Which of you actually know the origin of the Beale Inventory?

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Enough to make a difference. :thumbsup:

YOU thinking of $$$$$$$$$$...? LOL! NOT only that! FREEDOM! To do what you want, etc. KGC $$$$$$$$$ was added to OAK $$$$$$$$$$... OAK (with GREEDY Yanks-in-the-Ranks) took it ALL, after the CONFEDERATE WAR, to fund the GROWTH to the Pacific Ocean; at FIRST, ALL with STATES RIGHTS. PO'ed KGC/ ex-REBS (Outlaws, etc) robbed "OAK" Banks, "OAK" Trains, etc. Outlaws had "on-the-road" Traveling Banks to get necessary supplies & help the "poor" frontier families, along the way/trail. They DID make a difference... the "BIG caches are OAK "stuff"); SOME KGC $$$$$$$$ WAS left behind in Coal Mountain (aka BRENTWOOD KGC Treasure), several miles SOUTH of Nashville, Tenn.

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YOU thinking of $$$$$$$$$$...? LOL! NOT only that! FREEDOM! To do what you want, etc. KGC $$$$$$$$$ was added to OAK $$$$$$$$$$... OAK (with GREEDY Yanks-in-the-Ranks) took it ALL, after the CONFEDERATE WAR, to fund the GROWTH to the Pacific Ocean; at FIRST, ALL with STATES RIGHTS. PO'ed KGC/ ex-REBS (Outlaws, etc) robbed "OAK" Banks, "OAK" Trains, etc. Outlaws had "on-the-road" Traveling Banks to get necessary supplies & help the "poor" frontier families, along the way/trail. They DID make a difference... the "BIG caches are OAK "stuff"); SOME KGC $$$$$$$$ WAS left behind in Coal Mountain (aka BRENTWOOD KGC Treasure), several miles SOUTH of Nashville, Tenn.

I heard a rumor once that if a wealthy or influential man wore both of his boots it was a secret KGC sign. :laughing7:

Bigscoop, I was not coming back to post but your post are like a thorn in my side. First of all yes the CSA had tons of gold and silver placed away. I know I have the facts. Second, why do you keep posting that the South was broke-----just like every historian since the end of the Civil War. This is far from the TRUTH. I have the facts. If you still do not believe me please do not post any further about the South being broke without any evidence to back up your boast. Three if you still do not believe me have one of the Major Networks give my partner and I -----One Million Dollars each and I will give all of the facts to the world nothing held back. All of the movies about National Treasure make me sick, I mean $10 Billion Dollars---this is pocket change compared to what we have found. We can touch any of this money but if someone wants to go after the hundreds of tons of gold I will give them all the information necessary for a total of two million dollars ---- one million for me and one million for my partner. You can scoff and you can laugh but you can not deny the truth when it is looking you straight in the face.

So every historian agrees the south was broke after the war. Hu! Wonder why? Enough said about that.
And Franklin, buddy, if you really think a major network is going to fork over a million bucks for what you know then you'd better put it in novel or screen play form and try selling it to them under the heading of, "fiction". And I wish you'd do yourself a favor and quit saying "we've found" because until you've seen it and touched it and recovered it you've not "found" anything. Mel Fisher "found" the Atocha! See the difference....?

Now if you should venture say 25 miles or even 50 miles in the opposite direction you may very well find a large treasure that the Job Print Pamphlet did not want you to find. That could very well be the reason for the Beale Treasure Mystery?

I've actually considered 4 miles in the other direction as being the possible location, but the text doesn't say WITHIN four miles, it says ABOUT 4 miles FROM.

"I have deposited in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford’s..."

So we write a treasure story of secret buried treasure in order to divert attention away from a secret buried treasure that nobody knows anything about in the first place? The logic here is completely flawed. If it's already a well-kept secret, why do "anything" to draw attention to it's very existence if you're trying to protect it? At one end these theories treat their suspects as if they have super intelligence and then on the desperate end they are considered to be complete morons. :icon_scratch:

So we write a treasure story of secret buried treasure in order to divert attention away from a secret buried treasure that nobody knows anything about in the first place? The logic here is completely flawed. If it's already a well-kept secret, why do "anything" to draw attention to it's very existence if you're trying to protect it? At one end these theories treat their suspects as if they have super intelligence and then on the desperate end they are considered to be complete morons. :icon_scratch:

"Scoop", YOU need to go to the TIKI BAR, for "time-out"; STOP ATTACKING us (CSA Theory)! Just continue on with YOUR "French Connection" & History "lesson"; I have seen NOTHING yet to "excite" me to look into it. AND! In 1885, it may well be that "BP" was released in the Lynchburg, VIRGINIA "area" to see if ANYONE else also knew of the "Beale" Treasure; FACTS: during WWII, NSA agents WERE "on the streets" of Lynchburg, Va. asking ppl what THEY knew... NOTHING! SO! NSA knew SOMETHING in the 1940's. 1952: George Hart, Jr. released THE HART PAPERS; 1964: GOLD IN THOSE HILLS was released by Pauline Innis (starting the modern days "search"); 1987: Peter Viemeister released THE BEALE TREASURE: A HISTORY of a MYSTERY; 1997: THE BEALE TREASURE; NEW HISTORY of a MYSTERY by PV; THE KEY & OTHER books/CD Books by LOCAL authors; & FINALLY, by PV, CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit ... Confederate Treasure Coverup WHERE are YOUR books for YOUR "French Connection" & REVISED "History" lessons... wanna read 'em.

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Why why why do they do it? I'm just glad they do. Maybe its because they are army brats . . .
or fraternal order brats . . . or post-empty hole syndrome brats . . I DONT KNOW ! ! ! All I do know
is if wearing both boots at the same time in public is a KGC secret sign I just don't get it. :laughing7:

"Scoop", YOU need to go to the TIKI BAR, for "time-out"; STOP ATTACKING us (CSA Theory)! Just continue on with YOUR "French Connection" & History "lesson"; I have seen NOTHING yet to "excite" me to look into it. AND! In 1885, it may well be that "BP" was released in the Lynchburg, VIRGINIA "area" to see if ANYONE else also knew of the "Beale" Treasure; FACTS: during WWII, NSA agents WERE "on the streets" of Lynchburg, Va. asking ppl what THEY knew... NOTHING! SO! NSA knew SOMETHING in the 1940's. 1952: George Hart, Jr. released THE HART PAPERS; 1964: GOLD IN THOSE HILLS was released by Pauline Innis (starting the modern days "search"); 1987: Peter Viemeister released THE BEALE TREASURE: A HISTORY of a MYSTERY; 1997: THE BEALE TREASURE; NEW HISTORY of a MYSTERY by PV; THE KEY & OTHER books/CD Books by LOCAL authors; & FINALLY, by PV, CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit ... Confederate Treasure Coverup WHERE are YOUR books for YOUR "French Connection" & REVISED "History" lessons... wanna read 'em.

Not attacking at all, just playing devil's advocate as you local fellas always do to everyone else. Seems there's no problem with this whenever the shoe is on the other foot. Unlike you folks, I want the devil's advocate, this then allowing me to fill the possible holes or flaws in the theory VS simply waving the white flag and willing those holes and flaws away. Do you really get enjoyment from encouraging people to physically look for something that may not even exist? I don't. "If" there is ever to be any accurate resolution to this mystery then it must begin by sorting out the possible from the impossible, whether it's what we want to hear or not. Whenever we encounter holes in the road we can't just continue to drive around them, those holes need to be fixed, otherwise they'll only continue to grow larger until the road starts to completely collapse behind us. Whenever that happens new roads have to be taken. Enough said.

Lol, using the DOI as a key for a CSA story, makes no sense.

What is the relationship between csa and the DOI,just curious

Thanks Tat, there is no relationship, that I'm aware of. I have worked with closely with a DOI for years now, that has the initials TJB on it, and know for a fact it has multiple maps ,and info, that sounds crazy, but I've read between the lines so to say, and seen what was being shown, ciphered through it, which wasn't easy, but I did, and found the place that has been shown. The time frame for the Beale story goes backwards from letter dates, time lapse had to occur, before the next faze, of their objectives. Not forward like csa theories. For every one person looking for the thruth there are dozens hiding it,justsayn. Sure there are relatives and family,members of operations, people that refused the trip, a lot of people knew, and fueled a lot, but IT being hid IT would be safe. More than just gold, all I'm going to say. Thanks Justintime

CSA theories, are a muse to mislead, and hide the truth. It's not going to work, to late. Justintime

Muse, lol, damn auto check,,, ruse.

Don't blame anyone for not believeing ,I wouldn't either, I've seen it through. Justintime

Not attacking at all, just playing devil's advocate as you local fellas always do to everyone else. Seems there's no problem with this whenever the shoe is on the other foot. Unlike you folks, I want the devil's advocate, this then allowing me to fill the possible holes or flaws in the theory VS simply waving the white flag and willing those holes and flaws away. Do you really get enjoyment from encouraging people to physically look for something that may not even exist? I don't. "If" there is ever to be any accurate resolution to this mystery then it must begin by sorting out the possible from the impossible, whether it's what we want to hear or not. Whenever we encounter holes in the road we can't just continue to drive around them, those holes need to be fixed, otherwise they'll only continue to grow larger until the road starts to completely collapse behind us. Whenever that happens new roads have to be taken. Enough said.

NO "holes" in the CSA "theory" seen. MEANWHILE, waiting for books, etc. on YOUR "French Connections", etc.

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