I'm sceptical of the vibration idea. Hook a water supply to the outlet of the funnel. You can regulate the water flow and create a fluid bed of sorts to concentrate the black sands, gold, etc. in the neck and a small area above it. Classifying all feed to like sizes will make the process most efficient.I’m actually building a sand collector currently. Basically a large funnel with a valve and motor to shake everything. Hoping to concentrate the heavies to the bottom and then crack the valve to let them out the bottom. I’m in Ohio, we have tons of black sands, lots of super fine gold, silver and some other bright silver flakes, not sure what they are. I figured I’d get a fair amount, roast them and then smelt them. It’s worth a shot!
I'm sceptical of the vibration idea. Hook a water supply to the outlet of the funnel. You can regulate the water flow and create a fluid bed of sorts to concentrate the black sands, gold, etc. in the neck and a small area above it. Classifying all feed to like sizes will make the process most efficient.
Good luck.
I have a spot that the old timers of the South passed down to me and I shit you not in recovering about 1 oz of fine gold and silver every three pounds of black sand!!!!Hogwash.
It’s not hogwash. I have assay reports for black sands from the previous owners of one of our claims.Hogwash.
It’s hard to see anything with those things!A small hand held microscope will help you see a fair bit of what’s locked up in those sands. It’s pretty crazy what you miss with the naked eye. I keep all my black sands so I can trip over the buckets and tell myself I’m an idiot for not doing something with it already.
Any kid.Give a poor kid those black sands and a magnet and he will have fun all day!