When I was younger stuff was really important. My wife would tell people, "If he finds a 50 lb gold nugget it would do us no good, because he'd keep it." And she was right, but not anymore. Now I have lots of stuff the kids can fight over when I die, or if I need money before I die, I'll sell something, although some of the better stuff I've already given to my kids and grand kids. If I'm not using it, then why hang onto it. Gave my grandson an 06 Winchester open hammer pump .22 rifle awhile back, and I'm going to give my son my 73 Springfield carbine that would sell quite well, but he will enjoy the gun more than I would the money. If the government passes some hen house gun laws, then my kids will get all of the firearms right away, especially if they have to be hidden, because I got a bunch before any records were kept by the government or sellers. That said, right now there are other antique guns that I'll sell if I need cash. I've sold most of my gold, most of my silver, but I've also given a lot of stuff away mostly to family, but there is still stuff left. I started collecting when I was a kid. I have Indian relics I found when I was a pre teen. I have a .50 caliber machine gun bullet that had been fired at attacking Japanese aircraft 76 years ago, given to me when I was 5 by an uncle who picked it up in Pearl Harbor. The question was would I sell right away if I got a good deal on something and was going to make a profit of more than 20 grand. The answer is probably yes, the truth is in the past couple of years I've sold stuff I would have never parted with when younger.