WOW...a topic of my heart!!!
I love genealogy and love researching it and helping others get started on their quest of their roots. I have been doing this since 1974.
My mother's side: Her grandmother was born in the Manchester, Leeds area of England. She came over in 1895 (from ship's manifest I was able to locate). Her first hubby died in England and they had two children. One child, a dau, died on the ship coming over, from what I am told. Two children are listed on the manifest, but nothing stating this dau died.
I also found a census record with her oldest, a son, and another dau. My great grandmum married two more times, having 3 kids with second husband and 2 with the third. One of them being my Nani (mom's mom).
My mother's father's side: came to the US in 1852 from Prussia. I was told the husband and youngest boy came over first to settle and the wife and 3 other sons came over later. Well, on a manifest I was able to find the 4 brothers coming over together, in 1852, but I can not find anything on Mom and Pop. Still searching. They settled after living in what is now Wisconsin for some time, in Mankato, Minnesota. SAENGER is the name and my great grandfather, Pete Saenger, married a Mary Theissen (also from Germany). I even have the church and all where my 2nd great grandparents were married (the ones I can't find on the manifest, but found their 4 sons)
My father's father was born in Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland and came to the US with two older brothers in April 1914. I took my boys to NYC (where my family settled) and we went to Ellis Island and found the ship (California) that my grandfather came over on and the manifest listing him and his two older brothers. They came to live with their aunt (sister to their father) after their mother passed away of heart failure at age 42. I have her death certificate and birth certificates of my grandfather and some of his siblings and the marriage certificate of his parents. They were married in Ardee. I tried contacting the church, but never received a response
My father's mother, well, her mother was born in Ireland (still researching her) and her father was born, I was told, in Copenhagen, Denmark. His name was Jens Christensen (so many of them ... like John Smith's in the US!!!). Story told is that he wanted to go back to Denmark and Anna did not want to. She stayed in NYC with her son and dau (my grandma) and he left for Denmark. I can not find them on the 1920 census, but found them on the 1930 and it list the Anna as a widow. So, I am not sure of the accuracy of this story. I am still searching the 1920 census records, trying every variation of names. My grandma was born in 1915, so I know she would be listed as either 4 or 5 on the census records and her brother would have been about 8. So, they are out there, just have to search more.
My ex hubby's family (my dau's dad)....lots of Indian history. Was told they were of Cherokee blood line, well, I have not found anything of such. I have however, found out my dau is Miami, Quapaw, and Chippewah (?). The town of Cardin, Oklahoma was named after her gr gr uncle, Oscar Cardin, brother to her 2nd gr grandma. She married a German by the name of Weinheimer. (still researching that surname). STATON is also another name as well as RICHARDVILLE and POOLER (both had Chief's of the Miami Indians). Been finding lots of great articles searching the newspapers on her Indian roots. Trying to see if I can get her registered with the Miami tribe. We do have a number for her great grandmother, but her grandmother (still living) never was registered.
As for ex hubby's Dad's side...well, we just had a twist in the family roots. Turns out, my ex father in law was born out of wedlock. He only met his real father about 2 years ago (he's in his 60's now, my ex father in law). His mother passed away about 2 yrs ago and before she passed, she told him to truth of his parentage and helped him find his real father. His real father still living in NY (upstate)....I love a juicy story!!! LOL
My current hubby, we have two boys together. His family (dad's side) are from the Outer Banks. If anyone is familiar with MIDGETTE's (various spellings, MIDYET, MIDYETT, MIDYETTE, MIDGET, and MIDGETT...all related!!!!!).........that's his family. There are many stories passed over through the generations as to how the family came to be here. One was a Matthew Midyett was washed ashore on a molasses barrel from a shipwreck. Another is Matthew and his brother landed in Ireland (I think it was, have to look it up) and married PAYNE sisters. Another shows records for a Matthew Midyett (MUDGETT) in Arundale Co, MD and his father was to have been John. Matthew married Judith White and they settled on what is now known as Bodie Island, before the lighthouse. The old Salvo Campground on HWY 12 on the Outer Banks was owned once by my hubbys 6-7th gr grandfather. He is buried there along with his wife and other family members. Back in 1995 when I stopped there and took videos, I videoed the entire burial area. We went back last summer and Bannister Midgett's headstone was still there, however, his wife, Dolly, her headstone was broken off!!!! Thank goodness I recorded it back in 1995!!! So, my hubby has alot of history in the Outer Banks. Also, story has it, Dolly, his 6-7th great grandmother was to have been Indian, but no one knows anymore than that!!!
Hubby's mom, well, she was born in Bryson, Jack Co, Texas. Her family moved to Texas in the 1850's from Pennsylvania. In PA, it was the REEP's and in the bluegrass country of W.VA (as it's known now

) was the RIDDEL's (various spellings, Riddle and Riddell). Both these families moved to Texas and they met up there. In W.VA, the Riddel's married alot of GOFF). The Reep's were in the Butler area of PA. We went to a family reunion there back in 1996.
Oh, my step father: he is 1st cousin to Jay Greenspan (other wise known as Jason Alexander, played GEORGE on Seinfeld) and my step sister and brother are cousin's to Micheal Lembeck, who played Mckenzie Phillips husband on ONE DAY AT A TIME. No blood to me, but still interesting. And my late step grandma, Molly, she and her hubby, grandpa Willy, were from Poland. Grandma Molly came over during WWII, she lost her parents and siblings in the Holacaust. Grandpa Willie's family had been in NYC since the early 1900's and were in the Lady's Lingerie business. So fitting for Grandpa Willie, he was the character!!! Also, that GREENSPAN dude, the one in politics, is somehow related to my Grandma Molly, that was her maiden name, but I never did ask her and wish I did now...on her connection to him. She told me she was, but I never inquired more about it...silly me!!!!!!!!!!!
So, that is a run down on my family history. You asked, I told LOL..... I can't go anywhere without snapping photos of cemeteries, plaques, scanning photos, etc.....
But when it all comes down to the nitty gritty, we are all brothers and sisters!!!!
HH ya'll,