When Ordinary Science Fails to Explain

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Rudy(CA) said:
As you said, you made the claim and claim to be able to back it up. So, back it up.
That's the way it works Dr Hung. You made the claim and have offered no proof.

Actually I am giving you the chance for a rebuttal in advance to my outlandish claim.
It would be very easy for anyone who claims to be scientifically minded to present a sound explanation on the contrary according to science. Or you seem to have doubts about it?

Nevertheless, you failed to produce this explanation for a rebuttal so far.
As I have already stated, I will honor to present evidence to my claim as promised. However, if after this you do not provide a rebuttal with evidence to counterargument my claim, you not only will have failed to refute it, but will also become a liar as well, since you posted that you could refute the claim.

Are you sure that this is really what you want?

Thanks for posting that quote Art. Really shows they can't tell the difference. Should I post a real dowsing experiment and show them the difference?

Nah, they would think it was one of them mean ole Eugenic thangs.

I call your bluff-- try the SHO-NUFF

(I like it)

hung said:
Rudy(CA) said:
As you said, you made the claim and claim to be able to back it up. So, back it up.
That's the way it works Dr Hung. You made the claim and have offered no proof.

Actually I am giving you the chance for a rebuttal in advance to my outlandish claim.
It would be very easy for anyone who claims to be scientifically minded to present a sound explanation on the contrary according to science. Or you seem to have doubts about it?

Nevertheless, you failed to produce this explanation for a rebuttal so far.
As I have already stated, I will honor to present evidence to my claim as promised. However, if after this you do not provide a rebuttal with evidence to counterargument my claim, you not only will have failed to refute it, but will also become a liar as well, since you posted that you could refute the claim.

Are you sure that this is really what you want?

I grow weary of your idiocy.

Thanks for posting that quote Art. Really shows they can't tell the difference. Should I post a real dowsing experiment and show them the difference?
Nah, they would think it was one of them mean ole Eugenic thangs.
I call your bluff-- try the SHO-NUFF
(I like it)

We sure have SWR and EE confused. That’s real easy to do..Always happen when you try to help treasure Hunters after all all
So it’s ironic that actual science was hardly touched on. Instead it was one speaker after another reinforcing the conceit, almost universal among conference participants, that they are the enlightened ones, that they are charged with the burden of defending sense against nonsense, that they alone can be counted on to stand their ground against the tide of irrationalism that threatens to engulf our civilization and undo all the gains that have been wrought in the name of Science. Even scientists themselves, it turns out, are no match for the diabolical paranormalists. Only skeptics, educated by James “Amazing” Randi and other magicians, are capable of spotting the tricks of the trade. “Scientists are easily fooled,” explained Randi, “because they think they know.” But only skeptics really know.

Rudy(CA) said:
I grow weary of your idiocy.

You got yourself entangled in your own words and now it's my fault?

You got yourself entangled in your own words and now it's my fault?
Yes that is the way he works…One excuse after another..Art

hung said:
Rudy(CA) said:
As you said, you made the claim and claim to be able to back it up. So, back it up.
That's the way it works Dr Hung. You made the claim and have offered no proof.

Actually I am giving you the chance for a rebuttal in advance to my outlandish claim.
It would be very easy for anyone who claims to be scientifically minded to present a sound explanation on the contrary according to science. Or you seem to have doubts about it?

Nevertheless, you failed to produce this explanation for a rebuttal so far.
As I have already stated, I will honor to present evidence to my claim as promised. However, if after this you do not provide a rebuttal with evidence to counterargument my claim, you not only will have failed to refute it, but will also become a liar as well, since you posted that you could refute the claim.

Are you sure that this is really what you want?


It is common forum protocol to put the person to whom you are particularly intending to speak, at the top of your post.

I guess, after you have a little more experience on the Internet, you will pick up on that.


fenixdigger said:
Thanks for posting that quote Art. Really shows they can't tell the difference. Should I post a real dowsing experiment and show them the difference?

Nah, they would think it was one of them mean ole Eugenic thangs.

I call your bluff-- try the SHO-NUFF

(I like it)

fenix brothers---

It's coathangers, fellas. coathangers.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Ahhhh...I see. Resorting back to your Pee Wee Herman flip-it-back-around game!
Fortunately, no one really takes your posts as serious matter. Maybe it best you stay in the kitchen and try to keep your own house clean
Hey Judy..got to hot for him so he is out of the kitchen..art


It's the Con Artists and their Shills that get the vicitms' money.

In the LRL Game....Gosh....Who would that be? Hmmmmm....Who gets the victims money?

Blond moment? :icon_scratch: :dontknow:


Duh....Oh yeah!

:hello2: :laughing7: :hello:

Yes Judy, I tried to swindle them into trying a free experiment to see anomalies. Bad me. Thank god they caught me before something happened. Like got a clue.

What happens in China, stays in China...
In my thread 'When Science Shouts to the Deaf', I posted the evidence of a factual case occured in 1981 that defies academic science to provide an explanation. Chinese gifted children were able to teleport all sort of objects including a radio transmitter by telekinesis.
The purpose of my thread was to show the skeptics that their favorite little term 'pseudoscience' used by them all the time is just
an 'alibi', a sort of protective pass that they employ when they hear an explanation they cannot comprehend. Understandable. A survival instinct. But absolutely ineffective.

They say a swivel LRL antenna that swings to a sample standing hundreds of feet away is 'pseudoscience'...
What about the teleportation of objects by humans with the power of 'mind' then?
What about the human ability to 'magnetize' objects and stick them to their bodies?
Magik?? Illusion? A good trick? :laughing7:
Laughing is nothing close to the huge ridicule some men of reason would stage in attempt to abduct logic.
So silence and precaution were suddenly discovered by our skeptics, eh?

I made two claims.
First I claimed that a human being employing only his bare hands and away from a magnetic compass, would be able to deflect the compass needle.
Then, I claimed that the magnetic field produced by a human being could affect a magnetometer.
I asked who could refute the claims.
Out of the several brave skeptics here, only one showed up to say he could.
But when I asked him to post a rebuttal elaborating his scientific point, he turned into the slippery dodging man.
So there is no doubt about it. Skeptics certainly know that there are limits to their show. And the limiting factor is simply 'the truth'.

I ended that old thread with a sentence: 'Against facts there is no refutation'.
This has never been so true regarding the following case I introduce to honor my promise to provide enough evidence to support my claim.
And unlike the chinese case where all data and video are still well kept and still unreleased, the scientific evidence I will present next was documented in video that you will watch and tests made under controled scientific protocols. Not in China, but in the heart of the United States.

HI Luv, you're a good cook ? That would be almost too much to go with your professional and other acheivements, such as making pore swr look downright silly.

Come to think of it, that isn't much of a compliment considering. sigh, well you know what I meant. sniff.

Don Jos de la mancha

SWR said:
fenixdigger said:
Yes Judy, I tried to swindle them into trying a free experiment to see anomalies. Bad me. Thank god they caught me before something happened. Like got a clue.

And here we have "that guy" whining about his DOWSING test....again :::chortles:::

Well---this is the topic of ...Ordinary Science Fails to Explain....


Unless I miss my "guess" they don't need any help on the silly part. They do a GOOD JOB

Great post Hung. Wasted on the argument professors. I look back at the serious matters presented and all I saw was disputes, demands, hatefulness, spite, twisting statements, deliberate statements to attempt to provoke arguments, and a striking amount of transference as Art has been saying for a long time.

Fine representatives of what we could have been had we closed our minds.

I'm sure I have missed some really important input. Maybe school yard antics.

Here's a good one. I saw EE had 11 threads posted at one run. How could science explain that hard of a compulsive response complex??

No doubt it deserves a reward of some type. Maybe Judy gave him one on her site.

Don't get in a huff, it's an experiment---SHO-NUFF

fenixdigger said:
Here's a good one. I saw EE had 11 threads posted at one run. How could science explain that hard of a compulsive response complex??

No doubt it deserves a reward of some type. Maybe Judy gave him one on her site.

Don't get in a huff, it's an experiment---SHO-NUFF

I know that ordinary sanity can't explain your attacks on the messengers, just because you can't handle the message.

If your LRLs actually worked, not only would the challengers not be here, but you would be $25,000.00 richer.

You might be able to get approval from the three or four LRL promoters on here, but you'll never convince any sane person that your junk LRL devices work, by using your junk science explanations, and your junk sick-ology insults.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

I could even have made claim #3:

"Two human beings CAN estabilish a quantum magnetic conection among themselves in which their thought forms can be projected and received in an organized magnetic, electric and fluidic state being that this transmission and reception patterns are not limited by space and time."

Humm... what term quite used these days could fit in the above description? Yes, you guessed it...Telepathy!

But I chose not to post this complex claim before watching how the skeptics would do with the first two less complex ones. I had a strong feeling that despite of that they would dodge a refutal to my claims.
I was right.

So, I will also show evidence for claim #3. And this is directly related to dowsing and swivel LRLs. Only that in the latter case, simple electronics concepts, but organized in the right way and interacted with the human 'factor' can act as an amplifier and a stand alone unit with independent function.
Electricity is all around us. So is magnetism. And in the case of THunting, targets buried or not, behave much like RF beacons just waiting to be responded.

Hi Judy;

Seems these guys are the poster boys for the old saying, If you can't do anything else, serve as a bad example.

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