Hello everyone,
I am DD from Bodston Massachusetts. I have tyhe same name on CoinTalk as well as Youtube. I do post vids on YT if you care to look. Hope that is ok to say.
I am an avid Metal Detectorist, CRHer, and over all self proclaimed coin nut!
I am currently working on finishing my modern US Coin sets (Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter, Etc) as well as working on my my Canadian Coin Set.
As far as metal Detecting I swing the AT Pro, Coin Master (rarely) and the New addition Nokia Simplex (machine is a beast at the beach!)
Recently had a 3400 plus coin spill (not really a spill, just a lot of coins in a small area) this past weekend. Sadly no silver or Wheaties. That was a bit shocking. I did find 39 Quarters, 39 Dimes, 18 Nickels and 266 Pennies. Oh and approximately 3 dump trucks of trash (Just kidding not that much, but seemed it...) Do have another area this coming weekend as well.
Well That is all for now, hope to chat with all of you at somepoint.