Was there a KGC influence in the Ozark mountains

Is 13 a significant number on a trail.

The "13" means you are very near a large treasure. Symbol for Goddess Minerva as the letter "M" is the 13th letter of the alphabet.

Thanks franklin. Was wondering about if they used it as a measurement at the NFL of the trail. I've found a pointer at 33 degrees on the compass.

ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1496629600.405122.webp the blaze is 33 on the compass.

View attachment 1458926 the blaze is 33 on the compass.

I would not pay any attention to the pointer. The treasure is where I last posted to you. Look around there for any other markings or signs. Not far.

You should avoid digging around that tree unless you use gloves. poison ivy

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Just use leather gloves and pull the stuff away, I do all the time, you'll be ok. I'd be more on the lookout for timber rattlesnakes and the quiet copperhead, and the pigmy. Got em all around here, so I'm sure you do too. Good leather boots, walking stick, and a sharp eye. Don't forget to look down every now and then, Lol! Just messing with you, good luck, looks like your on track.

Dish soap will cut the oil that gets on you. You have to wash your hands and arms when your done.

Learned that digging ginseng

Been there done that. You can also place turpentine on your breaches legs and the snakes will avoid you, but I would still watch for them. Comes in handy for bee stings also. The best for bee stings is to slap the area and it will stop hurting and iching.

Bee Stings...? Baking Soda will "suck" the "poison" right out... kinda yellowish; Country WISDOM.

I'd love to have a snakesskins of either variety! What's
the turtle doing? The head and neck is out and he's headed directly west from your compass. Go as the crow flies. If you are in this direction you are in front of the treasure not passed it. If you do pass it go to a cemetary looking east! IT'S all Skill not luck.TAKE a picture of the turtle rock if sitting a COPPERHEAD will see you! Look at picture upside down all around!

I know 213 is dead opposite of 33 on a compass. I've found a lot of pointers on a 213 heading. Thinking maybe a line of a lay out of it's all reversed to keep you going away.

I've got many trails to follow. I imagine a lot of them are dead ends. Don't know of any way to be sure if they're dead ends just have to find the next step till they run out and a load of research till it's figured out.

The number

I've got many trails to follow. I imagine a lot of them are dead ends. Don't know of any way to be sure if they're dead ends just have to find the next step till they run out and a load of research till it's figured out.
213 IS A GREAT :headbang:number it is divisible by 3 (71) lbs-or hope not 7+1=8. If you draw the number using lines and you
make THE FREEMASON EMBLEM! THE 3 MAKES AN UPSIDE DOWN BEE HIVE INTO A HEART! The 2 is going 2 is going to make an obtuse curve to form the compass! The 1 is going to be the square! There is no such thing as a dead end trail! The clues are everywhere from any direction ! That's the confusion😁water, old looking concretee, silhouette face, rock hill, that was covered and washed away leaving the rocks! A sandpile or collection of sand forming in a specific location! Look for a birch tree- Anything UNUSUAL LOOKING PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER!
I HAVE THE FAITH- maybe 2 stashes in the area! You just may fall in a cowpile and come up roses!:headbang:

213 IS A GREAT :headbang:number it is divisible by 3 (71) lbs-or hope not 7+1=8. If you draw the number using lines and you
make THE FREEMASON EMBLEM! THE 3 MAKES AN UPSIDE DOWN BEE HIVE INTO A HEART! The 2 is going 2 is going to make an obtuse curve to form the compass! The 1 is going to be the square! There is no such thing as a dead end trail! The clues are everywhere from any direction ! That's the confusionwater, old looking concretee, silhouette face, rock hill, that was covered and washed away leaving the rocks! A sandpile or collection of sand forming in a specific location! Look for a birch tree- Anything UNUSUAL LOOKING PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER!
I HAVE THE FAITH- maybe 2 stashes in the area! You just may fall in a cowpile and come up roses!:headbang:

Good info

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