I am not a tax expert and following is not advice just discussion ease see a tax expert to verify this.
Two things here…if you keep it and do not declare it on your income taxes…then you may be coming out less than if you paid the taxes! Before you all start yelling at me let me explain..
Let’s say you find an old stash that no one has a real claim on and for augment let’s say it’s worth $100,000. You decide not to declare it as income for the IRS..now you want to sell the coins..When you go to do it the guy buying them is not likely to pay you anything close to what they are worth because he has to make a profit and HE has to pay taxes on the profit. So you will more than likely get 50 percent of what they are worth. So let’s say $50,000. And you will have to hope he doesn’t turn you in or blackmail you later, you are always going to be looking over your shoulder.
If you do declare them (The IRS says treasure Trove Items are taxable and taxes r due in the year you take undisputed possession of the item.)And since you only make $50,000 a year your tax bracket is maybe 25 %, so if you sell them legit and get a really good price of $100,000(not sure of the tax rate/category you fall into then) –maybe even 40 percent) you will still net more than the $50,000 and not be looking over your shoulder., plus be able to deduct all you spent treasure hunting all year (in the new tax deductable truck?)
If I am wrong please tell me where.
I know it stinks having to give art of what you find to the gobernment for them to waste