Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help IDing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***


Oct 21, 2008
Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

I have been told (by an aunt that lives in another state) that I bought these on eBay years ago, but I swear I don't remember, let alone WHY I would've even been attracted to these. They are so creepy to me.
Anyway, I've left them in a drawer and every once in a while I take them out, google the heck out of them, and nothing. I've also tried on numerous occasions to photograph them, and they do NOT photograph well, as you can see.
I originally thought they were candle holders, but I don't think so. They look hand made because of some of the lines I can see, no seams. They are heavy, and some sort of metal. I thought it was iron, because of the weight (I don't know exact weight), but the bottom has a couple spots the eye can barely see of a gold like material. There is a little rust on the 'stand' where it has chipped. There is also A LOT of patina throughout. Even though heavy, they feel fragile like if I dropped them they would break.
Another thing that leads me to believe it is hand made is in the taller statue, inside the 'basket' on his head, there is a 'clump' of whatever metal it is. Almost looks like if a candle burned down and left a clump of wax in its holder, but it is NOT wax, it is the same metal the statues are made from.
The taller one with the basket on his head is 5 1/2", the one holding the basket is almost 4 3/4". Also, I'm thinking there is a reason that the one with the basket on his head has one hand on his stomach and one on his chest (more up on his neck.) The other just has one hand on his stomach because he is holding the basket with his other hand. Both baskets have a pattern on them, some circles and VVVV pattern all the way around.
Both are obviously nude and not anatomically 'correct' although I won't go into detail as hopefully you will be able to see in the picture.
Sorry this is so long but it's so hard to see the details in the pics that you would be able to see with your eyes. There are MANY imperfections and aging that really looks like they are NOT from a mold.
As I've written this and have been holding them a lot, my fingers smell and feel like I've been digging in a bunch of dirty change. I don't know if that helps detect what kind of metal they are made of.
Any help with this would be appreciated. They're driving me crazy!


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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

Depending on the year, ethnic art objects can be worth quite a bit (or not).

Let me check in some of my books and see what I can come up with. Is there anyway you can check your ebay account to see what they were sold under? (name of article).

No markings or anything else?


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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

they look like artifacts from Africa or So. America

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

From the look and the smell you describe they are probably bronze. Roughly cast, perhaps "lost wax" method? Look to me like made for sale items. Hope others can be more helpful.


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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

South American Pecker People? Sorry that I'm no help, just had to post my comment anyway.

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

curbdiggercarl57 said:
South American Pecker People? Sorry that I'm no help, just had to post my comment anyway.

You are TOO funny, you had me belly laughing. Maybe I should put them up for auction with that title:)
As for others, there are NO markings whatsoever.
And I tried to look up who sold it to me, but it was years and years ago (if in fact I even got it on eBay, who knows?) and eBay deletes your 'buys' after a while. I've thought about going person to person in my feedback, but there are like 50+ and I many of them aren't even on eBay anymore.
Thanks everyone!! I hope it IS a good find, and not just made for sale. Any more info is appreciated:)

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

these guys look like art pieces...1940-60ish.
check at the base behind the feet, there should be a makers mark, however faint.
i agree cast bronze.

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

I would not turn loose of those FIVE NINE'S-
you should build a chess set around
those two raw royals.

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing

Ok, I hate to take up more space on this site, but seems as though my cellphone takes better pics than my regular camera. Not better, but it shows better 'color' and 'condition' of these 2 guys.
oledavidboy: I hope you're right!! :) I loved the way you put that!
tulecanyon: I looked and looked, I see 'something' but it looks 'accidental' however it's shaped too much like a rectangle/square (on the taller one, nothing on the little one)...I dunno.
Here's a pic of it (very hard to see, I don't think it means anything): Picture10.jpg
Here's a better pic of bottom of little guy, you can see the chip and rust: Picture6.jpg
This is the inside of the big guy's basket on his head, you can see better: Picture7.jpg
There are also on both guys a tiny pin-sized hole on their arms. If you look inside the hole (which obviously you can't) it is a little rusty and hollow ONLY AROUND THE HOLE, you can see material inside. Here is a pic of that, 1st by elbow 2nd by shoulder: Picture11.jpg
Lastly, because I know my original pictures show a better condition than these guys really are (but honestly, I really don't know what I'm talking about which is why I came to you guys! ??? This is a picture of the little guy's arm which in the way he's positioned should make a triangle, but you can see, (not a great pic), there is some excess metal that I could 'chip' off with a knife (which I won't!): Picture8.jpg
Sorry to take up so much of your time and space, but the original pictures just don't show justice...they make them look TOO perfect. These phone-pics are a little blurry but WAY better REALISTIC colors/condition.
Thanks guys!!

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Agree, the excess metal suggests castings. Probably modern reproduction of African art. Small pecker persons sounds like a good description but watch out where you place the word small. LOL M :D nty

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

It looks like inside the one basket, that there may have been a third small "pecker person" at one time..... :tongue3:.......NGE

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Looks like they might be some kind of incense burner, possibly for fertility. :-\ Maybe call them Yin and Yang or Wong and Wang. :D

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Coulda been some past college students sculpture projects. I know there were some students in the art department that worked with resin sculptures. I would say bronze wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility.


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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Parts of a fountain; pour water into one of the 'urns', the other 'urn' is positioned lower to catch the 'outcome' of the first guy and in turn passes the water. ;D

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

trikikiwi: Tried the water, a couple bubbles came up from the bigger one, but nothing 'passed'. Should it have? You seemed sure...let me know, maybe it's blocked? There's a lot of rust...
I'm getting 1/2 and 1/2 here, some think it's something that was MADE to look 'old' and some think that it IS old. And I say again, I am NOT experienced in this, but what I see is 2 statues that have soooooo many imperfections, NOT just 'enough' that it 'looks' old, but soooooo many that no one would go through the trouble of the things that I can see.
Like I said in my first post, I can't get a good picture of these statues, they look almost perfect in the's driving me crazy! They look in the pictures almost perfect and shiny, with a couple imperfections. If you could see them in 'real', you'd ponder.

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Laurie, I was just guessing based on what I saw as a possible function of the figures. I see no other logical reason for them having the pots and the 'pipes' as they do.

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Now it kinda looks like Marlon Brando, in Apocalypse Now. Wasn't he in charge of a bunch of Pecker People? Ah, the horror, the horror....


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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

I wouldent google that if you paid me.

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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

Ahhhh, if you poured water in the basket, just where did you expect it to come squirting out of?????

And speaking of rusty blockage makes some of us old guys uncomfortable under the circumstances.


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Re: Weird Nude Statues...would LOVE help ID'ing ***BETTER PICS ADDED***

You all are too funny!! ;D
Does anyone know where a 'trustworthy' place I could take this things and have them evaluated/appraised? I really had hopes in selling them, but I'm coming up with nada. All of your comments and suggestions are so appreciated, and I've even tried 'googling' with the added info you all have given, and nothing. It's like these things don't exist.
And now I'm going to say something a bit kooky...and I swear I'm not crazy, superstitious, whatever, and you guys seem like you're a little kooky yourselves, just kidding :P , so I think you can handle it.
Ever since these things 'appeared' in my house, (and I swear I don't remember buying them...I remember EVERYTHING I've bought on eBay and wherever else), we've had horrible luck. Oh yes, I just said that.
Every time something else happens, and I'm talking BAD things, not just stubbing my toe or even a fender bender in my car, serious things like deaths, divorce (not me), serious legal issues, serious illnesses, etc., I think "I need to get rid of those things in the drawer!"
That's why I originally said they creep me out. I swear they are bad luck!! I am religious, so it's totally against what I believe to even think that, but I do.
With that said, and now that you all probably think I'm crazy, I need to get rid of them. But if they're worth anything, of course I don't want to 'give them away'.
Ok, slam away :tongue3:

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