What Bit Me, a Spida? Need Help.

Is there any value to having the doctor just excise that spot now and be done with it?

Either way... I just said a prayer for ya' that at least it not be painful or get worse... well, not too much worse - it still has to heal. :P

It might have been said already, but instead of bombing, use those little sticky papers that hold insects... placing them at stratigic spots in the corners and behind doors. Those things hold the strongest spiders and I've seen them catch Hobo spiders, Brown Recluses, and the occassional stain of camel spiders we have here in Montana... Just don't let the cat step on them! lol

BigCypress ... how are you doing today? (I need my daily fix of gross... Any new pics?) Are you feeling better? Hope so! Keep us updated, pls. -Noodle

Sheeesh so long to reply!! Does he think he has a life other than us?? :o Sure hope everything is improving!

hollowpointred said:
i dunno, maybe im crazy but it looks like its getting better to me. :P aside from the festering puss filled crater on your leg ::) the reddness seems to be going away. ;D
I wasn't sure at first (because I thought this before) but I am sure now, the redness is indeed going away and the infection has turned the corner and is healing now after 6 days of anti-biotics. :)
This is the season for spiders. I have heard of two other people being bitten the same week.

Noodle said:
If you want salt water on it, start with boiled water and add salt. There's bunches of little tiny critters in that ocean water just looking for open wounds.
Those tiny creatures might be helpful to eat away the rotting flesh. Back in the day, I heard they would put maggots on an infection to eat away the gangrene, often with success. I believe they grow and use worms to this day for certain infections. Somebody may google it. I may not have to use such drastic methods.

Montana Jim said:
Is there any value to having the doctor just excise that spot now and be done with it?
Problem is that there is a hard knot underneath the surface the size of a golf ball in the calf muscle. I wouldnt want to cut out such a large hole unless it was necessary to save the leg. I dont think that will be necessary. I will wait and see.

Here are latest pics. Sorry nothing gory. ;) Side view shows lump under surface on side of leg.


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hope the leg heals ok and you don't have to cut a hunk out to get rid of the damaged / diseased tissue---you really should have went to the doctor / hospital sooner like everybody and their brother on here told you--- it may not of gotten this far gone if ya had---but as my wise old gramppa always said "as you live you learn "---chalk this up as a "hard" lesson learned---really I hope only the best for you now get well!!! Ivan

ivan salis said:
hope the leg heals ok and you don't have to cut a hunk out to get rid of the damaged / diseased tissue---you really should have went to the doctor / hospital sooner like everybody and their brother on here told you--- it may not of gotten this far gone if ya had---but as my wise old gramppa always said "as you live you learn "---chalk this up as a "hard" lesson learned---really I hope only the best for you now get well!!! Ivan
Until my recent surgery, I hadnt seen a doctor in over 20 years. Just couldnt afford it, period. I still will not and cannot go running to the doctor for every little thing. But if I recognize it as a spider bite or infection, I will go.

Looking MUCH better, BC. Congratulations! Am glad :) -Noodle

don't like forking out the $$$ myself to alot of those overpriced quacks ----8th leading cause of death in the usa ---operations !!! by doctors ---medical misadventure its called legally (doctor screw ups in plain english) so never take the old this operation is nothing to worry about stuff they try to palm off on ya--- but when things get bad nuff sometimes you got no choice---Ivan

This morning the "bullseye" still looked the same after 8 days of anti-biotics, even though redness is down. So I decided before heading to the doctor, that I would use my old tried and true method of healing and head to the beach and get some ocean salt and sun on the open wound. Something good about the warm sun and ocean salt. I stood in the surf for awhile letting the saltwater do its thing. A little sun and back in salt again. I dont know if the rotten spot attracted any minnows but I figured they might help. I let the salt stay on all day. Guess what? It is looking good! Much improved. ;D Only 1 1/2 days left of these nauseating meds.

had a bunch small type fish "peck" away at a sore "scabby" spot that would never seem to heal many years ago while I was taking a "dip" lake --- lots of tiny bream fed on me for about an hour---dang if it didn't heal rather rapidly afterward go figger--- as a young kid another time had a bad spot that didn't want to heal--- we had an old "pot licker" dog that just loved me to death as a kid ---went I got hurt and it wouldn't heal after trying about every med known to man---I was sitting outside and he came up to me and licked it for for about 15 min or so it healed quickly afterwards---(had to have something to do with his his silva (dog spit) I guess) removing dead / sick flesh helps the healing procress greatly that I do know. Ivan

Whats worse than a kidpeeing in the water? A man letting his pus ooze out in it.

Blahhhhh :-X

Hey dude...go for it..I don't go to the beach ;D

I did go to the beach once with a broken arm. When the cast came off, I had green dead skin...another great recipe for fun when ya got 3 sisters ;)


wildrider said:
Whats worse than a kidpeeing in the water? A man letting his pus ooze out in it.

Blahhhhh :-X

Hey dude...go for it..I don't go to the beach ;D
I am talking about the Atlantic Ocean here LOL, not a swimming pool or hot tub. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


you take care of yourself.

have a good un buddy............

I'm gonna try bringing my cruded-up coins down to the beach and see if the little fishies will clean them up too.... :) seriously BC...hope it heals up quick..

Just to lighten things up a bit, all the earlier talk about Daddy Long Legs Spiders reminded me of this story!!

A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He
smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was.

Tears formed in his eyes as he thought about her seeing the
wonders of nature through such innocent eyes. Suddenly she just
stopped and stared at the ground .

He went over to her to see what work of God had captured her
attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.

What kind of spider is that she asked?

" That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered "

So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs"? the little girl asked.

"No dear. thats a Daddy Longlegs too".

The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment,
then took her foot and stomped them flat and said "WELL!!!
We're not having any of THAT in THIS garden!!!"

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