Hi, there...
Hello all, Chuck from socal...
Welcome Aboard! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forum: Select Your Area.... for information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country). You might also consider adding your state (or country) to your displayed profile (SETTINGS -> EDIT PROFILE) - members may have more success helping you (your location may help, etc.)...![]()
Hey.....from British Columbia Canada, in the Cariboo region...
Hey ya'll. Coming to you from Central NC USA...
Hello from Wichita Falls Texas.
Hello, from the Tampa Bay area in Florida. This is really a reintroduction. I first joined in 2008. In 2013, my wife and I moved to Southern California to help take care of some family. My last post was in 2014. Unfortunately, my wife had some severe medical problems that escalated to her passing in 2020 (not covid related). To say it was a rough year, besides the pandemic, I recently decided to come home. 2 hobbies fell to the wayside, fishing and detectoring. I don't have a rod or detector again yet, but I'm working on it. Actually, will have to wait until I can get back to work. I checked and my account was still active, so this is my start returning to metal detecting.
New member here from Virginia...
Hello from Owensboro Kentucky... Looking to find a local metal detecting group in western Kentucky or southern Indiana...
Hello everyone.