what do you expect?


Full Member
Feb 7, 2016
NRW, Germany
Detector(s) used
Fisher Gold Bug 2
Primary Interest:
on my last trip in March I surveyed a mineralized area next to a large cave where the rock man is located. there is a double cactus mark, a larger quartz vein of gray light rock and many smaller ones of white quartz. a wall of black quartz. an eye on the way to the cactus and a ledge (with a head that has a 10cm wide vein) with a cave with strong mineralization in which I found charcoal in addition to ore. I asked experienced dutch hunters about the cave and so far it is probably unknown. Due to the large number of direct references to the LDM, I hope for a response to the finds. for example on the mineralization. I have subjected surface material of the vein to an RFA but unfortunately have not received any indication of precious metals. now i'm wondering. is it worthless or the dutchman? All my video files are too large


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hey blackline. great pics.. i have no answer for you.. but nice find... it does not look like valuable ore.. but i hope your dreams come true..


this is the ore assay from the vein. now I know I made the wrong test. I should have commissioned a fire assay.
its i.m.o. an epithermal deposit.
I took two pieces. one for the assay and this is the one I have at home. 30x lens with an iPhone



The X marks the spot. 😂 this is the vein from the 4th photo. It is next to the rock man and below the mine/cave.

Is this a single jack hand drill?

it appears the charcoal was used to heat the cave ceiling. as an old mining technique?

its a round pit with a 5 meters diameter. with breccia and visible gold in it

this is the entrance. see this large boulder at the end of the clip?

i am very thankful for every hint and response. thanks in advance

here is another pic of the rock man from the x mark and next to the x is this i.m.o. "filly" (I delete some of the background information) and in front of the mine is this cactus marker. it is i.m.o. the same as on this map


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I asked in the thread title what do you expect (to find). as a treasure hunter I always thought... a cache of gold. but now I learned that it is not such easy as you think. as I began my search for the lost dutchman mine I focused on the maps. now I learned I have to change my position from a believer/searcher to a miner. and that's very difficult for me, because it is not really behind the next corner form my living point. :)
have you any advice for me?
my plan could be... first of all collect more samples and get the results of an professional fire assay. i think i need something like a ground radar to prove a cavity. i there any rental shop in apache junction?
i dont know if that is the dutchman or a mexican old mine and i dont want to convice you it is. i hope just for some helpful information in this context.

You seem to be actively searching for the LDM. Here is a location, described in Barry Storm's book, "Thunder Gods Gold", that has apparently yielded some gold ore. The chapter titled "Jenkins' Lost Lode" includes a photo of where Jenkins found his piece of rich gold ore, and that location is on a slope of Hackberry Mesa. There is now a mine adit and trail to the mine on that same slope, both of which were not there in 1945 when Storm's book was published. Someone found "Jenkins' Lost Lode" before Barry Storm could get to it.

The mine adit is not the LDM, but going to that location could show you what a gold-bearing quartz vein looks like, and you might even be able to come back with some samples containing visible gold. I think I can see a quartz seam running down the slope to the mine adit, but don't take my word for it. Use GE to see if you see what I see. This mine adit, by the way, was home for Jay Clapp for eleven years, before he vanished in the early 1960's.

To get to the mine adit, drive just past the bridge over Willow Springs Creek to a parking area along Apache Trail, then hike south, following the creek bed. Once you've reached a point below the mine adit, you can hike directly up the slope, or go farther south to where the mine trail backtracks north up the slope; the choice is your's. You'll probably want to begin hiking very early in the morning to allow enough time for the round trip and for some time to linger at the mine. If the quartz seam is exposed and untouched above the mine, you might want to go there. If you find quartz, but see no visible gold in the quartz, you'll know that you're at a dead end; the good stuff has obviously been grabbed by someone who got there first.

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You seem to be actively searching for the LDM. Here is a location, described in Barry Storm's book, "Thunder Gods Gold", that has apparently yielded some gold ore. The chapter titled "Jenkins' Lost Lode" includes a photo of where Jenkins found his piece of rich gold ore, and that location is on a slope of Hackberry Mesa. There is now a mine adit and trail to the mine on that same slope, both of which were not there in 1945 when Storm's book was published. Someone found "Jenkins' Lost Lode" before Barry Storm could get to it.

The mine adit is not the LDM, but going to that location could show you what a gold-bearing quartz vein looks like, and you might even be able to come back with some samples containing visible gold. I think I can see a quartz seam running down the slope to the mine adit, but don't take my word for it. Use GE to see if you see what I see. This mine adit, by the way, was home for Jay Clapp for eleven years, before he vanished in the early 1960's.

To get to the mine adit, drive just past the bridge over Willow Springs Creek to a parking area along Apache Trail, then hike south, following the creek bed. Once you've reached a point below the mine adit, you can hike directly up the slope, or go farther south to where the mine trail backtracks north up the slope; the choice is your's. You'll probably want to begin hiking very early in the morning to allow enough time for the round trip and for some time to linger at the mine. If the quartz seam is exposed and untouched above the mine, you might want to go there. If you find quartz, but see no visible gold in the quartz, you'll know that you're at a dead end; the good stuff has obviously been grabbed by someone who got there first.

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Wow skyhawk, don't run so fast. There are three versions of Jenkins ore story. One of Barry Storm who didn't wrote all the truth, another one version is of George Snell who accompanied Barry Storm and Jenkins in the mountains, and another version is of Darell Lane who is the grandchildren of Marion Jenkins.
So, there are three different stories ( like how Waltz acquired the LDM ) which someone has to analyze in regards to find the real facts behind the fiction. IMHO the mine you are talking about it's not even close to the site where the Jenkins ore came from.
Good luck.

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Wow skyhawk, don't run so fast. There are three versions of Jenkins ore story. One of Barry Storm who didn't wrote all the truth, another one version is of George Snell who accompanied Barry Storm and Jenkins in the mountains, and another version is of Darell Lane who is the grandchildren of Marion Jenkins.
So, there are three different stories ( like how Waltz acquired the LDM ) which someone has to analyze in regards to find the real facts behind the fiction. IMHO the mine you are talking about it's not even close to the site where the Jenkins ore came from.
Good luck.
I am not a Hunter of Jenkins Lost Lode, but I am familiar with different search methods….. not an expert by any means.

I have a question. If you are going to shoot down someone’s solve, is it not also appropriate to show in detail, your solve.

Otherwise, it’s just you saying stuff, or merely expression of your opinions, without backups.

I thought Skyhawk’s solve was pretty good 🤓👍

I am not a Hunter of Jenkins Lost Lode, but I am familiar with different search methods….. not an expert by any means.

I have a question. If you are going to shoot down someone’s solve, is it not also appropriate to show in detail, your solve.

Otherwise, it’s just you saying stuff, or merely expression of your opinions, without backups.

I thought Skyhawk’s solve was pretty good 🤓👍
This it's not a thread about Jenkins lost gold but I have to answer to your question. And i don't shoot down anyone's solve. I didn't know a photo from a book it's a solve. BTW, I forgot to mention how Barry Storm lived in the same mine for about a year while he was writing his book, and maybe this was the reason he mentioned that region.

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This it's not a thread about Jenkins lost gold but I have to answer to your question. And i don't shoot down anyone's solve. I didn't know a photo from a book it's a solve. BTW, I forgot to mention how Barry Storm lived in the same mine for about a year while he was writing his book, and maybe this was the reason he mentioned that region.
😁 you don’t have to answer my question, but your post to Skyhawk, it sure came across like your shooting down his solve, theory, reasoning ….. or whatever you want to call his post.
Maybe I took your post all wrong, and you were congratulating Skyhawk?

😁 you don’t have to answer my question, but your post to Skyhawk, it sure came across like your shooting down his solve, theory, reasoning ….. or whatever you want to call his post.
Maybe I took your post all wrong, and you were congratulating Skyhawk?
I believe was a theory based on a photo, not a solve. I congratulate skyhawk because he was able to recognize the region in the Barry's pic. Barry wrote some accurate details in some stories but the rest were fiction. I believe I know more about Superstitions than what you believe.
It's not me the one here who write something without to can prove his claims. I'm living with my memories, not with my dreams. I gave away two gold mines in a skyhawk's thread about Terrapin trail. Go there and if you will not find what I have wrote, then come back here and call me a liar.

I gave everyone a "like" because I like differing points of view. That's what a forum is all about. Anybody can get up on his own soapbox and speak his mind, regardless of how it might sound to anyone else.

Markmar is correct when he writes that there are different versions of this story, as is often true for most of the "legends" connected with the Supes. My post is entirely based on what Barry Storm wrote in "Thunder Gods Gold", and is not taken from any other source. I do know that if I was BlackLine I would go to that location and have a look at it up-close and personal. If he can come back from the trip with a chunk of gold-bearing quartz in his hand, maybe he'll think the trip was completely worthwhile. BTW, by "visible gold" I don't necessarily mean nuggets, just something that can at least be seen with a jeweler's loupe.

You got caught in the act. I saw no apology for Skyhawk, nor did I see your backups.
But I notice instead, you backtrack and say something different for Skyhawk, and insinuate I have called you a liar ??
Not only that, you claim that know more about the Superstitions than what I believe……. Hmmmm now you have knowledge of my beliefs?

All this is because I asked you a question ……
So like many of the clues of many treasures ….. you simply change how reality is … in your opinion.

I hope you find the path you seek.

thank you for your response. I know these mine from Barry Storm and Jay Clapp, like all the other known mines. You don't have to go out for viewing gold ore samples. Just visit the Superstition Mountains museum or the goldfield museum or visit Ron Feldman at his ranch/ rock shop to see real gold in quartz. what I found is imo not recorded. no official mine and the geological report for this location shows no epithermal deposits. all my work is based on the Holmes manuscript and the German clues.

You got caught in the act. I saw no apology for Skyhawk, nor did I see your backups.
But I notice instead, you backtrack and say something different for Skyhawk, and insinuate I have called you a liar ??
Not only that, you claim that know more about the Superstitions than what I believe……. Hmmmm now you have knowledge of my beliefs?

All this is because I asked you a question ……
So like many of the clues of many treasures ….. you simply change how reality is … in your opinion.

I hope you find the path you seek.
Make your own research and don't look for backups. Now you believe you are skyhawk advocat, What is this, another parallel word you are living in? You have some behavior issues and you are searching continuously for an argument.

Now about if I change the reality of the legends and made up stories written by fiction writers, I don't change anything.
Those stories are still there like their writers wrote them. I'm just the truth behind the legend.

I hope you find the peacefulness you need.
Good bye.

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