Were the Welsh here in KY much earlier than the Spanish?

My grandfather was from Wales and damn proud of it. He used to tell me as a little boy, “If some ask what’s your nationality you tell them “Welsh never English”.

So that what it did.

If Alan Wilson is correct, you have every right to be proud with both of the King Arthurs in your heritage.

Also in regards to Welsh being in the SE United States, the first governor of Tennesse mentioned in a letter to a friend about a conversation he had had with a Cherokee chief.When discussing some old stone fortifications with this chief, he was told by the chief that they had been built by people called Welsh and that these people had been forced from Alabama and had went to Ky.Some think the Paducah Indians are descended from them as well as the Mandan.

Yes, that is part of the Prince Madoc tradition. He was brother to King Arthur II.

If Alan Wilson is correct, you have every right to be proud with both of the King Arthurs in your heritage.

Yeah I’m pretty much over all that. I’m 50% Welsh and 50% French, I’ve been to both places and realized I’m 100% American. Couldn’t wait to get back.

Lots of vertical markings on rocks in Eastern KY where I live. The rocks beside these in the pic don't have any marks so I think these are man made.



:dontknow:Patiodadio: this has been bugging me for 30 years. why did 4 different groups over a three hundred year time span, go along the Florida coast and into the gulf of mexico and all landed at where moble alabama is today? one by chance or luck, but four, had to be by purpose. that's a lot of ocean and coast to cover. they must have had directions and some sort of map? in 1955 diggers unearthed foundations of round houses and stone huts around where Knoxville, tenn. is. some of the pottery pieces, were welch and from Portugal. from mobile to Knoxville another why? from Portugal to moble about 4,500 miles. as for stick writing and strange symbols, some have been found near Cumberland gap along the green river along the war fork in Jackson county. the licking river near salt lick ky. this part is on the fort next to Louisville ky. a few pieces of short swords, parts of shields and broken pottery have been found there, supposedly there in a museum there in Louisville. I never got to go there to see them myself. below is a section from the internet about the first railroad bridge across the ohio river at Louisville, look at the piers. I was told that part of the cut rock from the fort was (look below) The Three R.R. Bridges - Historic Photos Of Louisville ...

used in the piers. the bridge was started in 1868.

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What 4 different groups...? I can only think of Native People, Spanish (Jesuits...?); ???

Rebel: most of this came about when I worked for csx railroad and in 1998, did the inventory in mobile. at the library there, I talked with the historian. she told me that two ships were sunk in the outer part of the bay. I almost passed out, thinking they were Spanish. she thinks they had been scuttled. but things went downhill fast. at the time I did not think much of it, when she said they were French but now, with so much going on with people coming in way before Columbus. anyway the 4 groups were welsh, Viking, Portugal and France and I have vary little to go on. I did see some bits and pieces at the museum in mobile. two school's have done digs there but I could not find where.

Rebel: most of this came about when I worked for csx railroad and in 1998, did the inventory in mobile. at the library there, I talked with the historian. she told me that two ships were sunk in the outer part of the bay. I almost passed out, thinking they were Spanish. she thinks they had been scuttled. but things went downhill fast. at the time I did not think much of it, when she said they were French but now, with so much going on with people coming in way before Columbus. anyway the 4 groups were welsh, Viking, Portugal and France and I have vary little to go on. I did see some bits and pieces at the museum in mobile. two school's have done digs there but I could not find where.

Other evidence of travels to the Americas is the Red Bird Petroglyphs.


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Boomer, it may be that they used Mobile ,AL as it was a visually easy to site waterway. The mouth of the Mississippi would be mostly bayou country and probably didn't reveal an obvious river mouth. I have no idea why an Atlantic side river mouth was not used...

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A reason the Welsh came here to the 'other world'. Comet strike, perhaps King Arthur II did come here.


The Welsh came in mass after a comet passed over the British Isles in the mid-late 6th century. Burnt (vitrified) stone can be found on fortifications of the time. Towns that were founded by the Romans during their occupation were reoccupied after this event. Evidence shows they had to be rebuilt because of the destruction of comet. This comet could very well have caused the 'Dark ages'. Tales of a year with no sun, snowing in summer, crops failing from around Europe at this time all could be the result of this comet strike. Records show from tree rings that it took between 7 and 11 years for things to recover and return to normal.
So they came in a fleet of 700 ships, a migration of necessity. Their land was scorched (think about the bad lands or waste lands told in Arthurian tales) where nothing could grow, all the animals were dead along with most of the people. They land in the Mobile, AL area. Evidence of their settlement has been found there, Eastern TN and N. GA, E. KY, S. OH and along the Ohio river. Also evidence of them through the Mandan Indian tribe described by Lewis and Clark up the Missouri River to almost Montana... with as many as 100 people crowded on each ship, there could have been as many as 70,000 Welsh migrated here.
The original miners of N. GA gold and E. KY silver may have been the Welsh that came here around 570 AD. Indian tribes described a great war with red haired giants in some of their lore. All these things are evidence of Welsh and possibly King Arthur II coming here and trying to survive.

Mound Builders not Indians...were they Welsh? Ancient race of giants? Some things to ponder about the history we were taught.


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I love these intriguing legends but one of the problems is you won’t find many giants among ancient Britons (Celts). The tallest ever Iron Age skeleton of a male is 5’11 with the average being 5’6. We know that the Spanish observed that the American Indian (Plains & Woodlands) were generally tall (comparative to the conquistadors). The average Indian of those pre-conquest times enjoyed a far better diet that the average Briton or European and it shows in their bones.

The original poem (which was lost if it was ever written down) describes an island paradise. John Dee (the famous mystic of Elizabethan court) used it as evidence to support QE1’s “true” claim to the New World, e.g. “no it’s not yours, we got there first”.

Indians were fort-builders too. They used mud, wood, and stone just like any culture around the world did to protect their tribes and families.

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I disagree with your observations, there is much evidence toward the theories presented in the original video. Stone burial sites in Wales resemble many of the stone mounds found in the Ohio Valley region. Christian like Indian tribes that spoke broken Welsh have been described in various accounts, but many still discount these as 'tales'. I do not.

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