Which detector is best for finding iron pot with gold coins?

If you think it is buried with more then two feet of top soil on it and you know the farm(house or out buildings) well enough to have a clue to the possible sites. Then you might be able to barrow or rent a two box detector. You will find anything of size with this type of detector. I would advise doing as much research as possible well before renting a detector. Including researching this type of detector.

What ever you decide, good luck.

So if I might ask! What kind of signs have you found, And as for the markings what do they look like? Maybe someone here can give you an idea as to what they may mean. You might place photos of markings on this site. Also it sounds like the fellow who buried this pot carried it off some distance from the house, like maybe even a 1/2 mile.

Maritime Ltd said:
I just joined and found your post. The absolute best way to find the pots is with a magnetometer.
Let me know if you still need help.

With the costs involved with your teens upcoming surgerty, which we all hope everything will turn out ok, A thought would be to check out some of the local detector shops and/or rental yards. You may be able to rent a two box. Clean up the areas you have a gut feeling on with your detector then go rent a two box or similar for a day or two. Cheaper than buying a new two box & getting stuck trying to sell it after only using it once (positive thinking here!)

Noodle said:
How's the daughter?
Thanks for asking. Her condition has gotten much worse and she will have what is known as "decompression" surgery on 12/9. This is where they remove the back of her skull, a small part of her brain, and work on moving or removing her top 2 vertebra. This gives her brain the room it needs and takes the pressure off of her main artery that is causing so much pain. It depends on what they find during surgery. She hopes to get her life and we all faith she will get her wish. Thanks for asking, thanks for prayers. I know we will be on the other side soon. Dawgwood

Monk said:
So if I might ask! What kind of signs have you found, And as for the markings what do they look like? Maybe someone here can give you an idea as to what they may mean. You might place photos of markings on this site. Also it sounds like the fellow who buried this pot carried it off some distance from the house, like maybe even a 1/2 mile.

Sure, what I have found is rock embedded in a tree. It is a dogwood..........there are 3 in a "V" shape. We have many more but these are 3 of the originals that were planted in 1846 by this man for his wife after she saw them in Charleston and requested some in her yard. The middle tree has the rock. Also pointing toward this tree is what looks like a chiseled stone in the shape of an arrow. He was a surveyor and we found even the graveyard he planned he marked it in degrees. I don't think he carried this far as he was very sick upon his return from SC with the gold and died 3 days later. Behind the 3 dogwoods are 3 huge oaks. One has a hole in the bottom. I am going to investgate that this week. I know a "pot of gold" can't be buried inside the tree, but leather pouches can be right? There are markings on the 2nd huge oak about 14' high. At first I thought it was a stick figure, but as I zoomed it there appears to be another symbol. I'll post these photos too. It may take a few to look them up on my computer. Any help greatly appreciated!

I believe that a 2 box detector is best for you. Good Luck.

stay away from 2 box detectors

I had nothing but troubles with a Gemini 3 and a TM808,both 2 box machines. It is EXTREMELY hard to tell where your target is, or how deep, and these things MUST be held level to the ground to avoid tuning/ground mineral issues. I acquired a pulse unit from a guy in Georgia instead for a good price.Kellyco lists this detector at over 3 grand.A guy in Kansas found a million dollar meterorite with his, down about 12 feet I heard altho he used a homemade search coil towed behind his atv. I am renting mine to a friend to look for pot of French gold coins supposedly buried near him. It has the 18 inch coil and some crude discrimation ability between ferrous and nonferrous targets, ferrous being iron. I do have a magnetometer for sale. I used one at a cousins house and it would easily see his buried water pipe.He told me the pipe was abut 5 feet deep, an 8 inch water main from an old steam powered locomotive water source. I followed the water line with my divining rods.He told me later that I was within a foot of the water main after he dug down with his backhoe.
I do the map dowsing thing but never had much luck on buried treasure, only on placer gold deposits so far. I am hoping to get out to Arizona and find the LDM gold since it is native gold and not man buried gold and I have a potential spot located. Native gold deposits seem to work better for locating by dowsing for me. Sometimes I can feel the presence of a 'spirit' at map dowsed sites as related to gold/treasure ,some good, some bad.I stay clear of the bad ones.


Great comments on #47. What is the best brand that sell 2 box detectors? Thank you.

Ferget the 2 box detectors

Get a Pulsestar 2 from Kellyco ( unfortunately Big K is the only dealer for these machines in USA) or a used one ,except nobody ever wants to sell em . I had a successful cache hunter tell me he never found anything besides a few coins with hobby/coin detectors until he got his hands on a Pulsestar 2, then he started finding caches, including a silver coin cache on his Amish farm.
It will find a soda can about 3 feet down, metal tool box at 4-5 feet,500 pound meterorite at 10-15 feet. Mine came with an 18 inch round coil and a 1 meter square coil in PVC tubes you fasten together. I believe there is also a 10 inch round coil and a 1 inch pinpointer coil. You carry the control box, with a 2 amp lead acid battery in it, on a strap around your neck, and it does have a ferrous/nonferrous indicator meter and LED lights.Do an Internet search for PulseStar 2. The mfgr is in Germany and has online manuals posted.There are copy cat detectors but nobody ever mentions hunting with those, only the PulseStar 2.
My Tesoro Lobo Supertraq detector can see a baseball size copper nugget, in an air test at 2 feet, using the 10 x 12 coil. This is about the easiest to use detector with good depth on the market that I am aware of and is very hot on gold targets.I've had mine about 8 years and it paid for itself with coins and gold jewelry found in swim areas and playgrounds.



Please tell us more about dowsing for placer deposits and what size gold are
you finding with it. This topic is being discussed on another thread and many
doubters say it ain't so.

gold placers and dowsing


I have recovered mostly fine gold from several spots I map dowsed for like 1/10-1 ounce per ton in central Indiana. I have 2 vials from a creek here at work, not a lot,less than a gram I spose but it sure is pretty yellow, recovered with my large highbanker and 2.5 inch dredge and lots of backbreaking work.Not rich yet, but hey , the gold was there in at least 3 cases where i had map dowsed the location from my desk at work ,200 miles away. In other spots, no gold, still scratchin my head on those as to why not? I did discover last month where I had field dowsed spots in 2 different creeks and gold started showing up as we dug into the gravel. The previous day we were mining in a bedrock creek with little gravel even tho the map dowsing indicated 100 + ounces there. Jeff and I seem to get the same approx results with our map dowsing so we check each other. But in that creekbed, it was a BUST, not a single speck of yellow showed up?
Next day, in the other creek, where I had not map dowsed, I walked up and down the creek with my copper L rods about 200 feet, until they crossed on both sides of the creek and over a loose gravel/sand deposit.We moved over there and started to pan.The lesson I learned is that there better be loads of black sand and iron minerals like red hematite showing up in your gold pan where your rods crossed.If so, you should find gold there too.If not, you probably will NOT find any yellow there. Digging deeper also helps,especially if you hit the black sands but no yellow.Dig deeper til yellow specks begin to show up, then deeper yet. Some gravel deposits can be many feet thick and my rods will respond to tiny pinpoint specks of gold whether I am thinking of gold nuggets or trying to block out thoughts of tiny gold.
I use plain old copper rods,about 1/8 inch diameter and will sometimes put a copper tube on the handle end to act as a bearing.When you use 2 of these rods together, they will sometimes both swing in parallel and you should follow the direction till they cross, preferably stay crossed as you keep walking along. If they cross and uncross right away, I usually ignore that spot.If they cross and stay crossed for several feet, I will walk 90 degrees and crisscross the spot and put down sticks to mark the boundaries/corners of the gold attraction area and start digging. I cannot yet tell how deep to dig or what size gold is there tho.
Now, some of my buddies seem to have this natural ability to home in on native gold deposits on their own and are big dowsing skeptics.I just don't seem to have that nose for gold myself so I need a crutch. Any tool that will aid in the search for the yellow stuff, whether it is 100% reliable or 30% is just that ,a tool, and I will use it. I do figger my results are maybe 40% accurate on average so far as I can tell. I don't know of any other method to use to look for AU deposits on a shoestring budget from home at locations hundreds or thuosands of miles away from me other than map dowsing. I learnt long ago, NOT to force a dowsing location onto your pendulum.Just go with an open mind and if it swings for gold, then ask gold concentrations, total max amount in the deposit, etc. I am finding out I can get better results with aerial photos vs topo maps and the smaller the scale of the map, the better.
My buddies do a LOT of sampling too, and I am doing that now as well as field dowsing. Where the yellow colors start to show up, we tend to focus our efforts there with the rods and panning. If colors in most every pan, we get a dredge or sluice in there.
My gold vials are here at work and my camera at home, not sure if I can take a decent picture to post here later, but will try.
Ps, I was in Arizona this year and saw several gold ore displays. Only a very few of the specimaens contained quartz and gold.Out of over 3 dozen sample ores, I never would have considered most of them to be gold bearing myself. Gold is NOT always yellow when you see the host rock in the field. It may be in that rock in microscopic particles at the dowsing rods will be attracted to but without doing achemical assay on the suspect rock, you would just tosss it aside and and cuss at your rods. I a had a piece of crystalline galena ore assayed and it came back with 1/8 ounce per ton of gold mixed in with the lead. I was shocked when I saw that.
Always learning, need to keep experimenting, wish I knew somebody with lots of native gold/gold ores to experiment with so I could learn more about why the rods react or don't react and the relationships between gold and iron and black sands.
Sorry for my rambling but you got me going...


Thanks, Tom I shall talk with you later about AZ.

Wow, long thread! Hope everything went well on the 9th? I'm thinking positive thoughts!

As for the treasure, maybe some more research and since it is believed to be on your land, maybe continue to look for signs that would indicate a hiding spot. My guess is if there is gold that this Betchler hid, and if he was sick when he hid it, it would probably not be very deep if it was buried. In fact it may not even have been buried but might be in a building, or tree, or maybe one of the headstones in he cemetery, or...? Just think woman! :icon_scratch: Where would YOU hide gold on your property? :sign13: ;D Then just swing your detector there or move something and see. The point is to take action and look. even if one never finds anything, I've noticed that this hobby takes my mind off other things for awhile if you know what I mean! :icon_thumright:

Good luck, :wave:

Any update in the daughter? In my prayers.

Has any treasures has been found yet?

I would hunt in all metal, with the biggest coil I could swing :icon_pirat: : using a probe on any and all signals, dig all, and recheck holes.
I will be praying for you, and your daughter

ac385 said:
Which detector is best for finding iron pot with gold coins?

That's easy, MINE. I will let you use it to recover the gold and only charge you 5% of your find. ;D
Lol Good one :laughing9:

I have a Garrett Master Hunter CX and a 2 box detector. I am also a Neurosurgical PA. This basically means I have a Master's degree in Medicine and I've been working in neurosurgery for nearly 8 years. I'm curious to know the diagnosis of your daughter, if it's something you're willing to share. If not, I completely understand. It sounds like she may have had correction of a Chiari Malformation? Or if it was truly a vascular problem, perhaps verterbral artery stenosis or stricture? That's pretty rare. In any even, it's my understanding that she has already underwent surgical attention. I hope she is well. If I can help, let me know. You can borrow my stuff, free of charge. All I ask is you reimburse me for shipping. But I need to get some kind of assurance that your story is real and that I will get my stuff back in a reasonable amount of time. Just let me know.


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