When a treasure legend becomes a reality.

It became a boys own adventure for fortune and glory. A partnership between a rich backer and a passionate draftsman who was passionate for Egyptology.

While the most elite archeologists of the day had disputed the existence of an alleged boy king there was very few references to this boy king that they was not sure if he was not just a legend. It appears like his father he had been chiseled from history like his father. However one or two cartoughes in stone escaped the destruction. When now know his identity because of it. You can see his cartoughes on his gold throne below.


Tutankhamun (c. 1341 ? c. 1323 BC), commonly referred to as King Tut, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was the last of his royal family to rule during the end of the 18th Dynasty (ruled c. 1332 ? 1323 BC in the conventional chronology) during the New Kingdom of Egyptian history.


His father was the mummy found in the tomb KV55, believed to be the pharaoh Akhenaten. His mother is his father's sister, identified through later 21st century DNA testing as an unknown mummy referred to as "The Younger Lady" who was found in KV35. You can see an a stone image of below Akhenenaten who was classed as a heretic pharaoh from the old religion because of his belief in one god Aten the sun. You can see Aten sun symbol relief below in stone. The image below is of Akhenenaten with a child suspected to be the young Tutankhamun.


The high priests of Egypt and the old religion had been side lined and the power taken away from them. A rare image of king tuts father Akhenenaten below.


Tutankhamun took the throne at eight or nine years of age under the unprecedented viziership of his eventual successor, Ay, to whom he may have been related. He married his half sister Ankhesenamun. During their marriage they lost two daughters, one at 5-6 months of pregnancy and the other shortly after birth at full-term.

His names?Tutankhaten and Tutankhamun?are thought to mean "Living image of Aten" and "Living image of Amun", with Aten replaced by Amun after Akhenaten's death. A small number of Egyptologists, including Battiscombe Gunn, believe the translation may be incorrect and closer to "The-life-of-Aten-is-pleasing" or, as Professor Gerhard Fecht believes, reads as "One-perfect-of-life-is-Aten".

For many years before Carters discovery this Tutankhamun to be more a legend with very little references to this king through out Egypt. More legend than real.

Tutankhamun restored the Ancient Egyptian religion after its dissolution by his father, enriched and endowed the priestly orders of two important cults and began restoring old monuments damaged during the previous Amarna period. He moved his father's remains to the Valley of the Kings as well as moving the capital from Akhetaten to Thebes. Tutankhamun was physically disabled with a deformity of his left foot along with bone necrosis that required the use of a cane, several of which were found in his tomb. He had other health issues including scoliosis and had contracted several strains of malaria.

It was quite possible Tutankhamun was a pawn a puppet ruler manipulated by the high priest of Thebes at the time? However that all came to end when Tutankhamun died and was buried in full splendor and lost history becoming at the time a mere foot note or legend of the boy king in history.

But Carter and Lord Carnarvon had other ideas.....

To be continued.....



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The concession rights for excavating the Valley of the Kings was held by Theodore Davis from 1905 until 1914. In that time he had unearthed ten tombs including the nearly intact but non-royal tomb of Queen Tiye's parents, Yuya and Tjuyu. As he continued working there in the later years, he uncovered nothing of major significance.Davis did find several objects in KV58 referring to Tutankhamun, which included knobs and handles bearing his name most significantly the embalming cache of the king (KV54). He believed this to be the pharaoh's lost tomb and published his findings as such with the line; "I fear the Valley of the Tombs is exhausted"

you can see a picture of the valley of the kings below.


In 1907, Howard Carter was invited by William Garstin and Gaston Maspero to excavate for George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon in the Valley. The Earl of Carnarvon and Carter had hoped this would lead to their gaining the concession when Davis gave it up but had to be satisfied with excavations in different parts of the Theban Necropolis for seven more years.

In 1914 Lord Carnarvon received the concession to dig in the Valley of the Kings, replacing Theodore Davis who had resigned. Carter again led the work, undertaking a systematic search of the Valley for any tombs missed by previous expeditions, in particular that of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun

WW1 intervened in the search. Carter and Carnarvon resumed the search in earnest after the war.

By 1922 little of significance had been found and Lord Carnarvon decided this would be the final year he would fund the work.

However a little luck and fate intervened, on 4 November 1922, Carter was able to send a telegram to Lord Carnarvon, in England, saying:

"At last we have made wonderful discovery in Valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact; re-covered same for your arrival; congratulations".




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How carter contained his excitement was amazing but they say patience is a virtue, but he awaited Carnarvon to arrive from England.

With Carnarvon they chipped away through the sealed doorway into the tomb. The whole was big enough for Carter to put an arm in holding a candle. In the candle light he saw treasure that had not been seen for thousands of years.

He did not yet know whether it was a tomb or merely a cache?, but he did see a promising sealed doorway between two sentinel statues. When Carnarvon asked Can you see anything??, Carter replied with the famous words: ?

Yes, wonderful things!?

It became the discovery of legend.


The world went Tut Crazy. The treasure hoard not just gold of great beauty but with imaginable personal items like chariots, beds, weapons, dinner ware, toys shoes clothes and even food. Everything to give the king comfort in the afterlife.


Well what can I say? Even after 99 years later it is still awesome and amazing.


It was a treasure house that inflamed the imaginations of treasure hunters, archeologists and general public around the world.
But it was still a wait as the tomb was progressively emptied over time chamber by chamber. for me the gold funeral mask and the Royal throne are just exquisite.


Amazing was the Gold shrine below.


Stunning still was the gold coffin of king Tut below.


Bust the most astounding of all was gold funeral mask of that stunned the world.


There has been nothing like it since And several thousand artifacts still are being studied today. But most of all it created whole tourist industry for Egypt that has brought more tourist dollars to the region much more than the gold treasure itself.


A obscure legendary king once thought to be no more than a legend to become true a priceless treasure.

All because of the passion of a determined draftsman.

For me truly a legendary treasure that became a reality.



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Links to egypt?

Almost looks like this could have been part of the find. But its in Arizona.

Gidday Secret Squril

I am not surprised Amigo not just Arizona but all over the world. Because the discovery was one of first covered by film radio and newspapers all over the world

Tutankhamun, Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter became almost movie stars," says Dr Collins of the Ashmolean museum. . "There was an extraordinary outpouring of games and ceramics and costumes and posters. Everybody wanted a little bit of Tut."

The tomb's discovery, at the start of the Roaring Twenties, followed the global upheavals of World War One. Mass media was able to bring news of objects being carried out of the tomb to a wider audience, faster than ever before.

America, in particular, became obsessed by "King Tut" - as he became known. Even US President Herbert Hoover used the name for his pet dog.

American stage magician Charles Carter rebranded himself "Carter The Great" on his Egyptian-themed advertisements.

Thus thousands of imitation relics from ceramics to statues flooded the world. Not only book Novels to jewelry to gloves. Even a song record .As you can see below.

Such was the craze.

Such as jewelry design in the 1920s


Post cards and adverting.


Penny dreadful novels everyone was getting in the act.


As you can see below not just lemons but king tut lemons such was the craze.


Even fabrics of the roaring 20s was influenced by the discovery of Tut.


Even gloves and jewellery was being made..


Even for a time architecture was influenced by Egypt and king Tut as you can see the facade below.


A whole industry of of Egyptian and king Tut themed artifacts flourished right up until the beginning of WW2. This was not just happening in America but around the world.



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Hola Amigo

It is true the discovery of king tut has influence popular culture. Even today you can get comic t-shirts do not touch my tuts.:laughing7:

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View attachment 1930836
Almost looks like this could have been part of the find. But its in Arizona.

This is at San Xavier Bac in Tuscon AZ. You seem to be well versed in treasure legends, im sure you are familiar with it. If not, Google earth actually lets you navigate inside the church. I am not sure when the curious carvings were installed, but I would venture a guess it was before 1920. The church has some very interesting paintings. When combined with the knowledge of the lead crosses found in southern AZ it makes the paintings even more curious. Templars? Mary Magdalene? Estaban?
Look close.


Gidday Kanacki

Unknown to many recently the legendary lost Treasure mines of the Pharaohs of Egypt was actually found. Not just rediscovered but actually now being mined as I type. Most remarkable of all they was found by the help of ancient papyrus map. Yes an ancient treasure map. It has lead to a gold deposit with reserves of 15.4 million ounces of gold.

Ironic is it not one of the most amazing discoveries of late was virtually totally ignored by academia and the mainstream media.

Why the silence? I suspect it was because of Academia and Media that have been parrot phrasing so long each other that all treasure legends are just legends and myth. When one does turn out to be true they do what Academia and media do, ignore it.

How the news is out Amigos.....


Here is a closer look.
Many things in the painting. May be referring to one of the greatest treasure legends. And I dont mean the Estaban legend.

Here is a closer look.
View attachment 1930985
Many things in the painting. May be referring to one of the greatest treasure legends. And I dont mean the Estaban legend.

Hola Amigo

The Church and mission indeed is a national cultural treasure amigo. But I would not read too much into iconography of the church. Why because in 1867 it was empty stripped bare. That painting you are correct but it is before 1920 but not as old as one would imagine.

The local Papago Indians were defending the property in 1867. They resisted the suggestion of Brevet Brigadier General James F. Rusling to remove the bells from the building. The General was on a tour of inspection for the Quartermaster's Dept. and described the building condition July 20 "Havier del Bac, some 10 miles south of Tucson, on the road to Tubac, a relic of the old Spanish rule in Arizona. The church seems to have been built about 100 years ago, of large, red brick, rough coated with cement, and is still in a good state of preservation. Inside it is handsomely frescoed, and was no doubt once rich in paintings, ornaments, &c., though these now have mostly disappeared.

Those renovations and paintings date from sometime between 1895 and 1913. It is a common mistake to read too much into the context of such works leading to too many asumptions.

That said there is a possible treasure legend connected to the church.

An article in the Arizona Daily Star by historian David Leighton brought it to light. The community was started when a miner named S.R. Domingo built a home and foundry just north of the San Xavier Mission, on the west bank of the Santa Cruz River. He prospered in his mining endeavor and is believed to have kept his wealth buried in the tall grasses along the river, since no banks existed at the time. In time, other individuals came to the area and began farms in the fertile valley supported by the ever-flowing river, and the community grew. They built adobe homes, planted crops, and established the first Los Reales community. Domingo is believed to have been murdered in the late 1860s by miners he had hired to work his mine, but it is unknown what happened to his riches

So perhaps with a lot more research maybe a treasure legend will turn out to be true?

Until then amigo only a legend.


Gidday Amigos

The legendary lost Treasure mines of the Pharaohs of Egypt was actually found was an amazing one rising from depths of myths and legends to becoming a real lost mines rediscovered .

Yes an ancient treasure map. It has lead to a gold deposit with reserves of 15.4 million ounces of gold.

How cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The journey of fortune and glory started with an ancient map.

The Turin Papyrus Map is an ancient Egyptian map, generally considered the oldest surviving map of topographical interest from the ancient world. It is drawn on a papyrus reportedly discovered at Deir el-Medina in Thebes, collected by Bernardino Drovetti (known as Napoleon's Proconsul) in Egypt sometime before 1824 AD and now preserved in Turin's Museo Egizio.

The map was drawn about 1150 BC by the well-known Scribe-of-the-Tomb Amennakhte, son of Ipuy. It was prepared for Ramesses IV's quarrying expedition to the Wadi Hammamat in the Eastern Desert, which exposes Precambrian rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield. The purpose of the expedition was to obtain blocks of bekhen-stone (metagraywacke sandstone) to be used for statues of the king.

But amazingly it also showed traditional areas of gold mining on the map as well.


For anyone who is interested the Map is on display today in Turin Italy.


The map shows a 15-kilometre stretch of Wadi Hammamat and has depictions of this wadi's confluence with wadis Atalla and el-Sid, the surrounding hills, the bekhen-stone quarry, and the gold mine and settlement at Bir Umm Fawakhir. It also includes numerous annotations (written in the hieratic script) identifying the features shown on the map, the destinations of the wadi route s, the distance between the quarry and mine, the location of gold deposits in the hills, and the sizes of the bekhen-stone blocks quarried. The top of the map is toward the south and the source of the Nile River. As currently reconstructed in the Turin Museum, the map measures 2.8 m long by 0.41 m wide.

Well there it sat a proverbial treasure map under noses of academics and the general public for 171 years until clicked on why not search for these locations mentioned on the map?

The astonishing thing happened in 1993.



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It was no flight of fancy searching for the lost goldmines of the Pharaohs amigos...

2 archeologists interested in discovering source of gold in Egypt researched the documents and identified locations matching today.

They wrote a book below.


They researched yes amigo researched for facts not lost themselves in speculation. Discovering many places on the Turin map was real as you can see below.


Most stunning of all not only they identified a Steele . They actually found it in the eastern desert. You can see the Steele on the Map Below


Here is the actual Steele found out in the desert below.


Most of all they found an ancient gold mining village belong to the pharaohs. And found thousand of Papyrus documents buried in the shifting sands recording the day to day operations of gold mines left where they was abandoned a little over 2 thousand years ago.

You can see the boxes excavated below....


The dry desert sands had preserved quite well the documents.


How cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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And most of all they found many excavated tunnels that once had seen some gold mining in ancient times. You can see one of addicts in the picture below. Some partial buried by the sands of time amigos.


But for those who took part in the 1993 survey of ancient mining sites. Their interest was only in archeological perspective. in which they uncovered huge amounts of historical data on ancient gold mining practices and geographical information from Turin Papyrus Map.

So they never fully understood the ramification of their discovery.

But amigos some one else did. Who asked the question that they didn't? Is there gold still there that could be mined?


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The mines was mined over long periods of time. Once in period of the pharaohs and later Bzantine period where it appears to have been abandoned. Was it because of war or just worked out over centuries with the available technology they had at the time?

Centamin was first listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1970.In 1999 it acquired Pharaoh Gold Mines, a company that had been exploring for gold in Egypt since 1995, and became "Centamin Egypt".The Company was granted a 160 square kilometre exploitation lease over the Sukari Gold Project in the eastern desert of Egypt in 2005.

Using the data from the 1995 Survey and data from the Turin Papyrus Map. They through extensive drilling discovery the ancient Egyptian and late byzantine workings had indeed been working surface depots of a very large ore body.

Today the mine has generates over 800 million dollars a year working in partnership with the Egyptian government. It has lead to a gold deposit with reserves of 15.4 million ounces of gold.

You can see the open cut operation and soon to be underground mining operation below.



Today gold is still flowing and those who had shares in operation are doing quite well.


Amazing to think this all came about from am ancient treasure map lost and forgotten in museum on Turin Italy for 171 years. The legendary lost gold mines of the Pharaohs, from legend to reality amigos.


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Hola Amigo

The Church and mission indeed is a national cultural treasure amigo. But I would not read too much into iconography of the church. Why because in 1867 it was empty stripped bare. That painting you are correct but it is before 1920 but not as old as one would imagine.

The local Papago Indians were defending the property in 1867. They resisted the suggestion of Brevet Brigadier General James F. Rusling to remove the bells from the building. The General was on a tour of inspection for the Quartermaster's Dept. and described the building condition July 20 "Havier del Bac, some 10 miles south of Tucson, on the road to Tubac, a relic of the old Spanish rule in Arizona. The church seems to have been built about 100 years ago, of large, red brick, rough coated with cement, and is still in a good state of preservation. Inside it is handsomely frescoed, and was no doubt once rich in paintings, ornaments, &c., though these now have mostly disappeared.

Those renovations and paintings date from sometime between 1895 and 1913. It is a common mistake to read too much into the context of such works leading to too many asumptions.

That said there is a possible treasure legend connected to the church.

An article in the Arizona Daily Star by historian David Leighton brought it to light. The community was started when a miner named S.R. Domingo built a home and foundry just north of the San Xavier Mission, on the west bank of the Santa Cruz River. He prospered in his mining endeavor and is believed to have kept his wealth buried in the tall grasses along the river, since no banks existed at the time. In time, other individuals came to the area and began farms in the fertile valley supported by the ever-flowing river, and the community grew. They built adobe homes, planted crops, and established the first Los Reales community. Domingo is believed to have been murdered in the late 1860s by miners he had hired to work his mine, but it is unknown what happened to his riches

So perhaps with a lot more research maybe a treasure legend will turn out to be true?

Until then amigo only a legend.


Here is a link to another t net thread. Post 3973 has some more info on the mission.
Ill keep my theories about what the painting may be indicating to my self.

Here is a closer look.

Many things in the painting. May be referring to one of the greatest treasure legends. And I dont mean the Estaban legend.

Gidday amigo

Thanks for the picture of the head. It intrigued me as I have seen it somewhere before. Old Crow's creaked over....

It appears to me what they call a apothecary wooden head sign. Early apothecary ( Pharmacy chemists drug stores ) Would use a exotic wooden head generally of Turk or black man. This was a sign for illiterate people to know it was a drug store. Usage later waned as the population grew more literate.

Here are some examples below. While some was very basic rather crude other was quite elaborate.






This was in essence a Dutch tradition dating back to the early 16th century. But as the Dutch was once a dependency of Spain the practice was copied through Spain and Spanish Americans. Since missions was spreading the word of god they also provided apothecary services to the people they are trying convert.

So be inserted into religious panting gives a clear message of benefits of conversion to Christianity, access to drugs and medication provided by the mission.

So maybe not a mystery as one would imagine amigo.



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Crow, that is interesting. I would think if that if the intent was advertising medical Care as an incentive to convert, why so hidden in the picture? Care to venture a guess what this Pic. is attempting to convey?

Gidday Secret Squirl

You have to look into the context of these religious paintings. Such paintings can be open to many interpretations.

However you have to look into the context of why they are there to begin with? They are not there for just decoration? But the function is for a parishioner to visually experience and discover things within the painting like an epiphany. Such Symbolism are not really unusual in such style of art during that period. The viewer discovers these truths with in the context to the catholic religion.

For example the Painting you mention the one with the virgin Mary and baby Christ? It was a common motive in Spanish America symbolizing Christ and the catholic religion. The single pillar with cross on it is actually signifying the pillar that supports virgin Mary and Christ who represents the catholic religion.

The cross is a symbol of the higher Latin Church. A canon is a member of certain bodies subject to an ecclesiastical rule. Originally​, a canon was a cleric living with others in a clergy which provides the rules and laws all Catholic orders have to abide to. Thus the cross on the pillar repents the ecclesiastical rule of cannon law that supports the catholic faith.

You can see the Cross symbol below in official church cannon law documents from Colonial Spanish America.


Here is another document with the same Cross symbol below in another.


More can be found in the University of Florida from ecclesiastical documents from all over the Spanish America.


Clearly the painting was commissioned by either a high status patron of the church or religious clergy connected in the higher positions within the church. There is writing on the lower right but with my eyes cannot read it as it is too blurry? It appears to give a name and date in possibly Roman numerals and position in the church?

So maybe not as mysterious as many would like to believe Amigo?

As for the Tumacacori Story? There was a lot of later BS added in the 20th century. But in essence the story in most part was true. I would of liked to post the full story on this thread as a treasure legend that turned out to be true. But refrained from doing so.

Because I gave that information documents and a map dating from before the 20th century to another tresurenet member here. So in respect of that member I will not post more in public about that topic. Silver was recovered from the Franciscan Mission it was buried under the Altar. The document and Documents gives clues to mine. It is not the copy posted several times here on Treaurenet. But indeed the mine itself might still be a viable proposition?

Until what that member decides to do with it I will say no more amigo. Do not ask their identity as I respect confidentiality.



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I suppose it could be the virgin Mary, or could it be the "other" Mary and 1 or her 2 sons? Like the other picture there are hidden clues as Im sure you know. Just food for thought. Anyway here is the close up of the writing.

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