Welcome to the site! Please post an introduction thread.

I'm Ben, and I'm hoping to have some interesting discussions here with y'all.
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Hi. I‘m a retired physicist living in Northern Virginia. Joined a few days ago and just found this thread today. My first exposure to treasure hunting was back in the 1970s when I was working at SRI, where Lambert Dolphin developed ground-penetrating radar. Charles Kenworthy (who I had never heard of) contacted us about doing a search of Cocos Island (which I had never heard of). That project didn‘t go forward for a number of reasons. Years later I was an investor in Odyssey Marine Exploration. I got in before their Black Swan find and sold after they announced it but before the lawyers discovered it. Whew! My main interest right now is the RMS Republic recovery project. I’m looking forward to seeing how that develops.

Hello and welcome to the internet's oldest and original treasure website.

Hello Im Tracie. New to MD'ing. My bf and I are both relatively new and I tend to be a super-sleuth so I imagine I am definitely heading down a rabbit hole of no return! LOL

Hello Im Tracie. New to MD'ing. My bf and I are both relatively new and I tend to be a super-sleuth so I imagine I am definitely heading down a rabbit hole of no return! LOL
Hello and welcome to the oldest Treasure hunting website on the net. Is your boyfriend also a member?

Hello Im Tracie. New to MD'ing...
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Hello guys. Metal detector user here in NY. I have detected for 20 years. Hobbies are Harleys, Detecting and target shooting. Glad to find your site.

Hi everyone. My name is Buddy and i live in arkansas. I have been metal detecting for a few months now and i am hooked.

Hello everyone hope all are doing well, my name is Danny Wilson Sr and im a straight up straight forward tell you how it is kinda person and if you dont like what i have to say then you have the choice to walk away i pull no punches and hold nothing back and MOST people think im an A-Hole only because they don't like to hear the truth I've been collecting for about 30 years and have nothing because others think they need it more than i do so it all has walked away to never return but i NEVER give up i MOVE forward. I hope i have found my new forums home here and so far things are looking good i do have some antique appraisal experience and can give my appraisal option to those who want and need it i enjoy giving a helping hand it makes me feel useful because i am disabled i have an extremely bad case of Rheumatory Arthritis in my hands to wear my thumb knuckles are bound to bone already and I have osteoarthritis which is also called degenerative joint disorder pretty much in the rest of my joints so any hand i can give i will give

Thanks for having me

P.S. oh by the way im in Talladega Alabama for those who want to know ,,,, ok Peace Folk

Hello everyone...
Welcome Aboard! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country)...

New England Greetings - to all the T-Hunters extraordinaire! Our group of four underwater historians is the Seacoast Undersea Research Group Expedition, and we're based out of Portsmouth, NH. We're focused upon one high-priority quest: Location and identity of 3 U-boats believed to be on the bottom off southern Maine, and NH. Through our research, we have considerable evidence of their existence, although the 'official' records of the events are still sealed under the highest classifications. Nevertheless, we have enough coordinate evidence, and anecdotical information that we're pursuing those sites commencing this month. Any information you may have that would shed more light onto this venture, will be greatly appreciated! We'll be employing a mag for the initial hits, and once located, identification through prop stampings, most likely. In terms of tangible treasure, these are true grave sites, and our identification of the U-number will be the impetus to contact the GDR, and notify any current family members. Our other projects involve actual treasure, so we'll post our findings as they materialize. Really anxious to connect with folks of similar interest. Cheers! ~ Buzz

Hi I'm Dan, UK based and am really just looking for some information on symbols I have been unable to pin down in pieces of furniture I have acquired over the years.

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