What happened to Fisher?

Hey Charlie P (NY)
How can you blame the CUSTOMERS for Fisher being bought out by Bounty Hunter? That's illogical!! It was probably because of mismanagement by those running the company or perhaps they ran into financial problems . Customers arent "gimme gimme" as you put it. When I purchase my CZ5 in 2003 Fisher had a lifetime warranty on their detectors and as far as I am concerned they should still honour that lifetime warranty. That's even stated in a brochure that I still have. Granted when I had to sent my detector in for repairs last year their service was good. However they stated there was only a year left on the warranty which should not be the case since there was a LIFETIME warranty on it when it was purchased. Perhaps the definition of a LIFETIME warranty has changed.

Tesoro has a lifetime warranty and have they been bought out? The answer is no. From what I hear they have excellent customer service. If customers are going to fork out big bucks for a detector the warranties should be honoured. That's all folks!!

They weren't bought out by Bounty Hunter. Bounty Hunter is just a brand line, as is Teknetics, of the First Texas corporation.

The detector market appears to have price points that have to be held to. It's pretty competitive. So if a detector's price is relatively set it is up to the manufacturer to budget the available cash properly. So much going for research, so much for warranty, so much for management bonuses, etc. It either comes down to the market (customers) wouldn't bear a more expensive Fisher, or Fisher couldn't maintain the internal cost structure they had assigned themselves.

What additional would you have forked out to keep the lifetime warranty program or add one now? Maybe they'll come out with an "extended plan" if there is enough interest. I didn't claim it was the cause. I only said "maybe" ;)

By the way: The State of New York legally defines "lifetime", as in lifetime warranty, as 15 years. I ran up against that once. Other states probably have similar guidelines on their books.

Beck said:
I recently had to phone Fisher regarding a broken head mount on my CZ20. After about ten rings I was ready to hang up when an out of breath gent answered the phone and apologized for the delay in picking up, said the girls were on a smoke break or something. After hearing my request he said he would drop the part in the mail that day, no charge, no postage have a nice day. It showed up 3 days later.I know it was only a $10.00 part but I thought that was very good customer service.

Being in a job that makes allot of calls to customer service depts, its nice to just hear,,,,,, a person answered.

Charlie P
I'm glad you corrected me on the Fisher being bought out by First Texas. It was a typo on my part.

My point that I am trying to get across is that Fisher once had the lifetime warranty on their older detectors which should be honoured when purchased. However, if they change it to 5 years on their newer detectors that's fine. So be it.

To answer your question Charlie, no I would not pay extra for an additional lifetime warranty. Even though the CZ5 is a great detector, I paid too much for it. Not long after I purchased it, the prices dropped big time because they were soon to be discontinued.

By the way, what is your opinion on the F75? Just wondering.

By the way, what is your opinion on the F75? Just wondering.

I've had it 9 months (though the last 5 have been too cold to detect) and I like it a lot. Very light and fast. I'm a coin shooter, 90% parks, and it is a real ripper for that. The VDI is very accurate on coins, so if it hops around over a target in the shared conductivity ranges it is likely trash. I think a lot of guys try to run it too hot. The sensitivity has a huge range and at the upper end it's picking up every motor, spark, EMI and solarflare.

One telling thing - at my local club of about 20 guys two have bought F-75s after I let them play with mine at a club hunt. One was a Sovereign GT w/meter user and the other a DXT user. Not so much as a replacement but as a fast and easy "fun" detector. I only have the two detectors and use one for all. If it wasn't working for me I would have sold it and gone with a Sovereign GT or an XTerra -70. I won't tie up that much cash in a "hangar queen". Be interesting to see how it ends up in their ranking after this summer. I can't say for beach/black sand/salty conditions but hereabouts it ground balances fast and well. I just added a SunRay FX-1 probe to her and am looking forward to spring with that addition.

I've been hunting a park near work since 2003 with my Minelab Musketeer. Going back over the same ground I'm hitting older and deeper dimes and nickels missed with the Musky and digging a ton less trash. I still dig some "just to be sure". Depends on my mood. I'm glad they're adding smaller coils. I am looking forward to hitting some long-time picnic areas that have deep silver under the clad and trash.

Personally, if it was my company, I would have grandfathered in the older units purchased with the lifetime warranty and gone five on the new/post buy-up units. Five years is still better than the majority of detector manufacturers, but if they're keeping the name they should keep what made the name.

I have a few Fishers I bought with the Lifetime Warranty and this really covers manufactured product failures, not broken shafts, worn out o rings, etc. What bothers me is the higher cost of repairs now. I need a door assembly for a CZ-20 and instead of me just buying it and having it sent, they wanted me to send in the whole thing at my expense. This means it gives UPS two chances to drop the box during shipment. I've had more than one detector come back not operating as well as when I sent it in.

I should call All the detector companies and see if I have to dial ONE for English. My cable company wants me to dial one and I am dropping them. Small thing I know, but just how I feel.

I don't think BH is too bad!!!!! To be honest... my $100.00 BH hunter prospecter( TrackerIV) air tests just as deep as my $350 musketeer and handels hot rocks better. I would'nt worry it about too much.

I noticed BH does not show kHz in their discription.

My last post on this subject. Personally, I don't care too much about a lifetime warranty since detectors are a lot like our computers. We will upgrade to the latest and greatest every couple of years. Just by looking at the posts it appears that most of us have more than one detector. I have four, a BH, GB2, T2, and a White's GM.

I just got a F75 and for the price of an Explorer it is built China cheap...

Real crappy covers, plastic that is supposed to look like fabric and a super thin and broken coil cover...

It works great but i'm afraid the cheapo handle will break with extended use, since it is really just more plastic and bends with every swing.

Did I mention it is FAST!!!!
Did I mention it is FAST!!!!
Did I mention it is FAST!!!! :o

Has anyone looked at the advertising for the F75, they claimed it had NOTHING to do with the T2...
Uh, detectorists aren't stupid and that ad was offensive, but then again i'm a thinker... :icon_study:
It looks almost EXACTLY like the T2, i'm mean really... :tard:

Just because I buy a machine it doesn't mean I have to think it is perfect or be loyal at all if in fact it isn't perfect or even close. Sure things can always be improved but when your goal is a huge profit margin the quality suffers greatly.

I would argue the machine is less effected by electrical interference since I can hunt many spots my Explorer was too jumpy at, which is a good thing!

Did I mention it is FAST!!!!?

I'm hoping with the recent ML purchase by Codan that ML doesn't go the way of Fisher via FirstTexas...

The F75 is a rocking machine but really Fisher didn't design it at all, they just added more plastic and raised the price. Oh and a backlight which was sorely needed!!! Kudos for that!!! It still has issues with steel bottle caps that in my soil don't get any better no matter which setting I use, and it is a lot worse than the Explorer for this, since the numbers and tone reflect a dime on the Explorer the cursor goes down right and you know for sure it is a cap.

Did I mention it is FAST!!!! :D

I find this Fisher a perfect stable mate for my Explorer2 and GPX... :thumbsup:

I'll chime in about Fisher. I've owned two (1266-X and CZ-7). I sold the 1266-X like a reeeetard :tard: but I still have the CZ-7. The plastic bolt that holds the coil to the lower rod broke and I need a new one. I've called Fisher, left messages, and emailed them with ZERO results :angry4: In my book that counts as horrible customer service.

I just started out last year. I was one of the guys who bought a RS 3300 for 90 bucks close out. My little 3300 didnt have the bolt and knob for the coil or the knob kit to tightin the shaft. I emailed FT and got a reply from Veronica, sent my mailing address and in a week got the parts and spars no questions asked. I just got a used F75 a few weeks ago. I must say as a new swinger the F75 isnt that hard of a machine to get used to. I think FT will do good by fisher. Although i would like to see somone come up with a better "lifetime" machine that we can update our self, maybe use carbonfiber instead of plastic.

Indasurf said:
GARRETT was NEVER purchased by any other company and is still ONLY OWNED by GARRETT!!!

GARRETT is STILL in the SAME CITY and STATE location Garland TX!!!!!!!

My OLD BFO from the late 60s AND my GARRETT Infinium BOTH come from GARLAND TX!!!!!!!

Yes, First Texas is also in TX (BIG STATE) BUT in EL Paso!!!!!! I'm "NOT" trying to start anything here, BUT it's REALLY "NOT COOL" to "POST INFORMATION" like that when "NOT TRUE" or the "FACTS" are "NOT" KNOWN!!!!!! ;)

Thanks and HH!!!!

Soooooo, what's not right about El Paso? I find it curiously refreshing......... :icon_sunny:

So I guess I'll chime in with my opinion on Fisher. I will never again by another Fisher product. And certainly will not recommend them to ayone. I'm sticking with Whites

I have a 1236x2 that recently stopped working. When purchased it supposedly had a lifetime warranty and it was registered online with Fisher. I called Fisher and they said send it in and they will fix it. No problems - spent $9.00 and shipped it off. I get a call from Fisher that I have a bad "pot and it will be $95.00, how do I want to pay. I tell them that it is a registered product on the website. They say nope, it's not found and I need to send in the warranty card and receipt?? I Tell them I'll look for it but I doubt I can find as it's been several years and the dealer I purchased from is no longer around. A few days ago I get a letter saying that if I want it sent back it's $25.00 or it will be disposed of within 45 days.


Probably a dumb question - but is the outfit that made Fisher detectors the same company that made other electronics? (VHS recorders, stereos, etc?)


mrs.oroblanco said:
Probably a dumb question - but is the outfit that made Fisher detectors the same company that made other electronics? (VHS recorders, stereos, etc?)


No. Fisher Research Labs is metal detectors (I believe only) since 1931.

There's also a J.W. Fisher that makes underwater metal detectors that is no relation.

I'll chime in about Fisher. I've owned two (1266-X and CZ-7). I sold the 1266-X like a reeeetard :tard: but I still have the CZ-7. The plastic bolt that holds the coil to the lower rod broke and I need a new one. I've called Fisher, left messages, and emailed them with ZERO results :angry4: In my book that counts as horrible customer service.

You can get those nylon bolts and wingnuts at Lowes or Home Depot. They're like 3/16 or 1/4 thick, by 1 and 5/8's long. Less than 2 bucks. I keep back-ups in my car just in case.
One time, in a jam, I melted the bolt back together with a cigarette lighter, just to get by for the day. I think the one I melted is still fine!

Hobby shops that sell radio controlled airplanes have them, too. They hold the wings on for the mid-sized models (so they'll shear off and maybe save the wing). Take your pieces as they come in many different sizes.

Or Lowes & True-Value have them, also.

Thanks for the help on the plastic bolt/nut combination. I'll check at Lowes this week. Too bad I can't depend on the manufacturer. Oh well...thanks again. :thumbsup:

Hey Flodiver
That sounds like very poor service from Fisher. Hope things work out for ya. They should honour that warranty, unfortunately if you don't have your warranty card or receipt you could be up the creek. Sorry about your misfortune.

Thanks for the help on the plastic bolt/nut combination. I'll check at Lowes this week. Too bad I can't depend on the manufacturer. Oh well...thanks again. :thumbsup:

Don't feel bad. I learned this trick from my Minelab that eats one a year or so. Minelab wanted something like $7.95 for two 35¢ hardware store Nylon bolts (in black instead of white) for a design that requires excessive torque to hold the coil solid. In fact, they're $1.25/4 at Tower Hobbies.

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