I agree with you - I hated it.
And, as far as sleeping - as long as I can remember - I've been opening the bedroom window - even in the winter - actually - especially in the winter. My father always kept our house hot - 80+ degrees, and, I used to shut my bedroom door, close off the heat register and open my window. I feel like I cannot breathe if its too warm when I sleep. My dad used to have a fit!!
Of course, my "thermometer" is in my feet - as, I cannot sleep without covers, so I just stick out one foot if its too warm, and keep it covered if its a good temperature.
Before we got an air conditioner in our bedroom in Virginia, we had a huge fan put up right over the bed. (and I always had it turned on pretty high).
At least here in South Dakota, no matter how warm it is during the day in the summer, it is always comfortable at night - 50's & 60's.