"Were here to kill Americans"

She finished up saying it was more important to find the militants and bring them to justice.

And that's why there is ZERO reward posted for any of the militants, the gov so seriously wants to catch them.

Roger I can't stand to look at her!

The sadest thing of all, that lying, pathetic, lost "woman"; will most likley be the next President. :BangHead: < - Thanks to the mass media and lost lefties.........

Ringfinder, there ain't a vet in this country that will vote for her, nor an of their family will, nor any current military personnel.
It's a sad sad day, when the only people running to help our guys, are foreigners without guns!

Everybody needs to start circling the wagons, for our next round, at the voting booths!

Ringfinder, there ain't a vet in this country that will vote for her, nor an of their family will, nor any current military personnel.
It's a sad sad day, when the only people running to help our guys, are foreigners without guns!

Everybody needs to start circling the wagons, for our next round, at the voting booths!

I'm afraid all the lost/ left souls who voted for Barrack will stay the course - they would rather vote for her "the left" then admit they were wrong. Country is split right in half.

"Neither could Bill"

Ain't that the truth . Ha Ha!

NJ Marty, I believe Austin was being as honest as anyone here. Lately, it's been "democrat lite" that the republicans have offered.

What is needed is a true conservative, not another RINO, or it will be Hillary in 2016.

NJ Marty, I believe Austin was being as honest as anyone here. Lately, it's been "democrat lite" that the republicans have offered.

What is needed is a true conservative, not another RINO, or it will be Hillary in 2016.
Yea so right you are, that's why I deleted my post. We are all Americans and hopefully get along with each other.Some things get me pissed and wrote that post when pissed. And believe it or not I am dating a girl who is a so far left but we are in love with each other, Its strange but its working out ok. I think I could get her to vote republican when she sees her health care rates double or more. That's when the real ship hits the fan, when we find out what we have to pay and it wont be a penny less than now it wil prob double/.

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NJ Marty, I believe Austin was being as honest as anyone here. Lately, it's been "democrat lite" that the republicans have offered.

What is needed is a true conservative, not another RINO, or it will be Hillary in 2016.

A true conservative is a non starter for the Presidency. Repubs put up a true convervative equals Landslide victory for the dems.

The country is no longer split. The country is anti Tea Party. The TP had its day in the sun but is now, in the light of the government shutdown, facing it's lowest positive polling numbers since it's inception. All true conservatives will be identified by non conservatives as Tea Party.

And word up, only the ultra convervatives want Hillary's hide on a stick. Independent thinkers do not hold Hillary responsible for the attack at Benghazi. That would be most of the country. The conservative right can shake their fist and call their fellow countrymen what ever names come to mind, but instead of changing minds, those who do so come off looking like the lunatic fringe. Which is what they look like now.

A true conservative is a non starter for the Presidency. Repubs put up a true convervative equals Landslide victory for the dems.

The country is no longer split. The country is anti Tea Party. The TP had its day in the sun but is now, in the light of the government shutdown, facing it's lowest positive polling numbers since it's inception. All true conservatives will be identified by non conservatives as Tea Party.

And word up, only the ultra convervatives want Hillary's hide on a stick. Independent thinkers do not hold Hillary responsible for the attack at Benghazi. That would be most of the country. The conservative right can shake their fist and call their fellow countrymen what ever names come to mind, but instead of changing minds, those who do so come off looking like the lunatic fringe. Which is what they look like now.


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Independent thinkers do not hold Hillary responsible for the attack at Benghazi

You consider yourself an independent thinker!!! Geez, all along I thought you were getting paid for trolling these forums!

This country is for your communist party only in your dreams. I stand with FREEDOM. And that is what gives you the right to express yourself, and express your party line. Dream on!

Please, no name calling this includes "troll"..

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now Free


Special operations commander briefs Armed Services panel on Benghazi
By Jeremy Herb - 07/31/13 12:59 PM ET

A special operations commander who played a role the night of last year’s attack in Benghazi told a congressional panel Wednesday that no “stand down” order was given to forces on the ground in Libya.

Read more: Special operations commander briefs Armed Services panel on Benghazi - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

Jul 31 2013

Readout of House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Classified Briefing on Benghazi

Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans

Also reported by AP: Officer: No Libya stand-down order

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I ma going to go with the Judge!


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