Who decides whether we live or die ????


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
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SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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Well, let's let all the conservatives die.....

But then who will pay the recipient class?

Well, let's wait until the conservatives retire, and then deny them healthcare....

hmmm does she have a gun? or is this political?

hmmm does she have a gun? or is this political?

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate on politics, is that you end up being governed by your inferiors"........... Plato

yeah, but I thought this was limited to treasure and 2nd amdmt. if it's general politics, that's a whole different animal

Jeff I understand your question but the word watchdog is in this forum I think the lack of arguments that were present back in the rubber room day's have quelled some.
I am just taking all this as information being brought to light. As I said before if we both agree we would both be wrong.

yeah, but I thought this was limited to treasure and 2nd amdmt. if it's general politics, that's a whole different animal

Jeff mods decides what is relevant and what isn't as far as watchdog forum.

The massive abuse of power involved in the recent multiple scandals under this adminstration show why the 2nd amendment is so vital and in so make the scandal threads relevant to the 2nd amendment forum....

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Jeff, ADS gets a fee for every hit he generates to the Washinton Times web site. Post after post with links to the same site.

Someone help me out was the WAShington Times the propaganda rag that Sun Myung Moon owned?

What better source than the Unification Church?

And yes, i know, they no longer own this "Relevant News source"

From my reading down here I'm gonna say that most here have no idea how the IRS works. But they aren't going to let that stop them from "Telling the Truth!"

I'll reserve judgement of the IRS and any higher ups until the investigative findings come in. it looks like somebody did something wrong. But then again, with the lynch mob controlling the conversation and pointing the way to the nearest hanging tree, it's hard to know what happened.

Personally, I think it will be a hoot if it turns out that the IRS was just doing what the IRS does, catch tax cheats. And, in that process, they found that from historical analysis that these grass roots convervative groups had a high blowout rate. That is most didn't qualify for one reason or another. Based on that history the IRS started flagging them. Just as they would flag any business area with the same history. Like,giving cash businesses exta scrutiny. IOW, just biz as usual at the IRS.

Probably not, but we won't know until the investgation is done.

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What all of this new information ( read : SCANDLES ) proves is what most of us here have said all along , this is a rogue administration that can't be trusted with OUR Constitutional Rights . Now that it involves other Rights being abused ( some ) people are starting to wake up and take notice . But , others .........:dontknow:

Jeff, ADS gets a fee for every hit he generates to the Washinton Times web site. Post after post with links to the same site.

Someone help me out was the WAShington Times the propaganda rag that Sun Myung Moon owned?

What better source than the Unification Church?

And yes, i know, they no longer own this "Relevant News source"

NF , you know the Washington post comment about ADS is not true so do not post it unless you make it clear it is a joke........

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NF , you know the Washington post comment about ADS is not true so do not post it unless you make it clear it is a joke........

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

???? Many here have posted post after post of comments about me that aren't true. Not only have none made clear they were only joking, but you haven't come in to admonish them.

Many half baked comments,and slurs thrown at me for doing no more than playing devil's advocate with you boys.

Th, of course i have to respect your rules, but i'd rather use this standard - if you can't take it don't dish it!

Having been audited 3 times, I am well aware of how the IRS works....

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From my reading down here I'm gonna say that most here have no idea how the IRS works. But they aren't going to let that stop them from "Telling the Truth!"

I'll reserve judgement of the IRS and any higher ups until the investigative findings come in. it looks like somebody did something wrong. But then again, with the lynch mob controlling the conversation and pointing the way to the nearest hanging tree, it's hard to know what happened.

Personally, I think it will be a hoot if it turns out that the IRS was just doing what the IRS does, catch tax cheats. And, in that process, they found that from historical analysis that these grass roots convervative groups had a high blowout rate. That is most didn't qualify for one reason or another. Based on that history the IRS started flagging them. Just as they would flag any business area with the same history. Like,giving cash businesses exta scrutiny. IOW, just biz as usual at the IRS.

Probably not, but we won't know until the investgation is done.

Nf, if the irs is just trying to catch tax cheats then they should arrest all in his cabinet.

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Having been audited 3 times, I am well aware of how the IRS works....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Well, you are right wing conservative, what did you expect? :laughing7:

TH, if you knew how the IRS worked you most likely wouldn't have been audited at all. Knowing how the IRS works is knowing the red flags and avoiding them. As a businessman I have a tax return that is an inch thick as it is. But still, i pay some people to make sure it's all done right. Guarantee? No, but I'm not gonna get rung up on something stupid.

AS an example a few years ago one of my big biz expenses went up by almost 50%. it was all part of a prospecting campaign to take advantage of the oversold bond market. From a biz POV hitting it while the iron was hot. Get the word out! THis campaign greatly increased my marketing costs. No problem, just write it off. Ah, but not so quick Mr Know it all Biz guy! According my accountant, who i've worked with for almost 20 years, increasing that expense by that amount was like screaming at the IRS "Look at me!" I didn't get it! I still don't get it! But according to my guy the big increase was the problem. So he gave me a choice, keep the write off and suffer through a major audit expecting them to go back many years or drop it and move on. We moved on. I left a legit deduction on the table. So it goes in IRS problem avoidance!

People roll the dice with the IRS without realizing it. Just because you can back up a deduction doesn't mean you should take it.

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Well, you are right wing conservative, what did you expect? :laughing7:

TH, if you knew how the IRS worked you most likely wouldn't have been audited at all. Knowing how the IRS works is knowing the red flags and avoiding them. As a businessman I have a tax return that is an inch thick as it is. But still, i pay some people to make sure it's all done right. Guarantee? No, but I'm not gonna get rung up on something stupid.

AS an example a few years ago one of my big biz expenses went up by almost 50%. it was all part of a prospecting campaign to take advantage of the oversold bond market. From a biz POV hitting it while the iron was hot. Get the word out! THis campaign greatly increased my marketing costs. No problem, just write it off. Ah, but not so quick Mr Know it all Biz guy! According my accountant, who i've worked with for almost 20 years, increasing that expense by that amount was like screaming at the IRS "Look at me!" I didn't get it! I still don't get it! But according to my guy the big increase was the problem. So he gave me a choice, keep the write off and suffer through a major audit expecting them to go back many years or drop it and move on. We moved on. I left a legit deduction on the table. So it goes in IRS problem avoidance!

People roll the dice with the IRS without realizing it. Just because you can back up a deduction doesn't mean you should take it.

You said you would tell us this response was a JOKE you didn't Your Easy. If your accountant did every thing legit why would he be telling you to fear the IR S audit????
I'll tell you a joke Any person that believes the low end employees pulled this off is a joke.

The fact remains that the Irs is tied to the Treasury dept, and the head of this dept decided not to pay the proper taxes, yet is essentially our chief economic spokesman and decision maker. NF, I ask you does this make any sense? I respect your expertise in the financial world, but am at odds with your total take on our currant problems. Please excuse me if I'm wrong, but seems to me you are trying to discredit what conservatives stand for, and are attempting to make us, who believe In less government and personal liberties as a bunch of unintelligent bumpkins. I'm sure that you will admit that as a financial professional, you have benifited from us conservatives, since we work hard and try to not only invest in ourselves, but also in the Country.

NF, you are fearing the IRS...Right there is proof that it is to big, to powerful, and has the potential (as we are seeing unfold right now) to be used against political enemies.
Don't you think it's time for a new system like a flat tax?

If your accountant did every thing legit why would he be telling you to fear the IR S audit????

Bingo! Like i said. Most here don't know how the IRS works. That's not a joke and it's not said to insult.

My accountant would tell me to fear an audit because getting flagged isn't about everything being legit. Or, crossing all the Tees and dotting all the I's. It's about knowing what causes an IRS computer to flag a return for closer inspection.

There are dozens of factors. Ranging from being self employed, to certain types of deductions, to those deductions being out of line with the income, the IRS's database of others in a similar business, or your prior deduction history, etc etc etc.

IRS computers are programed to look at and grab the returns of those with the highest likelyhood of a tax underpayment. it's all based on experience. If they pull your return it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong. They may just ask you to a few questions and that's it. Or, they may do a complete audit. The interesting thing with audits is, you have to prove everything. if you took deductions for driving 40,000 business miles you've got to back that up. Same if you are deducting one room of your home as a home office etc etc etc.

The problem with an audit is that the majority end up owing more to the IRS. The taxpayer is unable to prove certain deductions. The worst part, is that whatever caused them to look at your return is usually fine. In the audit they find something else. For example, When you donated that rust bucket car sitting in the side yard, your church gave you a reciept for $5000. After-all that's what you paid for it 20 years ago. All good until the IRS says an 1985 K car in non running condition is only worth $200. OPs! Time to pay the tax man! The over deduction on the K car causes the IRS auditors to go back to previous returns and see what you donated to the church in years past. Now a can of worms is unleashed! if the IRS agents are doing their jobs, looking at string of over priced donated items to a single source will cause them to go to your church and start pulling records. Then because of your 85 K car, many of your fellow congregation members get a call from the IRS to chat. And on it goes!

The idea is to know what the IRS is looking for, and stay away from those hot spots if possible. Even if you've done everything right an audit can cost you big time and money just to prove it.

The cost of drawing attention to yourself and bringing on an audit is usually far more costly than the value of the deduction.

My accountant gave me good advice. That's why i pay him.

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The fact remains that the Irs is tied to the Treasury dept, and the head of this dept decided not to pay the proper taxes, yet is essentially our chief economic spokesman and decision maker. NF, I ask you does this make any sense? I respect your expertise in the financial world, but am at odds with your total take on our currant problems. Please excuse me if I'm wrong, but seems to me you are trying to discredit what conservatives stand for, and are attempting to make us, who believe In less government and personal liberties as a bunch of unintelligent bumpkins. I'm sure that you will admit that as a financial professional, you have benifited from us conservatives, since we work hard and try to not only invest in ourselves, but also in the Country.

GMD this is a good post! Let me tell you where i stand - Let's get the facts before we make any judgements. it is that simple. We don't have the facts. let's get all the facts, then make a judgment. Investigation, then trial, then verdict. in that order.

I don't take anyone here as a bumpkin. However, almost all here have passed judgement. There is a rush to judgement. it is based upon the extreme and passionate dislike of the current administration. it is that rush to judgement that i'm against.

As for my clients. Working hard doesn't have a political party. My clients range from one end of the political spectrum to the other. All believe in this country as passionately as the next.

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