I appreciate all of the ideas everyone came up with! There were some really great ideas and there were others.... I was out in the mountains after I wrote the original story, and took a fall. Cracked my elbow and tore up my knee. Made it out OK after some serious hiking, but it encourages the idea to always have a buddy or leave messages with someone where you are going in case you don't return.
It's not that I have ignored everyone on purpose I just haven't been able to do much lately.
Like I said earlier I have been down in the bottom of this hole and I will soon post some pictures of what it is like. The problem is working the top and the bottom without others catching on to what is going on. I haven't been out to this location for nearly two years, so if anyone is thinking I took your idea and used it I haven't.
When you see my pictures you may see how I rigged my original rope ladder. I can get in and out alright, the problem is hauling a bucket of dirt and stone up and out. Also, like I stated previously, it is not accessible by vehicle. I'll stop here for now, and be back later with some pictures for you hopefully.
Thanks again!