Whiskey Springs Maps

On the way to Whisky Springs, you take the old military trail, or so Ive read, right past Miner's Needle. That route, up until Miner's Needle can be seen here. After that it's all off trail in this video.

I like your determination, but I still hate your videos :tongue3:
Keep trying and who knows , maybe one day you will hit the jackpot.

I like your determination, but I still hate your videos :tongue3:
Keep trying and who knows , maybe one day you will hit the jackpot.

There's nothing wrong with his videos. In fact, they're pretty good AND stable. I believe he is using a GoPro Hero 12 or 13, and its fantastic quality. Better than most on Youtube.

Just saying....

I'm joking when I'm writing I hate his videos. It's because he wrote how I will hate his videos.

I believe you Markmar. It is good to have a sense of humor - glad to see you still hanging in there with us all here on TN.

What I love about his videos are - how they really give one a good sense of how BIG it is out there and how difficult it can be, getting through the areas he's walking in.

You really have to hand it to him - as boots on the ground is really the only way ANYTHING gets solved out there. Not to mention he's pretty brave all while carrying his gear - which looks to be about 50lbs. give or take a pound.

It took "balls" to do what he did, up on Miner's needle. Not sure I would have gone up as far as he did.


I believe you Markmar. It is good to have a sense of humor - glad to see you still hanging in there with us all here on TN.

What I love about his videos are - how they really give one a good sense of how BIG it is out there and how difficult it can be, getting through the areas he's walking in.

You really have to hand it to him - as boots on the ground is really the only way ANYTHING gets solved out there. Not to mention he's pretty brave all while carrying his gear - which looks to be about 50lbs. give or take a pound.

It took "balls" to do what he did, up on Miner's needle. Not sure I would have gone up as far as he did.

A couple things: Thank you to both of you....even though marcmar is joking with me, he was really the inspiration for the video. Without his comment, I probably would have done something different. Now I think he did it on purpose, but that's ok.... I had fun. And I truly appreciate the boost of confidence spartan gives me. Thanks fellas.
So...Im using 2 cameras, both gopros. A Hero 9 and a Hero 13. One stayed on my chest and the other in my hand on a "battery handle." You can tell which video was recorded with which camera. The Hero 9 footage has to be heavily edited (color wise) in order to get it to somewhat resemble the quality of the Hero 13, which has a bigger sensor. It is what it is.... I was able to shorten the video a bit, increase the video quality. I still need to make it more interesting, but....it is, imo, better than the Whiskey Springs video in many ways.
Spartan, I'm pretty sure you could have done it. I could have done it with a little verbal help from a friend. It was only my head that stopped my from going the 15 feet I was from the precipice. Hearing the rocks falling down, having to basically crawl to keep center of gravity low....and looking down is what spooked me. I think it was definitely physically possible, especially with buddies. I think Bob Garman probably looked over the precipice, not through the hole. It's ok. A slight embellishment. I'll allow it. :).

A couple things: Thank you to both of you....even though marcmar is joking with me, he was really the inspiration for the video. Without his comment, I probably would have done something different. Now I think he did it on purpose, but that's ok.... I had fun. And I truly appreciate the boost of confidence spartan gives me. Thanks fellas.
So...Im using 2 cameras, both gopros. A Hero 9 and a Hero 13. One stayed on my chest and the other in my hand on a "battery handle." You can tell which video was recorded with which camera. The Hero 9 footage has to be heavily edited (color wise) in order to get it to somewhat resemble the quality of the Hero 13, which has a bigger sensor. It is what it is.... I was able to shorten the video a bit, increase the video quality. I still need to make it more interesting, but....it is, imo, better than the Whiskey Springs video in many ways.
Spartan, I'm pretty sure you could have done it. I could have done it with a little verbal help from a friend. It was only my head that stopped my from going the 15 feet I was from the precipice. Hearing the rocks falling down, having to basically crawl to keep center of gravity low....and looking down is what spooked me. I think it was definitely physically possible, especially with buddies. I think Bob Garman probably looked over the precipice, not through the hole. It's ok. A slight embellishment. I'll allow it. :).

The head is so obvious it's too funny. I think the Head is telling us something - but I can't put an idea to it as of yet. I've got to think about that....

I believe you chose wisely as to NOT go up any further. I agree - if you had others with you, probably would have been motivated to complete the climb. Since you were alone - you chose wisely my friend. There will be no disagreeing here regarding that climb. I too think - Bob didn't go all the way up, but I've also seen people do the craziest things out there. So who knows at this point.

Again, it took some real guts to get up as high as you did and the Rock face was a good pay off for that particular ascension. Well done.

I think I could have done it, but I wouldn't have tried, if I were alone that day either. I don't take many risks when being alone anywhere I go. It just not worth it.

The head is so obvious it's too funny. I think the Head is telling us something - but I can't put an idea to it as of yet. I've got to think about that....

I believe you chose wisely as to NOT go up any further. I agree - if you had others with you, probably would have been motivated to complete the climb. Since you were alone - you chose wisely my friend. There will be no disagreeing here regarding that climb. I too think - Bob didn't go all the way up, but I've also seen people do the craziest things out there. So who knows at this point.

Again, it took some real guts to get up as high as you did and the Rock face was a good pay off for that particular ascension. Well done.

I think I could have done it, but I wouldn't have tried, if I were alone that day either. I don't take many risks when being alone anywhere I go. It just not worth it.
Oh, I thin Bob DID go all the way up....BUT, that's not where the hole in the needle is. That is on the other side of the "butte." So.....I think he did the extra 15 feet that I didn't BUT, that is not the same thing as looking through the hole in the needle, if that makes sense. Looking over the edge of that incline, and looking through the hole in the needle are two different things.. whew. long story long.....

Yea, I looked down and felt dizzy for a sec. If I would have looked over the precipice then fainting would be a possibility. That is the wrong place to faint. I surely did the right thing, BUT if I go again with friends, I might give it another shot.

So.....is the face a treasure sign? Apaches made it? Ranchers made it? Treasure hunters made it? It is quite obviously a face........but who and what for? A joke on us? From what I can tell, all it did was look at the back side of miners needle.

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Oh, I thin Bob DID go all the way up....BUT, that's not where the hole in the needle is. That is on the other side of the "butte." So.....I think he did the extra 15 feet that I didn't BUT, that is not the same thing as looking through the hole in the needle, if that makes sense. Looking over the edge of that incline, and looking through the hole in the needle are two different things.. whew. long story long.....

Yea, I looked down and felt dizzy for a sec. If I would have looked over the precipice then failting would be a possibility. That is the wrong place to faint. I surely did the right thing, BUT if I go again with friends, I might give it another shot.

So.....is the face a treasure sign? Apaches made it? Ranchers made it? Treasure hunters made it? It is quite obviously a face........but who and what for? A joke on us? From what I can tell, all it did was look at the back side of miners needle.
That face has got to be pretty old. I can't imagine a rancher making it. It would be too obvious for it to be a marker of sorts for treasure - but it could be a marking in a line of clues, as if its pointing to another marker of some type.

I don't believe an Apache would create that - at least I've not heard of them doing that kind of creation. Now, that all being said - could it be for religious reasons? Or some type of memorial?

Maybe Markmar has an idea.....as he seems to have some knowledge of all things old.

The face is Aztec marker. Is looking to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. It's an intermediary marker between Aztec birthland and their last home. Has the beginning on its back and the future in front. It's also a warning of what Thunder God can do to a human body if anger.

The face is Aztec marker. Is looking to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. It's an intermediary marker between Aztec birthland and their last home. Has the beginning on its back and the future in front. It's also a warning of what Thunder God can do to a human body if anger.

Thank you Markmar, for your wisdom. I had no idea and never thought of the Aztecs creating that.

Why though - would it be at that spot, up at Miner's needle? I didn't think Miner's needle would have any significance to the Aztecs.

Thank you Markmar, for your wisdom. I had no idea and never thought of the Aztecs creating that.

Why though - would it be at that spot, up at Miner's needle? I didn't think Miner's needle would have any significance to the Aztecs.
There is a story that their homeland is farther north in AZ. Choco canyon maybe? Something like that.
When the Aztecs took control/power in modern day Mexico City (ancient Tenochtitlan), they were invaders from the north. They were't from there. How far north though, is up for debate...
Im not super familiar though, so if marcmar would like to continue......

Thank you Markmar, for your wisdom. I had no idea and never thought of the Aztecs creating that.

Why though - would it be at that spot, up at Miner's needle? I didn't think Miner's needle would have any significance to the Aztecs.
The spot was the last high stand in the Superstitions towards their empire capital.

CILoony, you're nuts. Another good video, though!

Seriously...getting cliffed is how most people get hurt in AZ. It's going downhill once you've climbed up that's the hard part. Usually a 20 foot slide down to sudden and unexpected 30-40ft fall is what gets people in trouble.

I once saw my brother fall down a cliff so far that I had time to observe to a friend "Man, he's going to die." This was while he was falling.

The only thing that saved him was a couple of impacts on the way down that kept him from reaching terminal velocity. No broken bones, but he was totally jacked up. Missing large chunks of flesh.

Be safe out there. Take a buddy ;)

CILoony, you're nuts. Another good video, though!

Seriously...getting cliffed is how most people get hurt in AZ. It's going downhill once you've climbed up that's the hard part. Usually a 20 foot slide down to sudden and unexpected 30-40ft fall is what gets people in trouble.

I once saw my brother fall down a cliff so far that I had time to observe to a friend "Man, he's going to die." This was while he was falling.

The only thing that saved him was a couple of impacts on the way down that kept him from reaching terminal velocity. No broken bones, but he was totally jacked up. Missing large chunks of flesh.

Be safe out there. Take a buddy ;)
Yes.... I told myself this a million times after I got down. I appreciate you saying that, I really do. ...to your point. Going up was easy, as you saw. Going down I had to sit on my butt and slide, slowly, step by step for 50 yards or so. Im sure some 'ol timer like Jack San Felice, if he ever sees that video, will laugh because I've heard him tell stories of people who DID look over the precipice. He might even be one of them. In any case, I'm not yet one of them, but I did look through SOME of the "towers" on the butte so.... Im good for now. lol. Mission accomplished.

That's a horrible story about your brother and I'm sorry to hear that it happened. I'm glad though that it seems he survived in tact, minus a bit of flesh. I'm sure that's a lesson you'll never forget......

This video was a "fun" one, something not too serious to help me focus on recording and editing. My goal is to have the vast majority of my videos be related to a specific goal, treasure legend, however. I've got a bunch of ideas kicking around, including hiking to spots discussed here and a field trip to Adamsville, AZ (ghost town) which has stories about Waltz AND the KCG so.... wooo hoooo! Fun stuff.

Anyhow, thank you for your kind words and for looking out for my safety. It is appreciated and your advice will be heeded.

Yep, to this day I don't know how he survived that fall. That was in 1979. He's still kicking and doing well.

Adamsville...a good field trip :icon_salut:
Adamsville Plaque.webp


Maybe we need an Adamsville thread......

The face is Aztec marker. Is looking to Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. It's an intermediary marker between Aztec birthland and their last home. Has the beginning on its back and the future in front. It's also a warning of what Thunder God can do to a human body if anger.
A quick question:
I lived in Mexico City for about a year. (That's not a question)
I still spend a lot of time in Manzanillo each year, as I found my wife there.....(Thats not a question either)
Here's the question: The stone work made by the Aztecs in Mexico, that which survives, looks way more "advanced" than this head. This was my wife's first observation when I mentioned "Aztec" in reference to the head. She chuckled, said "no way, this does not look Aztec," and you know, I have to agree with her.
How would you explain the difference in the stone work the Aztecs definitely made, with this "lower quality craftsmanship" head in the Sups that they allegedly made?
And.....if the head is Aztec, how would you explain the change in sculpting style/quality between here and there? Meaning....who along the way helped them "get better" at stonework in the time between this head was made and their temples built in the middle of a giant lake in Tenochtitlan?
There are serious questions. Im not belittling your opinion. Im actually curious about your perspective.

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I'm joking when I'm writing I hate his videos. It's because he wrote how I will hate his videos.
Im starting to feel bad for bumping heads with you man. Not a lot of people tell me NOT to hike in treasure areas and that I'm going to be killed, (and Im not a fan of blurred-on-purpose google images......) BUT all that aside, you're growing on me :) I think I like you! You keep me on my toes :)

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