What happens in China, stays in China...
In my thread 'When Science Shouts to the Deaf', I posted the evidence of a factual case occured in 1981 that defies academic science to provide an explanation. Chinese gifted children were able to teleport all sort of objects including a radio transmitter by telekinesis.
The purpose of my thread was to show the skeptics that their favorite little term 'pseudoscience' used by them all the time is just
an 'alibi', a sort of protective pass that they employ when they hear an explanation they cannot comprehend. Understandable. A survival instinct. But absolutely ineffective.
They say a swivel LRL antenna that swings to a sample standing hundreds of feet away is 'pseudoscience'...
What about the teleportation of objects by humans with the power of 'mind' then?
What about the human ability to 'magnetize' objects and stick them to their bodies?
Magik?? Illusion? A good trick?

Laughing is nothing close to the huge ridicule some men of reason would stage in attempt to abduct logic.
So silence and precaution were suddenly discovered by our skeptics, eh?
I made two claims.
First I claimed that a human being employing only his bare hands and away from a magnetic compass, would be able to deflect the compass needle.
Then, I claimed that the magnetic field produced by a human being could affect a magnetometer.
I asked who could refute the claims.
Out of the several brave skeptics here, only one showed up to say he could.
But when I asked him to post a rebuttal elaborating his scientific point, he turned into the slippery dodging man.
So there is no doubt about it. Skeptics certainly know that there are limits to their show. And the limiting factor is simply 'the truth'.
I ended that old thread with a sentence: 'Against facts there is no refutation'.
This has never been so true regarding the following case I introduce to honor my promise to provide enough evidence to support my claim.
And unlike the chinese case where all data and video are still well kept and still unreleased, the scientific evidence I will present next was documented in video that you will watch and tests made under controled scientific protocols. Not in China, but in the heart of the United States.