Welsh predating Columbus

The Mayans built temples and pyramids similar to the Egyptian Pyramids. The Mound builder Indians were from Atlantis whether Cheyenne or Cherokee later I do not know? But the Cherokee were always known as the educated or civilized Indians and the Cheyenne Indians have a blood type that is compatible with any other blood type. Just a few things.

Cultures all over the world built mounds and pyramids: Sumerians, Egyptians, Celts, Chinese, Japanese, Polynesians, Amerinds in both North and South America... Building mounds appears to be an inherent instinct of humans...put a 3-year-old in a sandbox, and they will make a mound. Give them a box of blocks or Legos, and they will build a tower...and different children from around the world, who have nothing in common with each other will build mounds and towers that are similar in shape and construction, without having any cultural connection. There are only so many ways to build a pyramid that will endure centuries - so those that do are likely to be of similar construction. The bow and arrow were developed about 50,000 years ago, independently, in China, Africa, and Europe. There is no evidence of cultural exchange.

The Cherokee were NOT "always known as the educated or civilized Indians" - at least not until the mid-1700's (at least that is the FIRST time they are referred to as such), and at that time, it was ONLY because they were very accepting of "civilized" European ways. They adapted to living in European-style houses, adopting European-style clothing, practicing Christian religion, and generally willing to "give up the Old Ways" to assimilate themselves into a new culture.

The "universal donor" blood type, "O-Neg" is very rare (about 7% of the world's population)...and nearly non-existent among Native Americans. About 95% of North American Natives are O+, with those of Mexico and South America nearly 100%. Oddly, the Blackfoot tribe of Montana and south-central Canada has a high percentage of A+ blood type. O+ and A+ blood types are the most common types in the world, each making up about 35%. Type O-Neg blood "universal donor" is nearly exclusively European Caucasian. There is nothing about the blood of Cheyenne that sets it apart from any other Native blood...or about 37% of White, 39% of Asian, or 47% of African blood, for that matter.

Hey all, you all have probably read this article before but I ran across it tonight. Its a University of Kentucky article from the 1920s describing stone graves found in Kentucky. It's only 14 pages and if you jump down a few pages it discusses the theory that these graves are Welsh. It has some accounts of people in the early 1800s running across Welch speaking indians as well as more interesting Info. Very interesting read.


  • funkwebbch09 (1).pdf
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Interesting but not completely sold either on the claims.

For as we know it Wales did not exist as entity as micro nation principality we know today. in the 12th century wales was loose group of Celtic kingdoms. there was not such thing as Welsh coat of arms in the 12th century because wales did not exist. there was a constant power struggle between the more powerful kingdoms in wales. Many in south had been overtaken by the Normans invasions from France.

I suspect the real reason there was American Indians in various regions speaking welsh was from much later culture exchanges and even merging of cultures of early 1600. and in following waves of early settlers and explorers as encroached further and further westward.

Here is welsh speaker below

Welsh speaker


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My guess they did encounter welsh speaking Indians but not from Prince Madoc's time but from much later after various waves of settlers arrived in North America some time after 1600.

Look at the welsh in Patagonia is a prime example foreign language can become isolated in the new land.

Argentinian Welsh

Prince Madoc's story is a legends welsh speaking settlers after 1600 is more likely.


Yes you are probably right. Just an interesting tidbit.
No Prince Madoc found this continent in 562AD. He was lost at sea due to a Comet that devastated lower England and Ireland. It killed 2 million of the 12 million living at that time. King Arthur was Madoc's brother and he came over in 574AD with over 70,000 to 125,000 of his people. A great exodus with over 700 to 1200 ships.

No Prince Madoc found this continent in 562AD. He was lost at sea due to a Comet that devastated lower England and Ireland. It killed 2 million of the 12 million living at that time. King Arthur was Madoc's brother and he came over in 574AD with over 70,000 to 125,000 of his people. A great exodus with over 700 to 1200 ships.
No, didn’t happen.

You are just repeating fictional history.

No, didn’t happen.

You are just repeating fictional history.
If it is it is based on facts. Sorry but I know a lot of history on this subject.

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