What Bit Me, a Spida? Need Help.


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that is one nasty looking bite! :o glad to hear its finally beginning to improve a little. dont forget to take your pills! ;)

Here is a good link that teverly found that ID's the Brown Recluse. Note it is not for sure that this is what bit me. The Doc only says it "definitely looks like it." Notice the Violin shape on spiders back to make a positive ID. They live in and around houses.http://www.brown-recluse.com/spiderinfo.html
"Brown Recluse spider bites can be difficult to diagnose, even by physicians. Diagnostic tests to detect Brown Recluse venom in tissue are not readily available. Collection of the spider that bit you is considered the best possible chance for positive identification. This presents a problem because Brown Recluse bites sometimes do not result in any initial pain (43% of cases in one study). Since the bite may not be immediately noticed, collection of the spider isn't seen as a necessity." from Brown Recluse First Aid.

I have 4 bites. I never felt it or even know what day it happened. The spider can control the amount of venom injected. Two of my "bites" have completely healed, only a scar. I have two left. The one pictured and another lesser bite that may become a problem.


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Down is god. I was concerned that after 2 days on antibiotics, swelling had increased :o

SomeGuy said:
Down is good. I was concerned that after 2 days on antibiotics, swelling had increased :o
Swelling down. Redness may be increasing. It started out so small.

Did you see the pics on that web site ???
I read several of the stories and some people keep having recurring problems with the venom..
If all else fails order one of there kits and give it a try..let me know if it works...
I think they said on the website that the stuff in the kits is all natural......
Good luck and hope you feel better soon..

teverly said:
Did you see the pics on that web site ???
I read several of the stories and some people keep having recurring problems with the venom..
If all else fails order one of there kits and give it a try..let me know if it works...
I think they said on the website that the stuff in the kits is all natural......
Good luck and hope you feel better soon..
Yes, I saw pics. I can clearly see the "bullseye" on my leg just like the pic below from site, but with more outide redness. :( Unfortunately no improvement yet. I may try it. I dont know. :-\


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the bad news often in the case of recluse bite the flesh must be removed to below the infected area ---the venom is breaking down your flesh thus making it into a liquid suitible for a spider to digest---thats how they feed ---gross huh--- needless to say bug bomb your house alot!!!! good luck ---looks like your going to need it sadly--wish you the best Ivan

Just dropping in to see how your doing.. I was doing a little research as many of your TN friends are, on some of the nasties down there in FL..
"The Chilean recluse has only recently been found in Florida, in Polk County. It is the largest and most dangerous of the recluse species. The violin mark of this species is dark and wider in front than behind. " Bites occur either when sleeping humans roll onto the spider or put on clothes into which the spider has crawled. Recluse bites range in intensity from no noticeable effect to severe necrosis. Some people are simply more prone to have a severe reaction in
instances where another person might only have a slight reaction.
Typical symptoms are as follows: Symptoms start 2-6 hours after the bite. Blisters frequently appear at the bite site,
accompanied by severe pain and pronounced swelling. A common expression is the formation of a reddish blister,
surrounded by a bluish area, with a narrow whitish separation between the red and blue, giving a ‘bull’s-eye’ pattern. By
12-24 hours, it is usually apparent if a Loxosceles wound is going to become necrotic because it turns purple in color; if
necrotic symptoms do not express by 48-96 hours, then they will not develop. If the skin turns purple, it will then turn
black as cells die. Eventually the necrotic core falls away, leaving a deep pit that gradually fills with scar tissue.
Experimental antivenin (Rees et al. 1981; not commercially available) was very successful when administered within
24 hours, but many times a victim does not seek treatment until after necrosis is well underway (more than 24 hours), after
which the antivenin is less effective. Systemic effects usually take 2-3 days to show symptoms. Bites that become
systemic usually do not also become necrotic; it is thought that in necrotic wounds the venom is localized in the tissue
whereas in systemic reactions the venom is distributed quickly into the body without necrotic local effects. The wound is
usually free of bacterial infection for the first 2-3 days but may be contaminated by patients due to pruritis (itching)
leading to scratching. http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi/enpp/ento/entcirc/ent406.pdf

I never thought that it may have been in my pants. I recently wore a pair that had been sitting a log time. I just never felt the bites. The narrow white separation on the bullseye describes it well. I wish it would show some improvement. Im becoming tired of the constant nausea.
They say the recluse generally hides in the daytime but would make sense to hide in clothes.
"clothing--especially if unused for a considerable time--should be checked before wearing, as a spider may have taken up residence within it."

i also i thin ki read somewhere they are very hard to kill.Bug bombs ect have very little effect on them unless applied directly to the spider..
Bad news is that these spiders usually live in large communities...so if you see one or 2 there are a lot more some where..
Hope you get to feeling better big C..if worse comes to worse order a kit and try it,certainly cant hurt..and no i am not a salesman for them,just figure if it was me i would try it and see......

Spiders are a whole different ballgame when it comes to killing them with pesticides. That's why you will see sprays for "Insects" and see different sprays for "Spiders." We've had our place sprayed by professionals, but they are the first to tell you that spiders are a pain to eradicate. We've got an above-ground pool that the black widows just love. They get under the outside edges and live just far enough under you can't see them, but they're there. One year they were very bad, so we got some specific spray for spiders that was supposed to last "months." Didn't phase 'em. -Noodle

maybe killing off their food source (bugs) in the (thats why the bombs) will get them to relocate (go outdoors), and you could get lucky and bump them off---Ivan

I have lived here about 10 months and have yet to see one.

Notice Bullseye comparison to pic from Brown Recluse first aid kit site.


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bigcypresshunter said:
I have lived here about 10 months and have yet to see one.

Notice Bullseye comparison to pic from Brown Recluse first aid kit site.

It still looks like it hurts like heck!!!! :(

Them little critters got some powerful venom.

I made the mistake of opening this thread just as I took a huge bite of my spagetti to see the post of the last picture! lol Good thing I have a strong stomach! :P I was hoping to find a message from bigcy saying he was feeling lots better....not what I found lol Hurry up and get better dadgumit!

Cynangyl said:
I made the mistake of opening this thread just as I took a huge bite of my spagetti to see the post of the last picture! lol Good thing I have a strong stomach! :P I was hoping to find a message from bigcy saying he was feeling lots better....not what I found lol Hurry up and get better dadgumit!
If it gets worse I will stop posting pics. I may jump in the ocean tommorrow. I have known salt water to help healing considerably.

bigcypresshunter said:
Cynangyl said:
I made the mistake of opening this thread just as I took a huge bite of my spagetti to see the post of the last picture! lol Good thing I have a strong stomach! :P I was hoping to find a message from bigcy saying he was feeling lots better....not what I found lol Hurry up and get better dadgumit!
If it gets worse I will stop posting pics.

Wrong answer.....if it gets worse you go back to the doc ya goof! Can't deprive everyone of the pics though! lol Just worried about ya is all

i dunno, maybe im crazy but it looks like its getting better to me. :P aside from the festering puss filled crater on your leg ::) the reddness seems to be going away. ;D

If you want salt water on it, start with boiled water and add salt. There's bunches of little tiny critters in that ocean water just looking for open wounds. :P Don't stop posting pictures! Some of us are just gory ... ah, curious ... enough to want to keep track of it. Good learning tool, too. Judging by some of the other pics, it could be MUCH worse at this point in time. Maybe the antibiotics are doing some good. It does look like the redness is diminishing some, as hollow said. -Noodle

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