ask me how I know this, for I will never reveal my sources, not even under torture, other than to say its not me, but I know of people who are.


I know the answer to that one anyway. That is what the "helpers' tell you because they don't want to admit what a piece of crap it is.

How about this: They told me once that I must use either Chrome or Safari. Because I know the security flaws of Chrome, I chose Safari. Add to that the fact that I can see no reason for them to need to access my system files (which the site did the first time I logged on ... I think I got it cleaned up, but only time will tell ... I run it in a virtual machine so that probably won't happen again (nothing is foolproof).

When you go there, the first thing they want to know is whether your popup blocker is turned on. Just for them I turned it off.

Now when you try to get help, they want you to use Chrome EXCLUSIVELY. Why? Chrome's speed comes at a cost. It is less secure than other browsers.

So, last evening I was chatting with their "helpers" and he asked if I was using Chrome. Told him no, and why. He asked if I had my popup blocker turned on, told him no. Then he asked what browser I was using and I told him "I'm running Safari in a sandbox". When he asked why, I told him that I caught the sight accessing files in my system directory which had nothing to do with their site and he INSTANTLY disconnected me.

Just in case I misunderstood, I started up another chat session and once again when I mentioned that I caught the site accessing files within my system directory I was instantly disconnected.

So, keep your sources. Those of us who work with and on computers every day know what the problem is ... the site isn't just for helping you sign up, it is also there for the purpose of installing spying software onto your computer.

Has anyone ever created a simple website, that was prepared for a 100 million visitors instantaneously, and created a website that was bug free, and yet on a scedule and spec changing constraint that the gove has provided,...

.... that worked out of the box on first try??

They had a 3 year lead up KNOWING there was a deadline.

The simple answer is NO, but there's this kid named Mark Zuckerberg ... within a year of startup he was getting HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of visits every day from around the world. Of course he did have some help, but if I remember right it cost him way less than $100,000.00 (my memory of that number may not be correct, I'll have to look it up.

Similarly, Youtube was set up and getting over a half billion visitors a day in just over a year.

Zero spent 500 million (he likes that number. Remember Solyndra?) for a site that with three years to get ready can't handle 1/5 of what youtube was doing in the first year.

Not everyone accepts the party line without question and without reasoning on things. I know mr. Zero is proud of his accomplishment of brainwashing you guys.

As for me, I have built a site that was getting 5,000 visitors a week, all sales were successfully completed and I did it BY MYSELF. Don't know, but this site appears to have real problems. Buttons with blank hyperlinks are the true sign of amateur hour on the hill.

It works as if it were designed by congress ... maybe it was, because NOTHING WORKS!!!

Nobody has. This is no different than creating an 'ebay' or 'amazon' from scratch,... and then releasing to the internet public on day one.

The ddos is only one facet. But the fact is, nobody has made a website like this on day one.

Let them work the bugs out at least. And then whine.

Sorry for having to speak truth, but here it goes again: This is not comparable to Amazon ... because it has ALWAYS WORKED. Besides, they set up sites worldwide so that anyone in any language can purchase from them.

Same with ebay.

Bugs ... That is MUCH MORE ACCURATE than using the term glitch. A glitch is a misplaced image, incorrect hyperlinks (not a link where you write all the code to make a fancy link but forget to put where the link is supposed to take the visitor). This site is about to approach a beta version after three years. How long will it take for the site to be ready for prime time? I will probably have paid a couple of fines before it is.

One more fact: DDOS attacks are not the problem. My hosting company endures more of these than have been reported (even in confidence) on this site.

They are treating everyone like mushrooms, and apparently you guys like it. Eat up, and you can have mine ... I've just never been able to develop a taste for BS.

Insurance for pre existing medical conditions for people is a good idea. The roll out is not smooth but the idea is fabulous. Sick children can not be denied coverage plus health care for all instead of everybody running to the emergency room.A good idea that needs a few wrinkles ironed out.

Actually, people will be denied healthcare as a direct result of this bill. Healthcare will not be free. The poorest of those who sign up will have such high deductibles it will result in denial of treatment because they can't pay.

Children will go hungry while parents struggle to pay insurance premiums for lousy insurance coverage and high deductibles. That's a good thing?

How can one compare wrinkles to chasms?


The reason the site had problems is because anyone who signs up has to enter all their personal info just to look at available programs. System has to verify info first.

They did this so people don't know what it actually costs. The poor will see wow i get insurance For $50 a month and ignore their out of pocket is $10,000 a year. Their is no subsidies for the deductibles and out of pocket expenses, mean while the taxpayers are picking up the additional $160 a month the policy actually costs.

It is a gov scam, a ponzie scheme, buying something that can never be used because they can't afford the deductibles and out of pockets.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

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Let me ask ya'll this: The poor that right now, do not pay for healthcare and do not pay their medical bills, do you REALLY think, they are going to pay for insurance out of their child support checks, MUCH LESS, pay the deductibles and out-of-pockets, under this new o-care plan?

Whether those that don't pay now, is a result of can't or won't, is irrelevant. If they can't/won't pay and cover themselves now, do you really think they will, under this new program?

LAWL! LOL! NOW, we have 10 dems, wanting O to delay his ACA program! LOL!
They're defecting! Where the heck were these guys last week or so, when we were in the middle of a shutdown?
This kinda DC cwap is about as rich as it gets! You just can't make this stuff up! LOL!

I can agree with the sentiments here in general.

The company that was contracted to do the website, is actually the same company that the usgov has used since the 60's. It is just that it has been absorbed into another company now with a different name. So they arent un used to how to work with the gov. They won the contract not by the lowest bid, but they were one of a handful of companies qualified to bid. And the fact of their past experience with the gov made them a shoe in. That said, the mother company as it exists now does in fact have a miserable history in Hawaii, Canada, and a couple of other states. So it is obvious something has changed since absorbing the original governemnt contractor arm

Back to making the website... Yes, The Face Book was built on a shoestring. Yes Zuckerburg limited access to students of one college, then later, only all colleges, and finally eventually to the public. And yes, he crashed the Harvard servers more than once while he piggybacked his upstart on school resources. But I think that is a bad analogy anyway.

But the healthcare website was instant access instantly, for everyone. And there is backend connector software that is required to access ss records and personal data that isnt on the home servers, let alone the cross connecting to insurance company servers.

I really can not find one enterprise class website of this magnatude and level of intrinsic complexity that has ever been performed before in history.

I am not making them any excuses. I am saying that 3 years is by no means enough time to create the frontend, the backend, preparing the load balancers, let alone being able to have ample time to properly load-test an otherwise untested and unproven system.

The governemnt did in fact push the scheduling up unfairly in order to meet the presidents directive and ability to roll this out during his term.

It had to be done. And it has never been done before at this scale.

Now,... back to the partisan finger-pointing,......

As for me, I have built a site that was getting 5,000 visitors a week, all sales were successfully completed and I did it BY MYSELF.

Ya, I have built a few too, myself.

But 5000 visitors a week is exponentially easier than building for 100000 a minute. (excluding any ddos suggestions)

This wasnt a single-server Zendcart or Wordpress setup.

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If you are using windows it won't matter what browser, if you are I'd suggest Tor browser, and run any distro of Linux.


Actually, you could only be successful if you used a "live cd" version of linux. I'm sure that they have bugs for linux, apple's various OS's, etc.

Ya, I have built a few too, myself.

But 5000 visitors a week is exponentially easier than building for 100000 a minute. (excluding any ddos suggestions)

This wasnt a single-server Zendcart or Wordpress setup.

100,000 visitors a minute - times 60 minutes (that's how many there are in an hour) is 6 million people in an hour. Not realistic, in fact an outright fabrication.

100,000 visitors a minute - times 60 minutes - times 24 hours (the number of hours in a day) is 144 million people in a day. More fantasy.

Originally, only 7 million people were supposed to need this ... the poorest of the poor. Then it jumped to 30 million, because a few folks were having their jobs cut back from full time to part time as a result of Zerocare. Then it jumped to 50 million because a lot of us are losing our insurance even though we will remain full time in small companies.

Now, your numbers lie to an extreme. Not saying you lied, I'm sure you got the numbers from a left leaning website - likely whitehouse.gov - but they are not possible.

Many poor folks cannot afford a computer, so they aren't trying to sign up online.

Most of the people trying to get signed up so that they are not lawbreakers and facing fines on January 1 actually work during the day.

Also, while there may be 50 million who need to sign up, it isn't unusual for families to consist of 5 or more members. Since not everyone needs to create their own account (actually you are limited to one per FAMILY) that cuts down the number of users as well.

If the Zerocare website has a million visitors a day, I would personally be shocked. Most have ceased trying to register because Zero told them that the applications can be done over the phone. They can't though, because these phone applications are only using the employee as a typist or data process entry person. It still has to go through the web site.

Now, when you call them, they direct you now to fill our a paper application because they can't even access the site - it is too buggy for them to use.

I spoke to a Navigator on Tuesday, trying to do my civic duty. Evil Chadeaux asked a simple question: When will these applications actually be processed?

Her answer was that the weekend before Thanksgiving, she is supposed to bring all the applications she has acquired to Little Rock. That isn't going to work well. Why?

Well, then they have to input all of those applications --- but that won't start until the week AFTER Thanksgiving. You know, another delay tactic.

This is a train wreck and I sincerely hope that the republicans BLOCK delaying the implementation. I hope they also terminate all special treatment under the law ... like delaying the employer mandate. Denying the exemption for congress and the president. Denying the exemptions given to campaign contributors (political paybacks -- I thought they were illegal)

Make sure you have a place to hide because it's going to be a bumpy ride when the rioting starts. Then he can institute martial law and definitely the despot will be able to rule as king because elections can't take place under martial law.

[edit] Oh, and I hand built the sites. No zencart (security concerns? no) and no wordpress or other commercial application used..

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