what does it take to make a treasure hunting crew?

Remember that what a lot of people consider "an adventure" , is normally hard work, hiking and climbing, sometimes with pain, cold weather (even in Arizona), rain, snow, pain (cramps, cactus needles, pulled muscles, broken legs, hunger, thirst, and general discomfort) while they are seating at home watching TV. TRUST is the main thing for a crew or group going out in to Nature. Be it mountains, desert or even nice forests. Trust that they will "watch your back", help each other back out to civilization, and not talk about what was found or where it was found. "You can have the money or have the Fame, not both." After you have spent your money and the others money going out looking for a treasure, will you just give it away to the Government? Only if you and they are going to write a book about it and hope it sells enough to make your only back. That didn't work out so good for Mel Fisher. The "Greed Factor" is what sells the books, the Dream, not the cold hard fact that it has been found. Just my 2 cents worth

1. Research. This can take years so be patient.
2. Skills. Work out what skills might be needed in order to help your hunt. I.e diving. Climbing. Abseiling. Transport.
3. Trust is a big issue. But you also have to give people a chance. They might be good at something your not and vice versa. Which then both can reach the same goal.
4. A solid plan. Know when where and how your going to do it. Dont just walk in and make it up on your way. You will end up being very under prepared.
5. Know your goal. If your in it for fame. Chances are everything will be by the book and you wont see much of the proceeds. Not only that but your more than likly to be ignored by the experts.(which refers to do your research)
If your in it for wealth. Know who your with. Best thing to do i would find. Is running cost first. Then whats left split equal.
6. Take a chance and have an adventure

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I was going to take a look for Beale's when I was living in Waynesboro. Talked to a guy and told them we would take the jewels and maybe the gold, but leave the silver. His wife jumped in and said, "No, we will take everything." That killed it for me using him for a partner as I believed that his wife's greed would blow the entire thing. The jewels, eazy to pack out without needing heavy equipment and letting everyone in the area wondering what we were doing. The gold, cut it up and pack it out, but harder to dispose of without a plan. The silver was way to much weight to get out quietly, or so my thoughts ran. Greed in a "partner" is a scary thing if you do find a big cache. IMHO

Good point, how it is to be divided needs to be clearly agreed to (not just discussed) before you begin.
And how is responsible to fund whatever is needed agreed to before it begins......

Fortitude. Because after months of living together, socializing, eating, sleeping, working in persuit of the treasure, once it's found you'll need to kill them all off! Dead men tell no tales. :skullflag:

Any one want to take me on a treasure hunt? :hello: :laughing7:

If I can't do it on a handshake, then in writing, is just for the courts and the politicians to steal it.

Wish marriage could be "on a hand-shake"... BUT! Alas! TH'ers are "married" to each other on the "adventure" for Treasure; just ONE way of "looking at it"...

Believe it or not sometimes you can't give half a big ticket away. Happened to me.

I'm one of the lucky ones - have found my perfect partner(s) - and on nothing but a handshake.

I'm one of the lucky ones - have found my perfect partner(s) - and on nothing but a handshake.

I did and then he went and died on me. Been a bummer ever since. Others that I have tried to go with just were not in as good a shape as I was, even though they were younger. Going to try again this year, God willing.

Document everything. Be prepared for court before you blame (sue) others for their 'sins' or they blame (sue) you for your alleged 'sins' in the many financial losses and few financial gainful experiences you will encounter. "Speak softly, but carry a big stick." (Teddy R.)



Depends. If that includes going to the "Powers that be" after we find 1-1.5 mill in gold bars, then no. Lack of greed or at least not too much would be nice. Trustworthy to be behind you when the 2 of you find 1-50 mill in gold bars. And smart enough to leave more than we can spend, behind. If you and your partner find a KGC cache with gold as well as rifles, ect. Would you take the gold and maybe one rifle, or tell the world about the find and get nothing? Not trying to pick on you, just trying to set the field that we as "Treasure Hunters" come into other peoples minds. "Grave Robber, Destroyer of History, Thief of History", are just some of the things that I have heard people call me, even though I was looking for caches, not planning on excavating the missions, but looking for the mines that the Jesuits had and the bars cached before shipment. Of course most of those people were at Universities. and they were thinking more about Grants and the papers they would write about the site. IMO Sorry for the rant.

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