Welcome to the site! Please post an introduction thread.

Welcome from North Central Illinois. 🙋 Good choice!

Hello, my name is Dave, im new to the thread.....and am planning on joining a club as soon as I can find one close, I live in Bartlesville, Ok I am not new to the art of metal detecting I used to own a Garrett Ace and used it in VA around the Remington area I had a friend I worked with that owned 600 acres out side of Brandy Station Va which was the original encampment of the Northern cavalry, the area where they stayed at was called Hansbrough Ridge which was approx. eight miles from Culpeper Va where the Southern armies were camped, both sides were in this are for close to a year before they met at Brandy Station and fought the biggest cavalry battle in the war, Brandy Station was a field hospital for both sides. Hansbrough ridge was owned by Col John Hansbrough who fought with Washington in the revolutionary war, whats left of his house and the family cemetery was on this ridge I was allowed to hunt and metal detect the site and found loads of great stuff...I also took the time to clear and fix up the old cemetery that was overgrown and in disrepair as I am also a paranormal investigator which made it even more interesting....if you have never been in that area Brandy Station is off of 29 between Warrenton Va and Culpeper Va stop in at Brandy Station and visit the graffiti house which is the old field hospital....if you walk across the road into the field you will actually be walking on top of the bodies that fell there during the battle it was short but vicious the Northern army I believe stopped fighting and just left the field and headed towards Gettysburg to secure that area and left the dead and wounded laying on the field the doctors took in the wounded and did the best they could, the dead they buried where they lay....im sorry I get caught up in this stuff lol anyway im Dave and im new here and am looking for a club close to me which is close to Bartlesville Ok I found one in Owasso and sent them a message but have not heard back, if anyone wants to reply I would appreciate it if you could contact me via my email because im musician and am on the road touring at times.....

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Hi All
New guy here, both to this site & detecting. Semi-retired & looking forward to a new hobby (adventure). I will receive my new Garrett AT Max tomorrow - lot to learn

Welcome from North Central Illinois. 🙋

Hi, new here this morning. Found a nice stone point on the beach in Wellfleet, Massachusetts. Wondering if anyone can help identify its age. I'll have to figure out how to post some photos as I am new to this forum.

From time to time I have found other stone tools and some shipwreck debris. Also restore houses up to 300 years old so I have found a few bottles, carved wood dolls, clay pipes, etc. I collect rocks and hope to find my fortune under one some day...soon...

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Just joined, lurked a while researching PI machines as you American guys/girls know your stuff.

Im Jersey based (the original one off the coast of France) and hunt history only on the beaches...I'm not interested in coins and rings...each to their own.

Only been detecting since 2015 and used a DFX to start, then a few VLF's before realising I needed a PI. Got a C Scope CS4PI as they are great value, it found me loads but decided to upgrade to a TDI beach hunter a few months ago.

Liking its added depth although my back doesnt:sadsmiley:


Welcome to TreasureNet Bully from Southern California!

This is my first post as a new member. I look forward to chatting about the world's greatest hobby. Talk to you soon!

Let me greet all of you here...Best luck to everyone!

Kind of bypassed the intro with my first find post. Based out of Baytown, Tx swinging a Garrett AT Max. My daughter came up with the name. She is 8 and is foaming at the mouth ready to start swinging her own machine. Good luck with your hunts this year guys.

Welcome Aboard kaimdaim! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country). You might also consider adding your state (or country) to your displayed profile (SETTINGS -> EDIT PROFILE).

Hey everyone!

Checkin in from small town Northern California. I am a wedding photographer and planning on starting a YouTube channel dedicated to this great hobby of Metal Detecting! I am looking forward to learning from each and every one of you as I learn this craft. I am brand new to detecting and hope to chronicle my learning and findings with the YouTube channel. Have a great week and happy hunting!

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