I cant help but post a reply here.I am a placer miner in B.C. and have to laugh when I see people who really do not know of what they speak and yet offer answers to others. Black Sands can and do hold values in Precious metals.Not all black sands do but any taken from known mineralized areas such as gravels that contain placer gold almost always do. The value of the gold , silver and platinum can vary widely even on assays taken on samples from the same gravels. I have had four assays done on my black sands from my mine
.I first remove all visible gold on my Miller Table and it is the leftover "tailings" that I sent for assay . They are all different which is to be expected.
They range from a low of 188 grams or 6 ounces per ton gold to a high of 2449 grams per ton gold and 206 grams silver per ton. That is just under 80 ounces of gold and 6.5 ounces silver per ton of black sand. That is a dollar value at todays prices of $132,500. per ton. Considering a ton of black sand can fit into 8 five gallon pails I would say that black sands are a very valuable commodity and if you produce more then a few pounds should never be discarded without paying the $80 for an assay. And yes I do recover all kinds of gold from my black sand tailings.Here is my last assay.
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