Whites Spectra V3 Vision VS. Minelab E-trac

EZrider said:
So Keppy, you have had an ETrac and put many hours on one to know this as fact? Or are you just going by videos and fourm hearsay? The AT while a decent machine is not even in the same league as the ET. How do i know this? I own both. Ive tested both side by side. It's not even close in real world hunting/targets. Lets not even talk about build quality of the AT. Its a toy in comparison.

I own both the AT Pro and the E-trac. I got them within a few weeks of each other.
IMO....In the videos I've seen comparing the 2 detectors are laughable. It's Like comparing Apples to oranges.
Now don't take me wrong ,I like both detectors BUT the E-trac performs way far better than I ever imagined.

extractor said:
EZrider said:
So Keppy, you have had an ETrac and put many hours on one to know this as fact? Or are you just going by videos and fourm hearsay? The AT while a decent machine is not even in the same league as the ET. How do i know this? I own both. Ive tested both side by side. It's not even close in real world hunting/targets. Lets not even talk about build quality of the AT. Its a toy in comparison.

I own both the AT Pro and the E-trac. I got them within a few weeks of each other.
IMO....In the videos I've seen comparing the 2 detectors are laughable. It's Like comparing Apples to oranges.
Now don't take me wrong ,I like both detectors BUT the E-trac performs way far better than I ever imagined.
Extractor............ You have them both tell me what is the difference between the two ... I always like honest information........... From some one that has both...........For all i get most of the time is some one that only has the E trac or only has the AT.......... Then they say things like i have used both and you know that is BS.... When they say it.................. And you know they have only used the one they bragg about..... HH


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EZrider said:
So Keppy, you have had an ETrac and put many hours on one to know this as fact? Or are you just going by videos and fourm hearsay? The AT while a decent machine is not even in the same league as the ET. How do i know this? I own both. Ive tested both side by side. It's not even close in real world hunting/targets. Lets not even talk about build quality of the AT. Its a toy in comparison.
EZ ............if you own both i don't see the AT listed ........... And the only reason you gave was one is good and one is like a toy........... What kind of explanation is that..........That tells me nothing ?????????????


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Keppy said:
extractor said:
EZrider said:
So Keppy, you have had an ETrac and put many hours on one to know this as fact? Or are you just going by videos and fourm hearsay? The AT while a decent machine is not even in the same league as the ET. How do i know this? I own both. Ive tested both side by side. It's not even close in real world hunting/targets. Lets not even talk about build quality of the AT. Its a toy in comparison.

I own both the AT Pro and the E-trac. I got them within a few weeks of each other.
IMO....In the videos I've seen comparing the 2 detectors are laughable. It's Like comparing Apples to oranges.
Now don't take me wrong ,I like both detectors BUT the E-trac performs way far better than I ever imagined.
Extractor............ You have them both tell me what is the difference between the two ... I always like honest information........... From some one that has both........... HH

Well I think they are both great . Last summer I did a bunch of water crossings while exploring the southwest in very remote areas. I realised I needed to get a waterproof detector for these excursions. The AT pro came out and I knew it would work for my needs and then some.
For my local hunts ....... I stopped posting my digs from the AT pro cause I don't need an other person at the parks I hunt showing up with one. LOL :laughing7:
For years Ive following the post of the Tnet members in Illinois who use E-tracs. They consistently find great targets . That is what got my intrest in the E-trac.
What I really like about the E-trac is the ability to give a total wealth of information to the operator. In most machines that info is limited. With the E-trac You can do the thinking with the Detector.
Say you are finding a target you don't want to waist time digging , Just scan it an remove it on the display screen.
It operates on multiple frequency's . Other detectors usually use 1 freq.
I tested it on gold from, earring's ,small nuggets and rings and the E-trac did fine. Just the opposite of the videos Ive seen on the internet. IMO it was operator Error in those videos
I'm Learning the two new detectors at the same time. I am going to wait about 4 to 6 months and give a good up front comparison between the 2 detectors.

How did you find the ETrac on really small gold nuggets? I'm talking 0.065 grams (1 grain) or less. And, with targets that small, would you find that in the ground? Air? With the MXT I was popping 0.022 gram (1/3 grain) nuggets all day with the 6x10" coil, and the V3 can see even smaller stuff. ..Willy.

extractor........Willy............. now that is the kind of info i like thanks ......HH


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IMO it was operator Error in those videos

Tell you what. You tell me exactly how to adjust my E-Trac for gold and I'll redo the video showing the exact setting you tell me and we'll see how it does on those same pieces of gold. I put the E-Trac in pinpoint mode and it didn't see those 2 pieces of gold.

I've been using the E-Trac for a little over a year now, and plan to keep it, so I have no reason to not want the E-Trac to do well. The E-Trac is without a doubt the best detector I have used for easily finding deep coins. The key here being easily. The AT PRO was able to see every deep coin the E-Trac found, but it wasn't as clean and I probably wouldn't have recovered them unless I had the experience with the AT to know it was a deep coin. Like the V3i, I do believe with time on the detector(AT PRO) you would learn to know those deep coins sound and get just about as deep as the E-Trac. The AT does not have anywhere near the features of the E-Trac so they are not in the same class.

What makes the E-Trac such a deep detector is it's ability to clearly tell the user a deep coin is there. It really doesn't get all that much deeper than others, it just does a very good job of telling you when to dig. Of course thats what it's all about.

Just gonna add my honest opinion here. I have never used the e-trac but have used the se with 11 inch pro coil.

I have made comparisons with the two units. First let me say I know whites units the best. Have over 10,000 hrs in the field with whites top of the line units. I favor them the most.

But I will give the ups and downs. I basically can find treasure with any unit even the ace 250. Lots of yrs of experience though tells me what to listen for.

The explorer does really well on deep silver. It also does really well finding silver and old coins in bad soil. It also does pretty well in trashy area's finding silver. But that is about all the explorers would do for me. They are deep silver units. But you have to sweep them really slow.

However the spectra does go as deep. Doesn't give the greatest response to say a silver dime at 8 or 9. But I have learned what to listen for and can find those deep silver with the spectra. The V3 gives you way more info to use.

The spectra pinpoints much better than the se does also. It is balanced much better to. I think the best detector is one that can find it all. And the spectra does this. From small relics to large deep items it gets it all. I think it is the best all around unit money can buy right now.

Remember this is just my opinion. I like to use what I think is best. And whites is always were it has been for me. Most exp users just post silver and coin finds. When do you see a pyle of relics sitting next to it also.

It is a great coin unit. But for me that isn't what I am just looking for. So my choice is the spectra because it finds it all.


JerV3 said:
Just gonna add my honest opinion here. I have never used the e-trac but have used the se with 11 inch pro coil.

I have made comparisons with the two units. First let me say I know whites units the best. Have over 10,000 hrs in the field with whites top of the line units. I favor them the most.

But I will give the ups and downs. I basically can find treasure with any unit even the ace 250. Lots of yrs of experience though tells me what to listen for.

The explorer does really well on deep silver. It also does really well finding silver and old coins in bad soil. It also does pretty well in trashy area's finding silver. But that is about all the explorers would do for me. They are deep silver units. But you have to sweep them really slow.

However the spectra does go as deep. Doesn't give the greatest response to say a silver dime at 8 or 9. But I have learned what to listen for and can find those deep silver with the spectra. The V3 gives you way more info to use.

The spectra pinpoints much better than the se does also. It is balanced much better to. I think the best detector is one that can find it all. And the spectra does this. From small relics to large deep items it gets it all. I think it is the best all around unit money can buy right now.

Remember this is just my opinion. I like to use what I think is best. And whites is always were it has been for me. Most exp users just post silver and coin finds. When do you see a pyle of relics sitting next to it also.

It is a great coin unit. But for me that isn't what I am just looking for. So my choice is the spectra because it finds it all.


What about EMI? Does the Etrac not handle EMI better because of its noise cancel feature? Without handling EMI, a deep, informative detector becomes an unusable one!!

I haven't had any emi issues yet. I try not to hunt around large power lines though. Every unit I have ever used picked up emi. All I do is lower the gain some and they calm down. Good question though.


What about EMI? Does the Etrac not handle EMI better because of its noise cancel feature? Without handling EMI, a deep, informative detector becomes an unusable one!!
The V3i has a frequency offset feature that I believe is supposed to help with EMI or other detectors near you. As for how it works, I will find out when the ground thaws!

fmrUSMC_0844 said:
What about EMI? Does the Etrac not handle EMI better because of its noise cancel feature? Without handling EMI, a deep, informative detector becomes an unusable one!!
The V3i has a frequency offset feature that I believe is supposed to help with EMI or other detectors near you. As for how it works, I will find out when the ground thaws!

Please let me know! I am curious.

dbsmokey said:
fmrUSMC_0844 said:
What about EMI? Does the Etrac not handle EMI better because of its noise cancel feature? Without handling EMI, a deep, informative detector becomes an unusable one!!
The V3i has a frequency offset feature that I believe is supposed to help with EMI or other detectors near you. As for how it works, I will find out when the ground thaws!

Please let me know! I am curious.
I will. My hunting buddy also uses a V3 so I know they are going to interfere with eachother!!

It works great. I was hunting next to a Tesoro the other day and both of our machines were going crazy when we were within 10 feet of each other. I stood a couple feet away and did a noise cancel and everything was quiet thereafter.

Way to go White's :thumbsup:

I have both detectors The v3i and the etrac I leaned the v3i and use it more than the etrac. I like that I can set v3i up for diffrent ground conditions. I get depth that the etrac cant with the v3i I find lot of silver with the etrac but i find older deeper silver with the V3I. like seated liberty's

tumbleinn2 said:
I have both detectors The v3i and the etrac I leaned the v3i and use it more than the etrac. I like that I can set v3i up for diffrent ground conditions. I get depth that the etrac cant with the v3i I find lot of silver with the etrac but i find older deeper silver with the V3I. like seated liberty's

This is the first comment (I think) that I've seen where someone mentioned ground conditions, with reference to how the V3i and the E-Trac compare.

Can other's, who have used both, give me some ideas as to how these two detectors compare, in more heavily mineralized ground? Which one handles heavily mineralized ground better, or is there any difference, if they're both set up properly?

John Rayfield, Jr.

Ive owned several minelabs xterras and a quattro. I like the quattro and its features. Also owned a whites mxt and was a good machine great for gold. But then I wanted a machine that had more vdi display info so I traded it for a Dfx and love the Dfx. I think whites land machines are bettter for gold and jewelry than minelabs. I still own the quattro and like dfx way more. Its all about the gold and whites does that well.

therover said:
My brother just bought a V3 and he is now learning the machine and is making better finds each and every hunt.

Gotta learn whatever machine you use. That's the trump card.

this is the quote of the decade for metal detecting.....i can buy any machine but if i dont learn what it is telling me ,what good is it????
and i will even admit that i have hunted with people using ace 250s that did just as good as i did..because they knew how to set up there machines nad knew what they were being told...
i have used my etrac in a lot of places except the beach and even in virginia and south carolina i never had any problems with mineralized ground

I agree knowing your detector is key to getting top performance out of any detector, but, not all detectors have the same top performance and thats a fact.

I can know everything there is to know about a Volkswagen and still get my butt beat by a newbie is a vette.

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