Oceanscience said:
piratediver said:
We have not sold any artifacts from the WHYDAH and we have a traveling show which has already generated more income than if all the goodies were sold. Obviously not all wrecks are as interesting as a pirate ship so this is a special case.
Pirate Diver
Odyssey take note !!!!!
I am sure you can do better than that.
Bring some ideas to the table.
What is your solution to the problem of the economics of shipwreck heritage conservation?
Oceanscience Your right, wrong blog for Odyssey.
I think selling artifacts is wrong, Who does it benefit ! only the private collector, who miss's out, humanity !
Economics of shipwreck heritage conservation: I feel all nations should have a heritage fund which could cover the cost of on going conservation and
exploration for important historical wrecks.
The WHYDAH shows how we all love history, and how it should be shared and not sold !
Can you imagine how many people will visit the Mercedes exhibition in Madrid and see thousands of coins all together in one area, especially
with all the hype.
The other option, slowly sell off to private collectors and then they may not be seen again

We all love a piece of history but most people can't afford them, but they could easily pay for a museum ticket.
Just think how much governments waste on defense budgets and dumb political campaigns
I agree on the governments waste. In the democratic world, the tax payers are supposed to have their say about how their tax money is spent.
In real life it is not quite so, that is why we have the street protests and "Occupy Wall Street" movements.
Strikes and street protests cause a lot of damage. Bad politics cause immense damage. How much of the world heritage is destroyed in every war? These things need to change.
Should the governments fund projects that are only in the interest of a few?
Should the tax payers demand better accounting for their hard earned tax money?
It is happening, slowly but surely. The world is getting rid of the last dictators. Then the world will get rid of the governments that are bad managers of the tax payers money. After all, it is the tax payers who pay for the government's salaries.
So, when we plan for the future, we should make a plan that makes sense to the tax payers.
Now, private enterprise is a bit different.
Private enterprise can cater for a few. If the few are willing to pay, the economic balance can be achieved.
If we look back a few hundred years, we see that it was the private collectors who took care of the heritage, not the governments. It is the governments who make the wars, not the private collectors.
But the world is changing.
UNESCO is an effort to preserve the heritage world wide. However, for this to work, first the world must become truly democratic, where the majority of the people, the tax payers, decide things, without being manipulated.
Will we ever get there?
About the people visiting the heap of coins from the Mercedes? For the first few months, yes, but it will be not a viable business. It will be another waste of tax payers money.
It needs a lot more that a heap of coins to capture the attention of the tourists.
The solution of the economics of shipwreck conservation must be economically viable.
Anything that is not economically viable will cease to exist. This is a fundamental law of the universe.