"Were here to kill Americans"

You consider yourself an independent thinker!!! Geez, all along I thought you were getting paid for trolling these forums!

This country is for your communist party only in your dreams. I stand with FREEDOM. And that is what gives you the right to express yourself, and express your party line. Dream on!

The country is made up of independent thinkers who know a lie when they read or hear one. The constant litany of anti Obama lies and falsehoods has turned the country against their conservative party. You can thank the big time political bomb throwers like hannity for this. Thinking people are tired of it.

That you don't get this, well, what can be said?

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Native Floridian:

I think Faux News told Sheer InSannity what they think of him when they moved his tv time slot to even later. The average age of his audience is quite elderly. Not that there is anything wrong with being old - I'm old now and I plan to get older.

But it isn't a desirable demographic trends advertisers seek.

Mark Shields last Friday night had a very interesting statistical analysis of the Republican Party in National Presidential and bi- elections. Bottom Line: There's an old saying on Wall Street. "Don't fight the tape."

The GNoP is battling the tape tooth and nail.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

You are for yourself. LOL!!!!

Well, NF, that's an admission you are a communist in my interpretation. 43 years ago I was fighting communism in the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia. I didn't see you there, so you probably weren't. If you were born yet you wouldn't have this philosophy of yours had you served your country.

That experience taught me to look for truth in actions. I see truth in your actions, tells me a great deal. I pray (Yes I'm religious too) that what I am seeing in this nation today doesn't mean that I will have to fight them again. But I know what it means if that comes to be - I'll be a dead man anyway, so going down one way or another means I will choose the other. I'm certainly not a Leftist Sheep.


I did not know she had any military role during the Benghazi fire fight! She's long on opinion and short on facts.

I'll go with the people who were actually involved.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

You do understand that they will lie and that includes top Generals.

In March 1974, former Attorney. General John Mitchell and six top Nixon aides were indicted by a federal grand jury for trying to block the Watergate investigation, they were eventually convicted.....m

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Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates forcefully defended the Obama administration on Sunday against charges that it did not do enough to prevent the tragedy in Benghazi, telling CBS' "Face the Nation" that some critics of the administration have a "cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces."

Gates, a Republican who was appointed by then-President George W. Bush in 2006 and agreed to stay through more than two years of President Obama's first term, repeatedly declined to criticize the policymakers who devised a response to the September 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.

"Frankly, had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were," said Gates, now the chancellor of the College of William and Mary.

Gates: Some Benghazi critics have "cartoonish" view of military capability - CBS News

So - we can go with a former Secretary of Defense or a tv judge. Hmmm...not exactly a toughie...

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

So it is your conclusion that they lied because it is your conclusion that they lied?

Or that they lied because, in the past, other people have lied?

Your conclusion appears to be based on your premise and nothing else.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Well, all this bantering back and forth about the situation....

Still ignores the fact this was covered up on the verge of a presidential election - which absolutely could have affected the outcome.


Treasure Hunter:

So it is your conclusion that they lied because it is your conclusion that they lied?

Or that they lied because, in the past, other people have lied?

Your conclusion appears to be based on your premise and nothing else.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

It is your conclusion they didn't lie based on your premise and nothing else.

There is more than enough to show Bengazhi was a covered up....


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now Free

Treasure Hunter:

Actually, my conclusion is based on the facts.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

O.B. she didn't have any involvement ,but Hillary sure did.


I did not know she had any military role during the Benghazi fire fight! She's long on opinion and short on facts.

I'll go with the people who were actually involved.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

Actually, my conclusion is based on the facts.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I apologize OB, I didn't realize you were there.

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now Free

old buck newest member of Bevo's ignore list.:hello:

Treasure Hunter:

If I were to ask you if you were, it would just make both of us wrong. I wasn't at Gettysburg, but I know who won the battle.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

TH closed the other Benghazi thread before I could respond to OB's post, so here it is, and here's my response:


Mr. Obama's speech on American race relations during the 2008 campaign was excellent. I don't think it is his fault that he has been attacked because of his race.

When he took office in January 2009 we were losing over 800,000 jobs per month. We are now gaining some 130,000 per month and have been for about 36 months. I see that as an improvement.

During Mr. Obama's first term we had the greatest reduction in Federal income taxes for working middle-class families. Taxes are the lowest they have been in decades.

The Federal deficit has been cut in half.

We are no longer trying to run two wars Enron-style - off the books. Mr. Obama in February 2009 eliminated several accounting gimmicks that were used by the Bush Administrations to hide the fiscal truth from the American people.

The roster of accomplishments is a long one. Those are just a few.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Holy Cow, what kinda stuff you been smoking? You are obviously in a different world from the rest of the nation !!!!

There went ALL of your credibility.

Ignore time....

The country is made up of independent thinkers who know a lie when they read or hear one. The constant litany of anti Obama lies and falsehoods has turned the country against their conservative party. You can thank the big time political bomb throwers like hannity for this. Thinking people are tired of it.

That you don't get this, well, what can be said?

Native Floridian:

I think Faux News told Sheer InSannity what they think of him when they moved his tv time slot to even later. The average age of his audience is quite elderly. Not that there is anything wrong with being old - I'm old now and I plan to get older.

But it isn't a desirable demographic trends advertisers seek.

Mark Shields last Friday night had a very interesting statistical analysis of the Republican Party in National Presidential and bi- elections. Bottom Line: There's an old saying on Wall Street. "Don't fight the tape."

The GNoP is battling the tape tooth and nail.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

It is so good of people like yourselves to care enough for the Republican party that you advise them on how to win elections!

That is the problem with the Republican party,, they have always been incredibly naive and flexible. If they wish to win elections they will have to learn to laugh at all of the crazies that claim to be moderates (while being lefty extremists ), and start fielding what Americans want, Conservatives!


The GNoP can take that advice and keep losing elections. Good luck with that.

All the best,

~The Old Bookaroo

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