Hello Ditlihi its been awhile How are you?
I am racking up the mileage these days and running low on warranty.

I have not drunk the waters of the fountain of youth like Don Jose.
I still keeping in touch with some of the geologists I used to work with. My how times fly? So many counties so many people. All had stories to tell. Some times you loved em some times you hated them but you had a bond that time nor age can break. They are one of kind memories.
I have have another Grand child on the way. And I am constantly reminded I am the "old boy of the family now" I Still think I am 30 but body tells me I am 70. But hell I cannot complain I have had an amazing life.
But still rest assured old Kanacki as well as rest of the devils misfits still have many projects going on. While some can be talked about others cannot. But its not just the trio but many people involved in such projects.Some will fail some will succeed. Such is life.
I am suppose to be retired? Yet I seem more busy now than when I was working. The trios curse. I get about 30 emails a day from various projects from all over the world. Phone calls all hours. Being a one finger typist it takes a long time to write.
Here is clip on lihur gold mine. In 1995 the trio was first ever , never been done, to to perfect long hole drilling used to pump sea water in to cool the host rock. We worked under the German engineer at the time. If we did not succeed there would of been no mine there to day. Today looking back I am amazed how big it has become.
Production of 2.35 million ounces of gold for the year ending November 2018. Estimated total gold reserves 56 million. Remaining reserves 26 million.
Once again its late.