What's your limit? How much trash will you dig before you call it a day?


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Oct 12, 2015
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Last Sunday I was on my own. So, in search of gold I went. As everyone knows, you can't find gold without digging trash and since most gold is in the mid tone range I pretty much stuck to mid tones for the day. I spent 7 hours and finally called it quits at 3 pm when the temperature reached 91 degrees. Occasionally a few high tones caught my attention and I dug them, but over all I had a great time but no gold for the day.

So, how much trash is too much trash for you? I dug 274 individual trash targets and 48 coins for a grand total of 322 holes for the day. I guess that is my limit for a hot day because I was pretty much wore out.


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I usually detect and dig for much shorter periods of time than you, Ammoman. Keep in mind though that I live in central Texas where the summertime highs have been over 100 almost every day for the past month. We finally got a break with some rain overnight and cooler temperatures (in the 90s) for the next few days but I set my limit, during the extremely hot days, to 90 minutes to 2 hours before sundown. That being said, I hunt until I start to get uncomfortable and then I call it quits because I detect to have fun and it's not fun if it's painful. I'm after the gold too and I'm a dry land hunter for the most part as the coast is about 300 miles away. I hunt some lake beaches during cooler weather when the crowds thin out. I don't count the number of trash targets or the holes I dig. I look at it this way - each piece of trash I dig and dispose of gets me one piece closer to the next gold ring, chain, or pendant.
Happy Hunting!
~Texas Jay

http://centraltexastreasureclub.webs.com - Annual Fall Open Competition Hunt on October 13th

I have no limit!!!!!...at least in my mind. My legs however, they say different.

Whatever it takes! As Mel Fisher would tell his crew, "Today is the day!" ╦╦Ç

Truthfully, though, I cannot remember digging 300+ holes in a day. Hats off to you. ╦╦Ç

Trash , Is it trash ? Or sheathing off a Galleon. If only it could speak :)

View attachment 1620916
Trash , Is it trash ? Or sheathing off a Galleon. If only it could speak :)
looks like a pencil to me. NASA spent millions developing a pen to write in zero gravity. The Russians? They just took up a pencil. TTC

My find bag is fairly small and I carry a small plastic case in it so in this heat now when the carry bag gets full of trash. I quit. By then the legs are gone anyway.

My friend, you're a better man than me! This Summer the heat has had a miserable effect on me. My last dirt digging was June the 7th, wrote in my notes "Too danged hot". Only lasted an hour and was feeling ready to stroke out. Kept me feeling puny for a couple weeks. So, water hunting only this Summer.

My friend, you're a better man than me! This Summer the heat has had a miserable effect on me. My last dirt digging was June the 7th, wrote in my notes "Too danged hot". Only lasted an hour and was feeling ready to stroke out. Kept me feeling puny for a couple weeks. So, water hunting only this Summer.

Yea the humidity has been horrible. My son and i are gonna do some more water hunting soon. Kinda burning out from the heat. Pun intended:laughing7:

Last year I was digging pull tab after pull tab in a local park. I said I’ll try a few more signals. Two digs later I dug a 14ct gold earring. Ya just never know

With the whites XLT, when the number 21 comes up that means you might have a nickel but it also might mean a pulltab. I was extra energetic one ,day I found my oldest coin... an 1869 nickel that probably other people didn’t bother trying for because they figured it was going to be trash, so keep it up folks!

if you can dig that much trash, then do it. In Atlanta the humiditiy and heat has been terrible. But absolutely normal for this time of year. Read battle reports of the Battle of Atlanta and they said it was above 90 degrees in the day, rain in the afternoon in July 1864. Not a bit of difference that what we had in July 2018! So how does that square with the global warming crowd's claim that we are warming up the earth?

I am looking for cooler weather this fall (not here yet) to extend my two hour hunts in the morning to more hunting any time during the day.

I dig 20-30 targets and if I don't get anything interesting I move on to another area. I am pretty lazy. After a hundred digs I better have something good. The more I hunt parks the more beach like they become in my mind. I guess the major difference is on the beach the cans are whole but the level of foil, tabs and caps feels the same. The diggings easier in the sand of course. The way the beach gets hit now it almost seems as hard to get gold in the park than in the dry sand unless you are peak season. If I am on private property or a good site (hopefully both) I approach the hero level of digging where you look back and it looks like a minefield of hundreds of replugged holes.

Hmmmmm I dig lots of junk.

I usually think I'm going to put on my small concentric coil and hit some really trashy area. Then I quickly tire of that and put on my DD and cherry pick a soccer field. I've started cleaning up big iron signals, though. The other day I dug out a big nut and found a clad quarter a few inches away. Maybe this winter I'll have more patience for working in the trash.

I'll dig until my batteries die. Detector batteries or body batteries.

2.35 lbs. Not an ounce more. 😝

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