Hello? Yes........
Is this the Florida Division of Historical Resources?
OK, I was walking my dog about a quarter mile north of Chuck's Steak House, and he seems to have dug up a chest full of coins.
Well it seems most are gold, but there are a lot of silver and copper ones two.....
I have not really counted them, there's a whole lot of them....
No, I couldn't really get them all out of the ground, The chest wasn't really holding together too well, so I loaded about four hundred pounds of them into the back of my VW bug, and now they are all sitting in the yard of my ex girlfriends house in West Melbourne.
Oh yeah, I know exactly where the rest of it is......
Oh probably about another 400 lbs.... yeah, give or take.
Well, its just a VW, and it was starting to bottom out. you know?.....
Well I've been living there.
No not with her, I mean I've been living in the VW in her yard.
No there is no one there at all, not anymore, I used to date her in 1984
Oh no, her family moved in 86, nobody lives there now.
I don't know, I once looked for her on Facebook, I think she moved to Arizona.
The HUD sticker on the front door says it last got repo'd in April 2009
Yeah, so I just live in the car while its parked on the lawn.
Yeah, he usually sleeps outside whenever we are there.
Tallahasee? Isn't that like 20 minutes from Atlanta?, No, I've got two dollars to my name and maybe about 2 gallons of gas left.
Ok, I'll hold
Geez, you've been gone for 40 minutes, I almost fell asleep.
Application fee? Are you S***** me?
Well, can you mail me the forms? So how much do THEY cost?
Geez, That's a lot, I might have to pawn some of the stuff that I'm reporting to you.
OK, that's a little better, yeah I could probably scrape that together in about three weeks.
Notary? Oh S***, I don't know about that
No, I don't have a valid ID......
Department of building and safety? Where does that come in?