When a treasure legend becomes a reality.

hey Tom, now I'm curious - do turtles in cloud formations count ?
I mean same direction, size, whatever ??
BTW, resolution in a ouji board can be increased with a bit of tilt (more resolution = more tilt)


hey Tom, now I'm curious - do turtles in cloud formations count ?
I mean same direction, size, whatever ??....

Bill-A, you are * much too cruel *. Muhahahaa ! :evil6:

Tom, I'm surprised you did not comment on the resolution booster for a ouji board.
A Technical Treasure Hunting Tip to increase confidence.
5 zeros resolution is possible (the board on its side), but it is VERY stable (you have to kick the plumb to move it)


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Kanacki, I agree with Ditlihi in regards to liking your thread. And Ditlihi..........Welcome back ! I for one, have missed your commentaries :laughing7: Many on TNET do not know that Kanacki is much more than meets the eye. He is also involved with relief work, as well as running many successful companies. Some of which involve cutting edge technology as well as exploration. He has traveled the world over. As such, he studied various "treasure legends" as well as developing a friendship with the locals in that particular area. He is extremely modest and humble. When he posts, he is "sharing" his knowledge with the rest of us. I for one am truly impressed with Kanacki and the "Trio" and what they have done and how painstaking they have done what they have done. I first learned of Kanacki and the "Trio" while reading everything on Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, also known as Real of Tayopa. To me, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, is a "Treasure Legend" and that is why I started a research program on his life. Kanacki and the "Trio" are also Treasure Legends ! We should all listen to their stories and experiences because nowhere else can we have access to such knowledge and we are extremely fortunate that they post here on TNET and share with everyone, believers as well as non-believers. Great job you guys ! :notworthy:

Kanacki, I agree with Ditlihi in regards to liking your thread. And Ditlihi..........Welcome back ! I for one, have missed your commentaries :laughing7: Many on TNET do not know that Kanacki is much more than meets the eye. He is also involved with relief work, as well as running many successful companies. Some of which involve cutting edge technology as well as exploration. He has traveled the world over. As such, he studied various "treasure legends" as well as developing a friendship with the locals in that particular area. He is extremely modest and humble. When he posts, he is "sharing" his knowledge with the rest of us. I for one am truly impressed with Kanacki and the "Trio" and what they have done and how painstaking they have done what they have done. I first learned of Kanacki and the "Trio" while reading everything on Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, also known as Real of Tayopa. To me, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, is a "Treasure Legend" and that is why I started a research program on his life. Kanacki and the "Trio" are also Treasure Legends ! We should all listen to their stories and experiences because nowhere else can we have access to such knowledge and we are extremely fortunate that they post here on TNET and share with everyone, believers as well as non-believers. Great job you guys ! :notworthy:

Oh stuff it, Simon. Joseph Curry nor Kanacker stand on Pomp and Circumstance, regardless of how much we adore and admire them. Save your pompous speech for the mirror. :tongue3:

But thanks for the welcome back. :icon_thumright: :laughing7:

Oh stuff it, Simon. Joseph Curry nor Kanacker stand on Pomp and Circumstance, regardless of how much we adore and admire them. Save your pompous speech for the mirror. :tongue3:

But thanks for the welcome back. :icon_thumright: :laughing7:

You are among friends, don't hold back and tell us what you really think :laughing7: On second thought, maybe less is more :hello: Hope you stick around this time !

By the way, I found an old picture of you :laughing7: butcher knife.gif I see you haven't changed much ???

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" Less is More "....... :laughing7:

Get much mileage with that line? :thumbsup:

ok, back ot; treasure legends & reality

Tom, if you will indulge me, is a badger a treasure sign? - they have been reported (by just who?) around (and where would that be?)
the badgers in any position more promising than another (thinking behind . . . . )
nor do I know what badger scat looks like
whoa, would badger scat be anti-treasure ? (i.e. no treasure here); serious implications
Thanks for any insights


edit: does badgering remove scat?

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" Less is More "....... :laughing7:

Get much mileage with that line? :thumbsup:

Hello Ditlihi its been awhile How are you?

I am racking up the mileage these days and running low on warranty. :tongue3: I have not drunk the waters of the fountain of youth like Don Jose.:tongue3:

I still keeping in touch with some of the geologists I used to work with. My how times fly? So many counties so many people. All had stories to tell. Some times you loved em some times you hated them but you had a bond that time nor age can break. They are one of kind memories.

I have have another Grand child on the way. And I am constantly reminded I am the "old boy of the family now" I Still think I am 30 but body tells me I am 70. But hell I cannot complain I have had an amazing life.
But still rest assured old Kanacki as well as rest of the devils misfits still have many projects going on. While some can be talked about others cannot. But its not just the trio but many people involved in such projects.Some will fail some will succeed. Such is life.

I am suppose to be retired? Yet I seem more busy now than when I was working. The trios curse. I get about 30 emails a day from various projects from all over the world. Phone calls all hours. Being a one finger typist it takes a long time to write.

Here is clip on lihur gold mine. In 1995 the trio was first ever , never been done, to to perfect long hole drilling used to pump sea water in to cool the host rock. We worked under the German engineer at the time. If we did not succeed there would of been no mine there to day. Today looking back I am amazed how big it has become.

Production of 2.35 million ounces of gold for the year ending November 2018. Estimated total gold reserves 56 million. Remaining reserves 26 million.

Once again its late.


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... edit: does badgering remove scat?

No. But questioning treasure legends (especially certain ones) with skeptical rationales might be what ... uh... you are alluding to . You are much too cruel. Repent.

Hello Ditlihi its been awhile How are you?

I am racking up the mileage these days and running low on warranty. :tongue3: I have not drunk the waters of the fountain of youth like Don Jose.:tongue3:

I still keeping in touch with some of the geologists I used to work with. My how times fly? So many counties so many people. All had stories to tell. Some times you loved em some times you hated them but you had a bond that time nor age can break. They are one of kind memories.

I have have another Grand child on the way. And I am constantly reminded I am the "old boy of the family now" I Still think I am 30 but body tells me I am 70. But hell I cannot complain I have had an amazing life.
But still rest assured old Kanacki as well as rest of the devils misfits still have many projects going on. While some can be talked about others cannot. But its not just the trio but many people involved in such projects.Some will fail some will succeed. Such is life.

I am suppose to be retired? Yet I seem more busy now than when I was working. The trios curse. I get about 30 emails a day from various projects from all over the world. Phone calls all hours. Being a one finger typist it takes a long time to write.

Here is clip on lihur gold mine. In 1995 the trio was first ever , never been done, to to perfect long hole drilling used to pump sea water in to cool the host rock. We worked under the German engineer at the time. If we did not succeed there would of been no mine there to day. Today looking back I am amazed how big it has become.

Production of 2.35 million ounces of gold for the year ending November 2018. Estimated total gold reserves 56 million. Remaining reserves 26 million.

Once again its late.


We owe you a huge debt for that innovation, and I'm sure there are some out there now that still curse your names daily while they sweat their arses off, lmao. :laughing7:

I hear Gold Rush's Parker Schnabel is working PNG this season, maybe you and the Trio should give him a few dance lessons, eh? ;D


As for retirement, keep living the life my friend, you've earned it. :icon_thumright: :occasion14:

No. But questioning treasure legends (especially certain ones) with skeptical rationales might be what ... uh... you are alluding to . You are much too cruel. Repent.



Production of 2.35 million ounces of gold for the year ending November 2018. Estimated total gold reserves 56 million. Remaining reserves 26 million.

Once again its late.


In our reputed period of peak gold production, those are decent reserves.

We owe you a huge debt for that innovation, and I'm sure there are some out there now that still curse your names daily while they sweat their arses off, lmao. :laughing7:

I hear Gold Rush's Parker Schnabel is working PNG this season, maybe you and the Trio should give him a few dance lessons, eh? ;D


As for retirement, keep living the life my friend, you've earned it. :icon_thumright: :occasion14:

Hello Ditlihi

Even thinking about all these years later I blush thinking how silly it was.

Our Haka against those Waring tribes was not so pretty. Thank god we did not have iphones with cameras back then. So we have no film record of how silly it looked. Our haka was something between the Three amigos and the village people. :tongue3:


While we could speculate what would happen to day if one publicly claimed they was searching using documents and map in fact a treasure map as it turned out.

Well you get chorus of skeptics with no knowledge of what the letter or map contained would be lampooning without ever seeing it. Academics in such cut throat world will never support such notions. Because to step out of status quo they leave themselves open to ridicule by their peers. Competition for jobs in Academic sector is just as ruthless as the corporate sector. That is why I posted if any project that wants to succeed cannot use terms treasure hunter or legend in any proposal as it would be the kiss of death to their credibility and to the project. Regardless if you have the real documentary evidence to back up your claims.

While many treasure legends are just treasure legends the problem is it becomes all too easy to right off every legend off as silly fanciful stories.

The following such lost mine story for a long time was considered a fable lost in mist of time. A treasure story of a lost Spanish mines and settlements. Sounds in fact very similar to the Tayopa Story in Mexico. The treasure legend goes the Spanish conquistadors discovered a very rich mining areas in the 16th century and much gold was recovered. But the Indians drove them from the mines and mining settlements. While the Spanish tried to recapture the territory many times the jungle known as green hell swallowed the mining settlement rich in gold. The story became a legend of the lost cities with gold.

Of course we could relate similar stories all over Americas. Similar themed stories can be found are all over the southwest. While indeed many will turn out to be nothing more just legends.

However once again with proper archival research, not researching treasure hunting books or mags. But getting to earliest known facts to prove or disprove such stories. It is from experience no easy task. While for some its all too easy just to right every story as a silly legend.

The story for much of 20th century was regarded as just another silly treasure legend. In fact as Tom rightly pointed out through Latin America Treasure legends are so strong nearly every town has one. Most are hearsay and just legends. But within the proverbial thousands of silly treasures are story that have been labeled just another silly treasure? Some stories turn out to be true.

While the trio worked in Ecuador drilling we worked with many geologists very who was very professional and dedicated and passionate people. While there we was bombarded with stories and yarns of such treasure tales. And the region is a magnetic for Indiana Jones type adventures as you know with llangantis stories among others.

Many who came to South America was inspired trashy treasure hunting books regurgitating the same rubbish over and over. In fact in South America there is a whole industry catering for such would be treasure hunters. We met hoards of them believers chasing a dream.

While there is nothing wrong chasing a dream. However their so called "research" was solely taken from treasure hunting magazines and books designed to peddle stories not facts. In fact they had done "no proper archival research all." They had blind faith that they was going to make the dig discovery? But in fact whey was just a Gringo chasing a fantasy.

However while there are many people like that, there are "others" who search for the cold hard facts. The trio as well as "others" we know research and research and research some more before even considering putting bums on the ground.

The problem is very easy to get caught up in the hype of such stories. To research takes a lot of time, money and patience. For some proper research is boring and they want the adventure to blindly wander off hacking away through jungle. Just like Indiana Jones. Just like in the movies.

The treasure legend of the lost Spanish Gold mining cities was seen as just another legend. Just another legend English speaking academics would roll their eyes up over? In 1998 we worked for an geologist by the name of Keith Barron that heard the stories just like us . However Keith is a lovely fellow laid back and ultimate professional in whatever he does. He too knew of the story. However His job is to discover mineral deposits. In fact he went on to make an enormous discovery which later sold for 1.2 billion dollars to Kinross mining. A few years later He was staying with an Ecuadorian academic as he was in the process of improving his Spanish, who showed him an old maps showing the rough position showing these two legendary lost cities.

Well in collaboration Keith started the lost cities project. Their main objective is to prove the historical existence of these legendary cities. Not for cities themselves but from the location where these cities was and source of gold that came from them.

In his prospectus you notice the first thing he states it is not a "a wild treasure hunt" . It is search for the evidence that these legendary places existed and to find the source of gold these lost Spanish mine produced.

Well enough of my one finger typing... You can see his journey in his words below with "Proper archival research" proved that the legendary lost gold mining settlements did exist beyond doubt." However geological exploration of the site identified is time consuming and ongoing as I type.

to be continued....

Anyway I hope you enjoy


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Hello I shall continue...

to be continued....


And here below....

While indeed it remains to be seem if the site in question turning out to be a modern viable mining project in the future? Time will tell.... Until then enjoy the fact that these two lost Spanish mining settlements did exist and was not a legend but a reality.

The point of my post was illustrate while most treasure legends either buried treasure, lost mines or whatever. Many of those treasure legends if not all with proper archival research will turn out to be nothing but legends. However it would be fool hardly indeed to right off all legends as just treasure legends with out proper research to prove either they existed or did not. Some legends do turn out to be true.

Even the most ardent of skeptics cannot argue that.....

As I type my time here is limited as we are involved in other similar projects as well. We have been in long discussions with various interested parties and governments on various projects. One project is cementing the legal framework all interested parties can agree on. As one could imagine no easy task...when dealing with many people with vested interests.


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While we could speculate what would happen to day if one publicly claimed they was searching using documents and map in fact a treasure map as it turned out.

Well you get chorus of skeptics with no knowledge of what the letter or map contained would be lampooning without ever seeing it. Academics in such cut throat world will never support such notions. Because to step out of status quo they leave themselves open to ridicule by their peers. Competition for jobs in Academic sector is just as ruthless as the corporate sector. That is why I posted if any project that wants to succeed cannot use terms treasure hunter or legend in any proposal as it would be the kiss of death to their credibility and to the project. Regardless if you have the real documentary evidence to back up your claims.

While many treasure legends are just treasure legends the problem is it becomes all too easy to right off every legend off as silly fanciful stories.

The following such lost mine story for a long time was considered a fable lost in mist of time. A treasure story of a lost Spanish mines and settlements. Sounds in fact very similar to the Tayopa Story in Mexico. The treasure legend goes the Spanish conquistadors discovered a very rich mining areas in the 16th century and much gold was recovered. But the Indians drove them from the mines and mining settlements. While the Spanish tried to recapture the territory many times the jungle known as green hell swallowed the mining settlement rich in gold. The story became a legend of the lost cities with gold.

Of course we could relate similar stories all over Americas. Similar themed stories can be found are all over the southwest. While indeed many will turn out to be nothing more just legends.

However once again with proper archival research, not researching treasure hunting books or mags. But getting to earliest known facts to prove or disprove such stories. It is from experience no easy task. While for some its all too easy just to right every story as a silly legend.

The story for much of 20th century was regarded as just another silly treasure legend. In fact as Tom rightly pointed out through Latin America Treasure legends are so strong nearly every town has one. Most are hearsay and just legends. But within the proverbial thousands of silly treasures are story that have been labeled just another silly treasure? Some stories turn out to be true.

While the trio worked in Ecuador drilling we worked with many geologists very who was very professional and dedicated and passionate people. While there we was bombarded with stories and yarns of such treasure tales. And the region is a magnetic for Indiana Jones type adventures as you know with llangantis stories among others.

Many who came to South America was inspired trashy treasure hunting books regurgitating the same rubbish over and over. In fact in South America there is a whole industry catering for such would be treasure hunters. We met hoards of them believers chasing a dream.

While there is nothing wrong chasing a dream. However their so called "research" was solely taken from treasure hunting magazines and books designed to peddle stories not facts. In fact they had done "no proper archival research all." They had blind faith that they was going to make the dig discovery? But in fact whey was just a Gringo chasing a fantasy.

However while there are many people like that, there are "others" who search for the cold hard facts. The trio as well as "others" we know research and research and research some more before even considering putting bums on the ground.

The problem is very easy to get caught up in the hype of such stories. To research takes a lot of time, money and patience. For some proper research is boring and they want the adventure to blindly wander off hacking away through jungle. Just like Indiana Jones. Just like in the movies.

The treasure legend of the lost Spanish Gold mining cities was seen as just another legend. Just another legend English speaking academics would roll their eyes up over? In 1998 we worked for an geologist by the name of Keith Barron that heard the stories just like us . However Keith is a lovely fellow laid back and ultimate professional in whatever he does. He too knew of the story. However His job is to discover mineral deposits. In fact he went on to make an enormous discovery which later sold for 1.2 billion dollars to Kinross mining. A few years later He was staying with an Ecuadorian academic as he was in the process of improving his Spanish, who showed him an old maps showing the rough position showing these two legendary lost cities.

Well in collaboration Keith started the lost cities project. Their main objective is to prove the historical existence of these legendary cities. Not for cities themselves but from the location where these cities was and source of gold that came from them.

In his prospectus you notice the first thing he states it is not a "a wild treasure hunt" . It is search for the evidence that these legendary places existed and to find the source of gold these lost Spanish mine produced.

Well enough of my one finger typing... You can see his journey in his words below with "Proper archival research" proved that the legendary lost gold mining settlements did exist beyond doubt." However geological exploration of the site identified is time consuming and ongoing as I type.



Nailed it, as usual. :notworthy:

Thanks for the vids, will keep me busy and out of trouble this weekend. :tongue3:

.... And here below....

....While many treasure legends are just treasure legends the problem is it becomes all too easy to right off every legend off as silly fanciful stories.....

Enjoyed your videos. Thanx for the links. At the risk of occupying too much space on the forum, let's just try this : Turn your quote above, around, in the opposite direction (to say the same thing, in reverse) : "..... It becomes all too easy to accept every legend astrue and factual ..."

So how do we sort out those that are just "imagination gone wild" vs "those with merit" ?

You CAN NOT go by "those that sound most convincing". Because, sure as heck, a BUNCH of them sound mighty convincing . With pedigrees, cool narratives, skeletons, conspiracies, motives, tips-of-icebergs, etc.. Right ? In which case, you would merely be "relying on the legend to prove the legend". Eh ? And even to try to "sort out fact from fiction" (to "remove the legend" aspect) is fraught with problems. Because, no doubt, you will find that many elements of the story are (gasp) TRUE ! But that fails to take into account that ALL treasure legends are based in truth. Eg.: names, dates, events. But if there was not "treasure" at the end of that, .... what good does all the other data do ?

Thus to merely find "true elements" of a legend, does not mean "treasure". No treasure legend ever started with "Once upon a time". You can conjecture treasure (quite sincerely) around ANY past historical set of facts. But that doesn't make the treasure part of the conjecture to be necessarily true.

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