Which of you actually know the origin of the Beale Inventory?

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faze . . . phase . . . who notices? The Police, that's who. Uh . . sir . . you said faze, right? Did you mean
to say phase or did you mean fuzz? Cuz it you meant fuzz we got a problem.

What is the relationship between csa and the DOI,just curious

As follows: The Inner Committee met at the Arlington in 1882, to discuss how to use VARIOUS "stories" of WESTERN ADVENTURE & stories of finding GOLD, mining GOLD... OUT WEST! Since the MAJORITY of the Inner Committee were ex-REBELS, the DOI by TJ was utilized & aimed at Abe, during the CONFEDERATE WAR... the Hutter Bros & JB Ward (cousins) play-acted these earlier stories at their grandpa's (JB Risque) farm & then utilized them as a "cover" story in the BEALE PAPERS. Even grandpa Risque's duel with Thomas Beale, Sr. was used as part of the story. Grandpa Risque was an attorney in Fincastle, Va. (defending Julia HANCOCK, at her father's request); she was a DIRECT descendant from JOHN HANCOCK, who SIGNED the DOI. NOW! The "story" & letters (coded) are MORE important than the Beale Cipher # 1 & Beale Cipher # 3, which are USELESS... just RUSES. NO ONE can/will solve 'em... and NEVER WILL. PV was correct in his last book on the "Beale" Treasure... Confederate Treasure Coverup a NOVEL/FACTION: fiction based on FACTS. If you know LOCAL history like I do... you can decipher who is who & what happened to the $$$$$$$$$$$. It was buried, invested, & utilized for CONSTRUCTION/RE-CONSTRUCTION, after the CONFEDERATE WAR...

Yea,yea, heard it before,lol...

faze . . . phase . . . who notices? The Police, that's who. Uh . . sir . . you said faze, right? Did you mean
to say phase or did you mean fuzz? Cuz it you meant fuzz we got a problem.


Well Reb, at least you and I agree on one issue, "there likely is no treasure to be found."

Glad you guys got it figured out, goodluck

"Scoop", YOU need to go to the TIKI BAR, for "time-out"; STOP ATTACKING us (CSA Theory)! Just continue on with YOUR "French Connection" & History "lesson"; I have seen NOTHING yet to "excite" me to look into it. AND! In 1885, it may well be that "BP" was released in the Lynchburg, VIRGINIA "area" to see if ANYONE else also knew of the "Beale" Treasure; FACTS: during WWII, NSA agents WERE "on the streets" of Lynchburg, Va. asking ppl what THEY knew... NOTHING! SO! NSA knew SOMETHING in the 1940's. 1952: George Hart, Jr. released THE HART PAPERS; 1964: GOLD IN THOSE HILLS was released by Pauline Innis (starting the modern days "search"); 1987: Peter Viemeister released THE BEALE TREASURE: A HISTORY of a MYSTERY; 1997: THE BEALE TREASURE; NEW HISTORY of a MYSTERY by PV; THE KEY & OTHER books/CD Books by LOCAL authors; & FINALLY, by PV, CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit ... Confederate Treasure Coverup WHERE are YOUR books for YOUR "French Connection" & REVISED "History" lessons... wanna read 'em.

Settle down Rebel....I will find the Beale treasure next, and then we will have proof! the code used is an exact cipher to what we are already using to uncover K.G.C. Maps and............just relax my friend the truth will come out in the wash, it always does.


Settle down Rebel....I will find the Beale treasure next, and then we will have proof! the code used is an exact cipher to what we are already using to uncover K.G.C. Maps and............just relax my friend the truth will come out in the wash, it always does.


That's what they said 125 years ago. Not so much as a nugget has ever showed up. :laughing7:

Kinda dull around here since bigscoop left for his walkabout. :laughing7:

Don Bruno_20141112_0001.webp

You'll never sell "some of" these guys that the French had any part in any of it. I don't care how much you show them. :laughing7:

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